Usar "nutritive" en una oración
nutritive oraciones de ejemplo
1. The sweets that 1 have mentioned are manufactured by a process which destroys all their nutritive elements
2. Although they were far from being edible in this embryonic stage, they still embodied nutritive calories
3. She thought that if God wanted pasteurized milk he would have developed it so directly from the cow, without going through so many chemical processes that subtract the nutritive properties that the own creator placed within the udders of the animal
4. that it provides all the required basic nutritive elements
5. The microbial growth in the samples over which Al’lah’s Name was not pronounced resulted from the existing of a nutritive medium in the meat which was the blood
6. educator, Karen emphasizes and informs her clients on the value of nutrition and assists them in creating original and innovative meals that are tailored to their specific nutritive needs
7. Think of those meals of aliments which that Hand merciful with you was making for you, how It was increasing their nutritive proportions a moment after moment and a meal after meal in a way agreeable to your growth and your advancing in years
8. just like fast food fills the stomach but is rarely the most nutritive alternative
9. And, moreover, Madame Lefrancois, one must know botany, be able to distinguish between plants, you understand, which are the wholesome and those that are deleterious, which are unproductive and which nutritive, if it is well to pull them up here and re-sow them there, to propagate some, destroy others; in brief, one must keep pace with science by means of pamphlets and public papers, be always on the alert to find out improvements