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    obedient to oraciones de ejemplo

    obedient to

    1. Moreover, will also show that you are obedient to Him

    2. When you are obedient to the Word of God and trust God in any

    3. But we ought to be obedient to His

    4. When we are obedient to the Spirit of God, humble

    5. all started when He was obedient to follow the Spirit’s leading

    6. and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross (Philippians 2:3-8)

    7. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them

    8. They were obedient to the end, he thought; and then realized he was no less so

    9. “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power” (2 Tim

    10. 45 Strangers shall submit themselves to me, as soon as they hear; they shall be obedient to me

    11. 26 And when the prophet that brought him back from the way heard of it, he said, It is the man of God, who was disobedient to the

    12. neither were they obedient to his law

    13. 25 Therefore even then it was altered into all fashions, and was obedient to your grace, that nourishes all things, according to the

    14. He was usually obedient to God: more about this below

    15. willing to be obedient to the Lord they - and we - will be blessed with the return of

    16. 22 Nevertheless they were not obedient to him; but spoke against him, and

    17. Lord our God, and have not believed him, nor put our trust in him, and we were not obedient to him, and we have not listened to the

    18. of Israel, because they were not obedient to Judas and his brothers, but thought to do some valiant act

    19. obedient to that one, and that there was neither envy nor emmulation among them

    20. 3 But, as for Abel, he had a meek heart, and was obedient to his father and mother, whom he often moved to make an offering, because he loved it; and prayed and fasted much;

    21. 16 And Nimrod fled and returned in shame and disgrace to his land, and he was under subjection to Chedorlaomer for a long time, and Chedorlaomer returned to his land and sent princes of his host to the kings that dwelt around him, to Arioch King of Elasar, and to Tidal King of Goyim, and made a covenant with them, and they were all obedient to his commands

    22. 3 But as for Abel he had a meek heart and was obedient to his father and mother whom he often moved to make an offering because he loved it; and prayed and fasted much;

    23. and that they committed their government to one man every year, who ruled over all their country, and that all were obedient to that one, and that there was neither envy nor emulation among them

    24. Discipline was also learnt in His childhood days when He was obedient to those in authority over Him

    25. 16 And Nimrod fled and returned in shame and disgrace to his land and he was under subjection to Chedorlaomer for a long time and Chedorlaomer returned to his land and sent princes of his host to the kings that dwelt around him to Arioch King of Elasar and to Tidal King of Goyim and made a covenant with them and they were all obedient to his commands

    26. 8 Pull you off then the hair of your head and throw all evil on them for they have not been obedient to my law but it is a rebellious people

    27. 22 Nevertheless they were not obedient to him; but spoke against him and imagined vain things; 23 And deceived themselves by their wicked deeds; and said of the most High that he is not; and knew not his ways: 24 But his law have they despised and denied his covenants; in his statutes have they not been faithful and have not performed his works

    28. 61 So was there a great overthrow among the children of Israel because they were not obedient to Judas and his brothers but thought to do some valiant act

    29. It was told him also of their wars and noble acts which they had done among the Galatians and how they had conquered them and brought them under tribute; 3 And what they had done in the country of Spain for the winning of the mines of the silver and gold which is there; 4 And that by their policy and patience they had conquered all the place though it were very far from them; and the kings also that came against them from the uttermost part of the Earth till they had discomfited them and given them a great overthrow so that the rest did give them tribute every year: 5 Beside this how they had discomfited in battle Philip and Perseus King of the Citims with others that lifted up themselves against them and had overcome them: 6 Now also Antiochus the great King of Asia who came against them in battle having an hundred and twenty elephants with horsemen and chariots and a very great army was discomfited by them; 7 And how they took him alive and covenanted that he and such as reigned after him should pay a great tribute and give hostages and that which was agreed on 8 And the country of India and Media and Lydia and of the goodliest countries which they took of him and gave to king Eumenes: 9 Moreover now the Grecians had determined to come and destroy them; 10 And that they having knowledge of it sent against them a certain captain and fighting with them killed many of them and carried away captives their wives and their children and spoiled them and took possession of their lands and pulled down their strong holds and brought them to be their servants to this day: 11 It was told him besides how they destroyed and brought under their dominion all other kingdoms and isles that at any time resisted them; 12 But with their friends and such as relied on them they kept amity and that they had conquered kingdoms both far and near in as much as all that heard of their name were afraid of them: 13 Also that whom they would help to a kingdom those reign; and whom again they would they displace: finally that they were greatly exalted: 14 Yet for all this none of them wore a crown or was clothed in purple to be magnified by it: 15 Moreover how they had made for themselves a senate house in which three hundred and twenty men sat in council daily consulting always for the people to the end they might be well ordered: 16 And that they committed their government to one man every year who ruled over all their country and that all were obedient to that one and that there was neither envy nor emmulation among them

    30. 42 Now when Tryphon saw Jonathan came with so great a force he durst not stretch his hand against him; 43 But received him honourably and commended him to all his friends and gave him gifts and commanded his men of war to be as obedient to him as to himself

    31. 15 O blessed old age and reverend hoar head and life obedient to the law which the faithful seal of death perfected

    32. 25 And his kinsfolk used to go every year to Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover; And when he was twelve years old they went up according to their custom to the feast; And when the days were accomplished they returned; and the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem and Joseph and his mother knew not and they supposed that he was with the children of their company; And when they had gone one day's journey they sought him beside their people and those who knew them and they found him not; so they returned to Jerusalem and sought him again; And after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers hearing them and asking them questions; and all who heard him wondered at his wisdom and his words; And when they saw him they wondered and his mother said to him My son Why have you dealt with us so? look I and your father have been seeking for you with much anxiety; And he said to them Why were you seeking me? Do you not know that I must be in the house of my Father? And they understood not the word which he spoke to them; And he went down with them and came to Nazareth; and he was obedient to them and his mother used to keep all these sayings in her heart

    33. " "Why then sir" I said "did not all these repent?" He answered "To them whose heart He saw would become pure and obedient to Him He gave power to repent with the whole heart

    34. 1 Abraham who was called the friend was found faithful in as much as he became obedient to the words of God

    35. 4 Since I called and ye did not listen and prolonged my words and ye attended not but made my counsels of none effect and were not obedient to my reproofs therefore I will laugh at your destruction I will exult when desolation comes on you; when perturbation has suddenly come on you and ruin is at hand like a whirlwind when tribulation and oppression comes on you

    36. 2 For joy and rejoicing will you all afford us if becoming obedient to the things that have been written by us you put an end by the suggestion of the Holy Spirit to the unlawful wrath of your discord according to the supplication which we have made concerning peace and unity in this epistle

    37. They are shrewd in business, acute in reasoning, thrifty, religious, sober, charitable, obedient to parents, reverential to old age, amiable, law-abiding, compassionate towards the helpless and patient under suffering

    38. our CEO, and many others that have been obedient to those things that

    39. In order to receive Salvation you have to have Faith and be Obedient to Christ’s teaching in the New Testament

    40. It is one who is Obedient to Christ, a born again Person is a Faithful Believer in Christ and the Word of God

    41. Saved Christians are obedient to the WORD

    42. Although John had endeavored to comply with the restrictions of his vow regarding contamination by the dead, he doubted that he had been wholly obedient to the requirements of the Nazarite order; therefore, after his father's burial he went to Jerusalem, where, in the Nazarite corner of the women's court, he offered the sacrifices required for his cleansing

    43. Be ever obedient to the Father's will

    44. Each one of the twelve was reacting in his own peculiar way to the events of these closing days of Jesus' ministry in the flesh, and each one likewise remained obedient to the Master's injunction to refrain from all public teaching and preaching during this Passover week

    45. “He (Jesus) went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them; and his mother kept all these things in her heart

    46. The purpose of our witnessing is to be obedient to the

    47. of our witnessing is to be obedient to God in planting and watering the

    48. All are devoutly obedient to Him, Originator of the Heavens

    49. proud and was one of the disbelievers (disobedient to

    50. fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the

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