God is Omnipotent: This means that God is All
Whole generations eventually die out, omnipotent dynasties are finally wiped out -it is just a matter of time
If it was that omnipotent, she could only play anyway, so she might as well proceed as if there was not a diagnostic port in her soul
Then the Elusivers: imperious and omnipotent to his younger self, but not without benevolence, showing him what was intended to represent the sum total of human experience
Who needed God now they were omnipotent?
and keepers of the omnipotent Source,
At that time, he thought of old school days, when it was said that God is omnipotent, omnipresent and something else
The axiom of Christian theology is that God is omnipotent as well as omniscient
And so many more deny the power of that most ancient of paradigms even as they reluctantly accept the reality of this Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Magnificent Obsession!
• The power of God, omnipotent and omnipresent, is an expression of His intelligence and wisdom, reflected in the order, balance and functioning of creation
Besides, if God is omnipotent, he doesn’t need servants
He didn’t think it mattered what we believe, since an omnipotent god could not be offended by his creations
What is projected is a judicial imperium, in league with a glittering “international community” of omnipotent judges, joined with the internal forces of an ascendant Civil War
stroyer of this world, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent
This time, the State's power will be unlimited, omnipotent
Maybe an eternal, timeless, immaterial, omnipotent, and benevolent god might do the trick
In the realm of theory there was a conspicuous discrepancy between the Jewish belief in the Divine choice of the Jewish nation and in its glorious future on the one hand and on the other the present reality of the Roman Empire’s omnipotent rule
Upon God's omnipotent
A friend of mine reminds me that I am not omnipotent
It is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent
“And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
omnipotent his omnipotence is total and he knows no form of impotence
omnipotent, because such an affirmation is at the basis of such persecutory
parents we have had: it has to do with the omnipotent desire that every
omnipotent desires onto reality
woman beside him; this is how the mental category of the omnipotent
omnipotent woman who does not need a man and ends up castrating
Why? Because we are not omnipresent and omnipotent gods who can see the end result of every action we take in the present
And if anyone thinks that’s an unreal bit of doublethink, compare it to the mental contortions religious people get into in order to prevent themselves freaking out at believing there's an invisible, omniscient, omnipotent fellow who not only made the entire universe, but is personally interested in their sex life!
It's omniscient and almost omnipotent in nature
Enough games! Is this any way for an omnipotent and omniscient being to behave?! Not that it matters—there is no 1 for you to answer to
Our God is omnipotent and bounteous
In all her travels, she had never documented an omnipotent being
omnipotent grace in the Father’s election, the Son’s redemption, and
Since God is omnipotent, He will accomplish whatever His will is
How could Judas disobey the command of the omnipotent
the omnipotent God is in control of these events, if He truly wanted
But there was still a cap between those and the growth of the yelm tree, caused by the omnipotent presence of the yelm tree’s trunk
She used it to effectively slow down the bleeding, but the pain was omnipotent
If God is omnipotent, then he determines your actions, and if that's the case then you can't help being bad
Nothing is set in stone – things depend on the throw of some mystic dice, or, if one is so inclined, on the will of something greater than the sum of its parts, an omnipotent gambler, so to speak
that is always there, and began from one omnipotent and never-ending
was to believe in an omnipotent god which is of itself
“And how far did your vision go?” Faye asked with hesitation, as though she was fearful of having some deep, dark secret revealed by the omnipotent eye of this woman
Finally, the connection was made between the Underwoods and this apparently omnipotent woman who was possibly biased against Terence due to her relationship with the young woman who had recently met with an untimely demise
There is a premise that God is an all-powerful omnipotent being in a place called heaven
“Indeed it will be,” Lady Jane agreed with a confident and apparently omnipotent tone in her statement that served to end their discussion
But I know that faith in our omnipotent God and yourself is the key to prevail in the end
Looking to his left, he noticed the life-size portrait of the regal gentleman in dress of an age long gone, residing in an unnatural shadow from the lamp, watching the scene with a contemptuous and omnipotent gaze as though he were insulted by the intrusion and unwilling to offer any assistance to the detectives
He had been taught by the Omnipotent God, therefore his high knowledge was topped by the greatest sacred manifestations so that it excelled all the worldly ones
world is regarded as real, Brahman is spoken of as its omnipotent and omniscient Creator, Preserver and Destroyer
of their omnipotent eyes!
In short, what real personal choices do we have when any choice we make directs us through the omnipotent corporate state that no matter what name is manifested to identify it - it is driven by the same thing, making money off us
Narcissism is a defense mechanism whose role is to deflect hurt and trauma from the victim's "True Self" into a "False Self" which is omnipotent, invulnerable, and omniscient
Any suggested help, advice, or concerned inquiry are immediately cast by the narcissist as intentional humiliation, implying that the narcissist is in need of help and counsel and, thus, imperfect and less than omnipotent
They idolise him or her and make him or her feel omnipotent, immortal, "larger than life", omniscient, superior, and sui generis (unique)
The False Self is everything the narcissist is not: omniscient, omnipotent, charming, intelligent, rich, or well-connected
He felt as if he should bow down to this omnipotent being
“Well, then, if God is omnipotent, He could stop bad
God, being omnipotent,
Here was an outstanding exponent of the Hindustani classical music who, being a devout Musalman, and in spite of the Quranic injunctions against idol worship, was wont to sing in ecstasy before the Deity of Sarada, the goddess of learning, in the hill temple at Maihar! Though his religious dogma would have him not to bow but to Allah, his theological wisdom enabled him to grasp the truth that the Omnipresent Allah would be present in the Hindu Deities as well; and so he had seen the falsity of the Muslim fallacy in making the Omnipotent Almighty a captive of Islam
“I don’t care how omnipotent they are
truth, the yogi who has attained to the omnipotent, eternal God lives in
Is not the agreement between these trees and the travel of winter and summer a sign which indicates a great Provider and a wise omnipotent Creator?
If you use your thinking well, you will know that it has a Grand Creator, an Omnipotent Steering, and a Knowing Provider
My reasoning was that if these omnipotent, planet-sharers were so cagey about what they were doing, they were probably doing it in out-of-the-way, less-noticeable places more than anywhere else and I’d have a better chance of catching them at it in one of them, than in “BO-ville Glen” (formerly Central Park), where curious New Yorkers and tourists could observe them more easily
Should not you know that there is a Grand Creator, an Omnipotent Director and a Merciful Provider?
believe that there is a Grand Creator, a Wise Provider and an Omnipotent God of this world
I wonder, who has decreed this course for the earth and moved it in such regular way? It there is no indication in that to a wise Creator and Omnipotent Provider?
If you speculate on them deeply, you will deduct that there is a great Creator, a wise Disposer, and an Omnipotent Steering
The Omnipotent rotates them according to a strict discipline
Remember that day when you will be called to account between the Hands of that Omnipotent Provider and Grand Creator!”
What we understand of this verse is that the One who supplies all these worlds with life, the Omnipotent, will call all people to stand between His Hands
Is not this an indication of a Grand Maker and an Omnipotent Provider of a great favor?
If man looks at himself and ponders on the amazing organization of his body and how this body with all its limbs and systems was in its origin nothing more than a semen that is formed from unworthy fluid, then if he contemplates the creatures which God spread on earth and found in this universe, seeking faithfully to know the truth, undoubtedly he will realize the Greatness of His Creator and get an intellectual belief that there is a Wise Provider and an Omnipotent Maker
Is that who has raised on high the thickness of this heaven and arranged it not an Omnipotent Provider?
In the following verses, this Omnipotent Provider, the Source of this arresting creation reminds us of the hour of death and with the day when we will all return to Him
” Byron’s head, filled with the near omnipotent power of a fraction of Death’s, failed miserably to gauge whether this was meant as truth or retort
Being the near omnipotent plaything of the personification of Death: not real
If you use your thought well, you will know that heaven has a Grand Creator, an Omnipotent Steering Force, and a Knowing Provider
Should you not know that there is a Grand Creator, an Omnipotent Director and a Merciful Provider?
I wonder, who decreed this course for the earth and moved it in such a regular way? Does this system not include an indication that there is a Wise Creator and Omnipotent Provider?
If you speculate on them deeply, you will deduct that there is a Great Creator, a Wise Disposer, and Omnipotent Steering
worship the unknown Omnipotent Creative Cause of our species
the presumed Omnipotent Creative Cause of our species and the other particulars of the primary
“And what is this omnipotent boogyman?” Urit believed he was staring at it, both as scion of AI's and progenitor of VAI's, yet this HIV was invisible although detectable
Then, our Master Adam (cpth) asked them about the meaning folded under God's Supreme Attributes like, the Omnipotent, the Patient, the Omniscient, the Commissioner
Zeus is powerful but he is not omnipotent and he also must keep in mind that Poseidon is hostile towards Ulysses
The car crashed into the tower, but the Omnipotent God caused it to fall in the opposite direction to the car so that, at the hands of the Most Kind, the All-Knowing One, all the passengers escaped with their lives
Poseidon, who is Polyphemus’ father besides being the god of water, is another representation of the phallic, omnipotent mother who wants to impose her will to dominate her son at any cost
At that point it is he who has complete power over his life, instead of the omnipotent mother object
There will be only longing and passionate love in a situation of truth before the Generous Grantor and the Omnipotent King
It is that which made this world an abode of deeds and a path to the other world where the heavens and rivers, as previously mentioned, are in a situation of truth before the Generous Grantor and the Omnipotent King
There is the pleasure of identifying with the omnipotence of the mother to guarantee one’s own possibility to be omnipotent
From here we can understand that we still have plenty to face with Poseidon and that we must decide to sacrifice our pride and our hatred, our megalomanic, omnipotent I , as well as our fetal I that wants nothing to do with detaching from the past or with giving up its thousands of types of complicity with the devouring mother
At this point, they move to a higher class, when they realize that there is an omnipotent Provider whose actions support them and keep them alive
One method of consciously utilizing this omnipotent power is outlined in Week Seven, which I have the honor of transmitting herewith
When you have become thoroughly conscious of the fact that Mind is the only creative principle, that it is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent and that you can consciously come into harmony with this Omnipotence through your power of thought, you will have taken a long step in the right direction