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    Usar "not serious" en una oración

    not serious oraciones de ejemplo

    not serious

    1. They tried to help each other and the other survivor since none were free of broken bones and I was the only one not seriously bleeding

    2. But I’d not seriously considered it until I went to visit Tracy at Danvers House, I’ve not had much to do with kids and her daughter, Poppy, was something of a charmer

    3. ‘That’s the solution? They’re not serious?’ Jean was

    4. ” She tenderly touched his face as she tried to convince herself that it was merely the fantasy of an old man in the heat of the moment and not serious at all

    5. It was still seeping blood but otherwise did not look too serious, at least he hoped it was not serious

    6. I took a couple of hits and so did Bert but they were not serious in fact I had been hit in the hand and could see the small shrapnel ball under the skin

    7. My gut feeling, well developed in the mean streets after five years, said it was not serious and we could relax a bit

    8. While I explained as best as possible that it was not serious, his mother remained unconvinced and distraught

    9. and were not seriously injured” stroking her hair “we are still waiting

    10. “I suppose it has, but not seriously…?” Trent begged to understand, he really did

    11. Khevasiah was not serious

    12. In fact, cover of bodily injury is not serious, only left eye blindness, left facial palsy, but posture, movement and speech safe;In mind, but he changed personal, his doctors have a very

    13. "[60] Of course referred to here are the encounters of anger, antagonism, and resentment that may occur from time to time on life's journey – not serious cases of bodily abuse and so forth

    14. Well, not seriously

    15. He had been wounded, but not seriously

    16. This was because it seems that in Belarus they are not serious,

    17. Smiling to let her know that he was not serious, he handed her over to his friendly wife who showed her to a comfortable bedroom and left her alone to rest

    18. “Well, Lorna, has everything been finalized? Did you enjoy spending my hard-earned money?” He said it with a smile in his voice to show that he was not serious

    19. painful, but not serious

    20. In the meantime, using them did not seriously obligate her in any way

    21. The bump was not serious but they both jumped out to have a look

    22. If she’s not serious then you will know before you’re all the way back home

    23. The risks are not serious

    24. I am sure that Leonardo's intentions with her are not serious

    25. Feedback is of little worth if it is not seriously considered and

    26. ‘That’ll be followed immediately by an official demonstration of NumbaCruncha by the Emperor and Empress, who will be transported instantaneously across the Arena and copulate in front of the entire population—in case anyone should think the gods are not serious

    27. Although she had a friendship with a man it was not serious and would not lead anywhere, unlike their mother and Laurence who were a couple

    28. “Oh! Your not serious” Matthew said realizing he was travelling in a stolen car

    29. I enjoy going out with Denis once in awhile, but we both know it’s not serious

    30. He cannot seriously be the sheriff can he?”

    31. He was the one apostle who did not seriously undertake to evaluate the popular outburst of acclaim

    32. If the defect is not serious, the embryos will live and carry the mutation; when the animals mature, their off spring will have the ability to inherit the mutation as well

    33. "It's not serious," protested Viktor

    34. �You are not serious are you?� Ian asks with real hope in his voice

    35. ‘Surely you are not seriously thinking that I can be held by a drunken promise I made thirty-five years ago?’ Musab raised his eyebrows to confirm that he did indeed expect just that

    36. The child had a medical condition that was not serious but caused her to be under the right weight for her age and her size

    37. “She have accident with leg, is not serious

    38. “General, you are not seriously thinking about going on this mission, are you?”

    39. ‘’Sir, you are not seriously thinking that a real She-Hulk killed those four men? The She-Hulk is a purely fictional character, after all

    40. I woke in the night the storm still thrashed and howled with a madness I had never dreamed of, although the storm did not seem to have abated, I was called by nature so I had to leave my cosy little hole, not seriously thinking anyone would be out in this kind of weather never the less I was still very wary, I looked all around but I could sense no danger

    41. Resisting us will, however! If you refuse to give us your financial codes, then we will be obliged to inflict pain on either your spouse or your children, or even kill them if you think that we are not serious

    42. Unfortunately, as you know already, this came at a steep price for us: on top of Schiffer being killed, Prendergast was wounded, albeit not seriously

    43. What had kept them? And while on the subject Rudolph had pressed Vidich to explain if there was ever a time when any level of fraud was not serious

    44. ‘’Crew-wise, I lost one young member on Mars during the fighting for Ares City, plus had one more young member wounded there, but not seriously

    45. Almost six months were about to elapse and I was not serious in my studies

    46. It is as we think due to intense support of Zulimistan Zamaril is not serious to solve the on gong tension in the region

    47. “You are not seriously considering sending women in space, General? The environment in space is way too harsh to expose a woman to it

    48. There is a natural tendency to cop out of this responsibility by being either overly serious (playing the mountebank) or not serious enough (playing the dilettante)

    49. information, you can probably assume that they are not serious and terminate

    50. The wound looks worse than it is “ I nodded, glad that she was not seriously

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