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    Usar "ongoing" en una oración

    ongoing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Decisions are something that you make in your own mind on a constant and ongoing

    2. Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician

    3. The investigation is ongoing, but a name was mentioned

    4. He likes to have ongoing payments

    5. "The one certainty we have here is the ongoing lucrative trade in skin and body parts and the occasional interception of goods in transit

    6. For the whole voyage this had been an ongoing struggle and it was coming to a head as they approached the target

    7. The work of the local church is an ongoing work and even if there are elders we need not content ourselves with saying that we need not be concerned over

    8. This might be one of the more ongoing romantic ideas that your special partner

    9. Many of these rebel females worked in the large hangers that built the spaceships used in the ongoing battle with the Ogatu

    10. As we walk round to the pub, he tells me about the project he is currently working on in connection with the ongoing disaster with the Arts Centre building alterations

    11. 'It's left me with an ongoing hatred of coffee machines

    12. He was born near the turn of the 52nd century, he’d never known the fear of years, could never feel what countless generations had known, that they had a finite count of decades, not centuries, and not much over twenty, and then they were dead like a tentacloid instead of remaining an ongoing process like a celluloid

    13. “I couldn't help but to have noticed your ongoing athletic pursuits of late,” he remarked evenly, “and I was reminded of a story that was already old when it was told to me as a boy

    14. “We won’t keep you long,” he said, after quite a few minutes oratory and introduction, “We’d just like an ongoing report on your investigations

    15. They toured the site and inspected the facets of each their own interests and requirements, chatted pleasantly, and generally kept up with each other's ongoing pursuits beyond this project alone

    16. Students: please be aware that you can also access the Room-of-Doors if you know you were once in a past life with either me or Dan, then you can help, these records are ongoing, that means they are continually being upgraded, so you can access them anytime

    17. Every person involved in delivering supplies is licensed and subjected to ongoing personal testing

    18. The saga of obtaining an exchange student is still ongoing

    19. It is ongoing content that you present at a

    20. Joe had settled into a job as real estate agent after finishing High School, but by the time he was in his mid-thirties, the housing market had become a hard sell for him because of ongoing problems in the nation’s economy and the banking sector

    21. "There was never any gun trade," Arkaneh interrupted him, unable to listen to any more of his ongoing ramblings

    22. With Blackburn's case closed, Edward was notified that he was being reassigned to work with Vernes on the Tri-Surgeon case that was still ongoing

    23. You continue to care about what happens, but you do not allow events and ongoing circumstances to disturb your happiness, peace, and equanimity

    24. Our attention is used to focusing automatically on the thoughts and perceptions that arise in our minds, and automatically attends to our ongoing story or narrative

    25. This ongoing story involves sense impressions of everything happening around us and inside of us, in real time

    26. It is firmly identified with the ongoing story of our lives

    27. The ongoing drama that represents what we call our lives is kept going, kept spinning, by us, and only by us

    28. will be recycled into another use in the ongoing evolution

    29. There was also information about damage to various parts of his shell, and the ongoing repair sequence to each of those

    30. Nor should we forget the current President who sides with Argentina in the ongoing controversy over those islands

    31. “I only know that she wishes to avoid being made responsible for your ongoing treatment

    32. ongoing for nearly fifty years, but now under the new name of

    33. But perhaps the longest example of ongoing presidential ideological blindness is the question of government regulation in daily economic life

    34. something that lasted four days, but an ongoing experience

    35. Among the instructors there was a never-ending, ongoing, all-engaging feud to prove who was the best

    36. She had largely lost interest in society life, becoming so deeply involved in several ongoing affairs and the happenings of San José’s nightlife scene, that she felt she couldn’t simply vanish the moment François arrived at the airport

    37. How could he now deny that it hadn’t been him who ordered them executed? It was right there in the paper: ‘Captain Flores of the national police stated in a press release that the OIJ was working closely with the Port Authority of Limon Police Department in its ongoing investigation of the slain Officer Enrique Segovia for cocaine trafficking in Limon Province

    38. ’ There had been no ongoing Port Authority investigation of Segovia: when he mentioned the name to Gordon, he had barely recognized it! Additionally, the Port Authority Police were being publicly credited with beating the feds to the source of Limon’s cocaine: exactly Gordy’s stated goal and Captain Flores was Gordon’s man in the OIJ, on his payroll for years

    39. Raul’s post with the Nicaraguan embassy was to locate war refugees living in Costa Rica, and offer them the opportunity to return home with full amnesty and the right to claim a plot in Nicaragua’s ongoing land redistribution program

    40. Unless they have an immediate and ongoing opportunity to put it into practice then it can be lost

    41. ongoing exposure to that situation

    42. That's a tough thing to try to do, to put people in front of people with disabilities on an ongoing basis

    43. Not to mention there are ongoing issues that demand my attention and there’s little precious time

    44. And the ongoing investigations, these are promising leads

    45. Instead of indignantly falling so low as to disgrace himself in the middle of an ongoing battle, he simply waved his adjutant to come closer

    46. working on the ongoing construction developed an infection of foot

    47. “During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and part of northern Africa in 645–692…by AD 664 the Islamic empire had reached its greatest expansion

    48. There has been an ongoing controversy over what effect Man’s activities are having on the environment

    49. “During the first century after the Hegira (AD 622–722); the Arabs, in ongoing campaigns, many lasting years, conquered Syria (AD 634–642); the Sassanian Empire of Persia in 642; Armenia and Mesopotamia in 644, and much of northern Africa in 645–692

    50. Years / ongoing wars / new wars

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    Sinónimos para "ongoing"

    on-going ongoing