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    Usar "not do" en una oración

    not do oraciones de ejemplo

    not do

    1. wil never believe she cannot do it – she falls over again and again

    2. shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not

    3. but I can't prove I went over to the coast and not down to Bridgwater? What if no-one remembers seeing me? Fighting down the panic this thought sets off, I try to find of something safer to think about

    4. Gengee City was the second of the four main dams that kept the water in the current lake and not down in the cerrado where it once was

    5. not doing well but some have the capability to turn around

    6. "You need not do this!"

    7. "Ava would not do that

    8. We cannot do it without Jesus

    9. moved and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but

    10. removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart,

    11. removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but

    12. not do it, will you

    13. He was not down there with them filing onto the cold stone benches of Susa on a blustery evening, forced to bear silent witness to pronouncements they hardly supported

    14. Women cannot do this without violating the restrictions God has placed upon them regarding public teaching to

    15. What we cannot do is administer the land

    16. This would not do!

    17. ‘But you’ve not done that

    18. The reception office was unassuming, if not downright unattractive

    19. They do not do that which they were told to

    20. As long as she was in the main thoroughfare it would be difficult if not downright foolhardy for anyone to attack her … but there was a stretch just the other side of the river where the pedestrian path separated from the road, sloping down into a sort of culvert … a subway … if I were going to ambush someone, that’s where I’d choose

    21. Something they had not done in Jodechi

    22. ’ She said laughing, ‘I’ve not done anything particularly interesting

    23. His thrusts were not done with a force to dominate, but more with love to please; and in doing so, he found a pleasure he had never known

    24. You cannot do justice

    25. No longer was there any doubt in their minds as to what they could and could not do

    26. They had poked around with the auxiliary veron store a bit after she disappeared, but had not done any re-mapping or re-routing at either the sensory level or the universe mapping level either before or after

    27. ‘Lintze, this will not do

    28. Their instruments had detected the possibility of naturally occurring condensates but they had not done entanglement studies

    29. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down at the pub watching Manchester City flatter to deceive in wide screen glory, to lock himself away in his room with his computers and his cable links to a very private world of digital opportunities

    30. There’s no reason why we cannot do the actually marrying bit fairly soon … my stomach fizzes with excitement at the thought

    31. When his wife looked at him she enquired as to what the matter was and when he told her she simply said ―this obsession will not do your health any good

    32. He’s not doing this

    33. ” Matai hoped this would placate the angered man, “Has she not done this before?”

    34. That is, when it is not done as a favor but as a win-win

    35. Do not do the

    36. I've not done that for a while now, have I?' I mused

    37. I've not done this sort of thing for a long time

    38. We do get applications from people who could live with family but would just rather not do so

    39. 28For which of you, intending to build a tower, sits not down first, and counts the cost,

    40. He shared his home but not his time, preferring, when not down

    41. Thou knew that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and

    42. This was something that Tom had not done before, and was distinctly

    43. that a lot of this work was actually catching up on tasks not done

    44. Their first inclination is to contact the mother through the Thames Valley force, but so far they have not done so

    45. He probably felt like someone being reprimanded for not doing enough obeisance at temple

    46. She decides that she needs sugar, so she breaks open a paper tube and adds its contents to her tea, something she has not done for nearly twenty years

    47. If they don't follow the rules it's not down to us what happens

    48. And then there are the ones who have headphones and music playing just below the level of hearing … but it’s not done in polite society to strangle people who annoy you on the train, though I confess that there are times when I could kill those particular people

    49. Jorma was glad they were now conversing where sky could be seen and not down in the dark reaches of the Kassikan

    50. We’ve not done this before … can’t justify the expense usually, but David’s cheque makes it possible and you thought it would be a treat …

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