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    Usar "on credit" en una oración

    on credit oraciones de ejemplo

    on credit

    1. Preachers, be sure and give the congregation credit for providing a list of men that

    2. She would sell on credit and buy on cash - the first

    3. The usual instrument of commerce having lost its value, no exchanges could be made but either by barter or upon credit

    4. They have generally consumed so great a quantity of goods, advanced to them upon credit by shop-keepers and tradesmen, that they find it necessary to borrow at interest, in order to pay the debt

    5. Buying and selling upon credit, and the different dealers compensating their credits with one another, once a-month, or once a-year, will supply it with less inconveniency

    6. They do not always send more money abroad than usual, but they buy upon credit, both at home and abroad, an unusual quantity of goods, which they send to some distant market, in hopes that the returns will come in before the demand for payment

    7. These causes seem to be other monopolies of different kinds: the degradation of the value of gold and silver below what it is in most other countries ; the exclusion from foreign markets by improper taxes upon exportation, and the narrowing of the home market, by still more improper taxes upon the transportation of goods from one part of the country to another ; but above all, that irregular and partial administration of justice which often protects the rich and powerful debtor from the pursuit of his injured creditor, and which makes the industrious part of the nation afraid to prepare goods for the consumption of those haughty and great men, to whom they dare not refuse to sell upon credit, and from whom they are altogether uncertain of repayment

    8. She walked back to her computer and did a run on credit card payments by Stuart

    9. He probably made a million credits or star-bucks a year

    10. The movement on credit or debit of the corporations in the Current Account “Personal” makes to originate or to die the Virtual Coin “Real”

    11. The movement on credit or debit of the beneficiary people in the Current Account “Personal” makes to originate or to die the Virtual Coin “Utilizational”

    12. He flew in a private jet and to offset this pollution and the energy consumption in his three homes (fourteen thousand–plus square feet) he paid for carbon credits to a firm, it turned out, he partly owned!

    13. The carbon credit scam is being investigated for what it is

    14. For many dads they are barely able to cover for these basic financial needs without having to rely on credit cards for help

    15. As originally conceived, the program emphasizes skill development in speaking Spanish and gives lower division credit for the courses completed

    16. At the Winslow airport, the bales of MJ that were tossed out along the runway as he taxied to the terminal were picked up and placed into a mint new Dodge station wagon just purchased on credit from his pal, the Mesa owner of Jack Ross Dodge

    17. he purchased on credit during the week, so Clark cashed the

    18. We have paid this on credit two plus months ago

    19. He purchased the drugs and was willing to let those who were worthy of trust ride on credit

    20. Business runs on credit

    21. So I join the guys and do some laps and of course the morning"s topic is about me bringing the drugs in and how they can be hooked up, on credit of course

    22. This did not stop me, first I sold 10 pound the first few days out of prison which I had picked up on credit putting a couple of thou in my pocket

    23. The community used Federation credits for its currency

    24. It will be hard to always make timely payments on credit card bills and other things when inflation is so passing incomes in this country

    25. 7 Trillon dollars on credit lines on cards for this year

    26. If you find yourself paying interest on credit cards, cut them up

    27. People generally know if they have good credit or not even without the report in hand, but it would be recommended that you get a copy of your report and check for things that you may have forgotten about and just to see if there are any mistakes because mistakes on credit reports do happen

    28. And on a personal level, my family, like the majority of middle class families would not have managed without the help of credit which they extended to us; my mother’s beautiful clothes were made in the Jewish quarter and purchased on credit advanced by the seamstress

    29. obvious wasting of money, stop buying frivolous things on credit,

    30. Banks charge interest based on credit worthiness which

    31. billion credits, some very powerful people could have had their hands dipped in the jar

    32. ‘’One last thing: have an extra ten million credits wired to Captain Forster and tell her that it is a reward for her and her crew for a job very well done

    33. On this run, my cargo was worth over 141 billion credits, more than the worth of your whole navy

    34. Our CEO has thus authorized me to credit your ship’s account with the sum of fifteen million credits as a reward for safeguarding this shipment

    35. 246 billion credits to your ship’s account as soon as all these crates are moved out and on their way to our ground installations, Captain

    36. ‘’Hell, for four billion credits I would suck that thumb with pleasure, mister!’’

    37. First, you may all know already that our latest cargo has earned us a huge shipping fee equal to a bit over four billion credits, plus an insurance reward of fifteen million credits and another ten million credits bonus from the Vesta Consortium

    38. Each permanent crewmember of this ship will as well see soon an individual bonus of one million credits transferred to savings accounts in your names at the Jovian Credit Bank on Callisto Prime

    39. living on credit was the trial

    40. On top of that, you get an additional bonus of four million credits reserved for any future refit or shipyard maintenance work on the KOSTROMA

    41. The goal is to get into debt, spend, consume on credit hooked now feed the tax machine of the 2 party system, no two parties just the JUSTICE party…

    42. For this reason credit for the

    43. Borrowers can be assessed for risk in an objective way based on credit payment history so credit can be allocated more efficiently

    44. Suddenly she screamed and then forcefully yanked on Credit’s arm

    45. The capitalistic greed that conspires to sell carbon credits to continue polluting will collapse the perennial ecoeconomic infection by killing the consumers themselves through the very toxic air, sterile land, and poisoned waters they produce

    46. Don’t let customers buy on credit

    47. Here’s another idea, see if you can buy tools or equipment on credit

    48. bureaus are aware of this common credit repair scheme and have

    49. Restrictions on Credit to Companies for Buy-back of their Securities

    50. A rough mental calculation put the value at a million credits

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