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    Usar "one or the other" en una oración

    one or the other oraciones de ejemplo

    one or the other

    1. There were seven hundred fifty six soldiers aboard the Al-Harron, about evenly divided between intelligence and astrophysical engineers with all the specialties reporting thru one or the other

    2. Artemis (Greek) was the goddess of hunting, and the protector of small animals (don’t you get one or the other?)

    3. Neither one had come to him during Noonsleep, one or the other had been up, the one who slept was between Alan and the one who was up

    4. these are not labeled as singular to one or the other but instead these are

    5. George and Belle greeted them as if they were returning family, indeed Harry had made so thorough his frequent mention of one or the other of the Spelmans that they did consider them more than mere acquaintances

    6. Although she had shared cabins with traveling companions met the day before, they had been adults who seemed normal and there had been no promise other than bunkmates until one or the other of them changed their mind

    7. Hipolyta strolled with Kaitlyn, or sat, or read stories with Mandy, sometimes one or the other had the privilege of caring for Hannah during their companionship

    8. Whether the one or the other of those two events may happen to take place, is of very little importance to the real wealth and prosperity of the world, to the real value of the annual produce of the land and labour of mankind

    9. parliament supported one or the other according with

    10. Some subsequent formularies represent the manner in which he supposes this distribution is made in different states of restraint and regulation ; in which, either the class of proprietors, or the barren and unproductive class, is more favoured than the class of cultivators ; and in which either the one or the other encroaches, more or less, upon the share which ought properly to belong to this productive class

    11. Should the sovereign have the imprudence to appear either to deride, or doubt himself of the most trifling part of their doctrine, or from humanity, attempt to protect those who did either the one or the other, the punctilious honour of a clergy, who have no sort of dependency upon him, is immediately provoked to proscribe him as a profane person, and to employ all the terrors of religion, in order to oblige the people to transfer their allegiance to some more orthodox and obedient prince

    12. Thus one cannot believe in Evolution and the Bible at the same time and one needs to choose one or the other

    13. seemed like I was almost constantly in the air, flying to one or the other of our outlets, flying back, then flying on to another one

    14. It was one or the other

    15. Yet it is a fairly simple application of Boolean logic, where all questions are boiled down to yes or no, one or the other

    16. Shadows and Lone Dove were wrapping themselves in their finely embroidered deerskin shawls, and he suddenly understood that one or the other of them…in fact all of the women folk, would be looking at the skin for some new item of clothing or other

    17. Instead of one or the other, she only managed a crooked grimace which was either or and stood next to the table with her hand on the map

    18. Images of one or the other in completely disorder

    19. What I am curious to know is: How do you really view yourself? As one or the other? As both? As neither?”

    20. I have to choose one or the other

    21. He replied that while that was true, history had shown the papa leaning to one or the other of the kings

    22. “The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate

    23. It is the circumstances we meet which causes one or the other, or, more likely, both to flourish

    24. Then they created a belief in one or the other, and without these

    25. power that we have to be able to decide if we will follow one or the other

    26. are using one or the other of these physical vestures; they both belong to

    27. one or the other, by choice

    28. Put one or the other

    29. Half a second"s delay would have seen one or the other of us, probably both, smashed against the foundations with chunks torn from fleshy bits

    30. Sometimes one or the other dominates through the story but both are essential for a satisfying narrative

    31. The Chinese and North Koreans are mortal enemies of Japan and one or the other will eventually attack us

    32. On the basis of this force, a struggle is activated between the numerous microbes for the assertion of one or the other; a circuit is activated to let the strongest of these microorganisms survive (in a certain moment)

    33. clinical models focus on one or the other of these aspects of human experience, which,

    34. 1 am not advocating one or the other of these world views, but simply pointing out that both are socially

    35. Their close circle of friends, most of whom are former lovers of one or the other of them, aJJ

    36. Well, in my book, you can’t have it both ways – it’s one or the other

    37. But the conscious mind can choose one or the other, and I choose to be

    38. was always one of the two or in some form of one or the other,

    39. My close friend and I chatted most of the night, hashing as many particulars of God that either could come up with, and every time a subject was disseminated, the Spirit would show one or the other, and sometimes both, a revealed meaning of the scriptures

    40. Jung’s notion is that each of us has a preference for one or the other

    41. It had to be one or the other

    42. It’s either one or the other, but rarely both simultaneously

    43. across one or the other you’ll know it

    44. ‘Do you think Pedro is the dominant one or the other way around? You know, when they are doing it

    45. Once in a while the battery on the collar of one or the other dog would die and the animal would be free to move beyond the electronic fence which kept them in their yard when there was no such power outage

    46. Ghost Hunter knew what I was doing, and several times he entered his spirit body to try to stop me, but he couldn’t stop me and still keep fighting at the same level—it was one or the other—so he eventually stopped

    47. holds will have one or the other

    48. No one else—man or woman—can tell you when to do one or the other

    49. and whip one or the other of the two farm horses, but this is the only memory I have of my paternal

    50. Though paper sheet music and digital recording both give rise to an orchestral production, a bodymind fed one or the other gives rise to a slightly different spiritual integration, i

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