Usar "observational" en una oración
observational oraciones de ejemplo
1. "It is hard to believe they could be so ignorant of our observational capabilities," the unnamed one said
2. "Nothing that you've done so far is on solid theoretical ground, and your observational technique is novel
3. “No observational studies have been made
4. , and then assumed a more observational role for the rest of the meeting
5. A wall of simple questions, names and dates and observational logic
6. ? Anyway, Charles Darwin was a renowned English naturalist of the 19th century who studied plants and animals through observational rather than experimental methods and arrived at the conclusion that all species of life have descended over time from a common ancestry
7. “And you know what is unique about this photograph?” Paul continued as if to take pride in his observational skills
8. Let’s hope the Kyrioi don’t have the observational skills of a twenty-year-old cognate,” Clarissa grumbled
9. Anita had some observational skills of her own, or so it seemed
10. Bandura's cognitive social learning theory emphasizes the observational learning process,
11. --, observational learning process is a fast gain skills, attitudes and ideas of a shortcut, the shortcut can in a short time, let's get a lot of social environment information, skills, attitudes and ideas
12. Observational learning process like
13. It contained our entertainment areas, a large, observational lounge and the ship’s mess hall
14. The observational lounge was a room of my own design
15. 2) an observational judgment that is inconsistent with that theoretical expectation
16. partially preconfigured with an infant observational theory
17. upon observational findings, for observation is another name for the very thing the illusionist
18. Yet as an observational thinker, Democritus noticed that our world, although
19. Faith Is unwavering belief in the truth and validity of one’s adopted premises and conclusions without any observational testing by anyone to either verify of falsify the truth and validity of those premises and conclusions
20. There is, in fact, observational evidence for this shrinkage (Standish,
21. observational process to such an extent that hypothetical processes and functions are a necessary
22. The police officer praised her for her observational skills and asked if she had any idea who it might be then
23. They sat still, almost entranced, with a deeper observational mindset than normal
24. The inhabitation of the past is observational, one of analysis and counterfactual ad hoc 63
25. His focus was distorted and his observational skills were diminished
26. For example, about two-thirds of the 93 observational studies examining the relationship between religiousness and depression identified by the authors revealed that the more religious individuals had lower levels of depressive symptoms
27. This discovery was the first observational support for the Big Bang theory, which had been proposed by
28. Once we observe as fully and clearly as possible, we can move consciously and freely to next level of our observational experience, our response to our observation: "How am I feeling about what I have observed?
29. Clarke that served as the initial inspiration for 2001’s artifact-left-behind-by-ancient-aliens storyline—but internally, I was wondering if my father was experiencing confirmation bias or observational selection bias, or one of those other biases I’d learned about in my AP Psychology class
30. Fully rational behavior requires quite complex calculations from Homo economicus, prompting the alternative idea that investors exhibit bounded rationality—rationality that is limited by their cognitive resources and observational powers