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    Usar "not really" en una oración

    not really oraciones de ejemplo

    not really

    1. “You know, that’s not really true,” Kevin interjects

    2. He could not, and did not really want to, compete with this lifestyle, and Tatania was very much about the lifestyle

    3. "I'm not really here to show off this boat

    4. “Not really,” Vinnie answered, still looking at his notes

    5. "It's not really the colonel you want to save your starship from is it?" she asked, "It's some other starship you fear

    6. “Well, I’m not really qualified to help you with that, Christopher, though I can refer you to a specialist

    7. It's not really very heavy for its size, it couldn't be a treasure chest, all metals are much heavier than that, it's lighter than a section of tree trunk that size and I've moved them with the rockosaur

    8. ‘Not really …’ I replied, casting my mind round the options I have just been considering

    9. They could see the object approaching, but it was not really coming at them as fast as a meteor

    10. While we were packing boxes, we chatted about all sorts of things … she told me some stories about her childhood which were very similar to some of my own memories – not really surprising, we’re both country girls, after all

    11. I’m not really sure

    12. Of course, he’s not really alive any more, they just fixed up the

    13. We are using the large room behind the stage area for changing … men on the left and women on the right with a row of mobile clothing racks down the middle, where we each have our personal designated areas to hang our costumes, giving some sort of modesty division, though to be honest, who the hell wants to gawp? As the play takes place in the present day, the clothes are not really costumes anyway, but, all the same, my character has certain things she has to wear – some my own and some provided by wardrobe

    14. ‘You look shattered, Kate, which is not really surprising

    15. He and Enrico were not close friends, not really much more than acquaintances, but the invitation to ride along on such a mission was interesting

    16. Aban ignored his cell-mate and continued to speak as though Beniamin was not really there

    17. The woman he was contacting was not really a former lover was she? She was the sister of a former lover since they had been lovers after their minds separated

    18. Geranium: It shows that you are not really satisfied with your lover; you had better sort out your emotions about him or her

    19. ‘But I’m not really the best person to describe the differences between our cultures

    20. ’ Angie explained rather vaguely, not really interested

    21. ‘Not really – as I said, we only really heard them

    22. Alan wandered with her, not really having any idea what to look for, maybe an inglethor or something

    23. Jeff was in his early 70’s, about 5’11”, gray hair, a thin face with a small gray mustache, his frame was not large, but not really slim either

    24. ‘I’ve not really thought about it … I suppose it is a possibility … but I’m thirty-eight, Berndt, it might not happen

    25. “What is that? That’s not really a cat, is it? Look at the size of the thing!” The kids were unabashed and very vocal

    26. They tried to climax under water but came up sputtering without really finishing but not really caring because they still had fun

    27. " The one thing that made him think he might not really be guilty of the hack was the fact that he really didn't know how

    28. As I read through my notes, yet again, the telephone on my desk rings and, almost grateful for the distraction, I pick up the receiver, not really concentrating on it

    29. ‘Not really thought about it,’ he said, sticking his head round the door

    30. 'Not really,' Omi said

    31. Faced by something that he did not really understand,

    32. He does not really care if the boy learns piano or not, but feels it is immoral taking the money and not giving the lesson and it bothers him

    33. he asked, “are we not really brothers? This great country has seen a

    34. ‘I’ve not really thought about it

    35. “It’s not really different times, it’s different echos, copies of the land are created for each generation or so, depending on how many die

    36. Things that happen to you do not really determine

    37. I’m tempted to ask her about Bunty but decide that it’s not really the time nor the place and anyway, she probably didn’t know her very well

    38. “Not really, but the problem is your extreme sensuality

    39. The market square at Alnwick was not really a square at all, more

    40. “Not really, she’s been polite but has not conversed

    41. Tom was not really listening

    42. ‘Not really – it was just the same old stuff most of the time

    43. On the old quay, but it's not really your sort of place

    44. He lead them on for hours, not really

    45. “Not really, I’m going to follow up that lead up beyond Chardovia

    46. he did not really follow the details

    47. “We should not really be here at all, but we had to warn you

    48. "Not really", Billy answers, feeling the skin stretching across his bruised and grazed knuckles as he tries to make a fist

    49. He’s not really very smart in finance but the guy who also answers his door actually does it

    50. A bit later, having changed out of my office kit and into something decidedly sloppy and comfortable, I stand in the kitchen … food … need something to eat … what’s in the freezer? … don’t fancy that … or that … oh dear … is there anything in any of those tins … no, not really … cooking for one can be pretty mindless at times

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