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    orion oraciones de ejemplo


    1. They were coming straight up the Orion Arm on the way home, everything, snowflakes and stars included, was orbiting the galaxy in this direction, Sol was eleven light years ahead of 61 Cygni in the galactic orbit

    2. This ‘animal’ they are inside of ends when the stars get thin on the outside of the Orion Arm

    3. Above: Orion, Leo, Ursa major surrounded by myriad suns too numerous to count, but at least a hundred of those visible containing planets with viable atmospheres for life

    4. A spacial anomaly first appearing in the very outer edge of the Orion arm

    5. Orion explained that they called this symbol the Krielden sigil, the symbol of the Power of the Saviours

    6. Orion also explained that the Black Wolf half of the disc represented the Shadow and the taint, and that the White Fox half represented the Power of the Light

    7. Orion and Tobin seemed most concerned with training Adem and his friends to wield the Power and use their weapons

    8. Orion and Tobin appeared in the hallway behind the figure of light as more ghostly figures flowed around them

    9. The two kings and two queens stood flanking them within the protective barrier, Tobin wielding his sword Stonebreaker that glowed with green fire, and Orion wielding his golden blade Tigerclaw

    10. In his other arm, Orion held the Harp of Souls, a golden instrument that fit neatly in the crook of his arm; an angel spreading its wings for the structure of the Harp

    11. Orion held the Harp of Souls to pluck the three strings again

    12. Tobin and Lydia sat at the head of the table in the centre with Orion and Elmira to their right

    13. Orion showed a keen interest in Adem’s phone – which he called a ‘crystal box’ – and Adem asked the king to take a photo of him and Jean together

    14. Elmira smiled warmly at that, and Orion took several photos after Adem had photographed the two kings and queens for some time and showed them the pictures

    15. Orion walked to Adem’s left with Tigerclaw hanging at his hip though the King of the Torvellen was dressed in Alit’aren black with a dark-gilded wolf mask

    16. “Be warned, Adem,” Orion said in his deep tones, “a woman so fair may steal more than your heart if you give in to her seduction

    17. “Drink, dance, be merry, and enjoy the celebrations!” Orion shouted to the people with his arms in the air

    18. Orion had told them that they would all suffer elements of the taint in time, though Adem was always likely to show the first signs as he was already the most affected before arriving in Kismeria

    19. Most of those words were spoken in tones so hushed not even Orion and Torin would have overheard

    20. Orion had said victory would be achieved when the Dark One could be trapped in the Underworld and sealed there as his prison

    21. Tobin and Orion were there for the afternoon meal, so the tables were filled with dishes that would have eventually made their way into the mouths of hungry servants

    22. Orion had explained that Guardians obtained a kind of fortification of strength, endurance, and magic, from the earth, the Power that was in the earth

    23. Orion said that great flows of the Power were embedded in the soil and sand of Kismeria, in the rivers and lakes, in the plants and trees, and in the wind and the clouds

    24. Though, he was not surprised when Orion clasped a hand over his left shoulder to say, “A fine speech, Adem Highlander

    25. Orion took another large gulp of his dark ale before wiping his moustache with a wide grin and a sparkle in his dark eyes as he replied, “Of course, of course, you need your rest after such vigorous training

    26. He wanted to ask Orion and Torin for names of the men with the dark auras though he didn’t want to point or give away the fact that they had his attention for any reason

    27. He decided not to mention it to Orion or Torin until they were out of earshot of the men, though, when he did tell them, Orion stopped to look back over his shoulder at the Nordics Adem had described

    28. ” Orion wore an expression of open rage as he stared at the backs of the retreating men

    29. “They were planning murder, Wil Martyr,” Orion replied calmly

    30. Adem had not drawn his blade yet, nor had his friends or Orion

    31. The Guardians with swords closed the gaps around Orion and Torin, along with the other four Alit’aren, who stood guard around Adem and his friends

    32. The idea seemed to dawn upon Orion as he shouted, “If that is so, they are innocent men! We cannot kill them! They must be arrested and sent for trial!” The Guardians began rounding up the survivors and marching them into a line

    33. Still, so many immortal men attempting the assassination of King Orion and the Sons of Odin would seem to be an act of evil more than simply madness

    34. It wasn’t until they were all assembled; however, that Orion explained that they would not be taking any of their weapons into the Archways

    35. It was explained that the Great Angels could not survive in this ‘Shadow Realm’ as Orion called it

    36. “It is the Realm of the Dark One,” Orion said

    37. “It is not the real Lower Realm,” Orion continued over him, “but a mirroring of that reality

    38. One thing Orion had also explained over previous months was that Earth and Kismeria were linked dimensions, not distant universes divided by endless space; they were the same planet, or two planets very close together, split, as are many other worlds by filaments smaller than atoms

    39. What these changes would be he did not understand; however, he assumed it meant Arawn would be smaller and weaker, perhaps more human, as Orion had explained that the Dark One’s Power was turning the Great Angels into creatures of the flesh

    40. Adem argued this point with Orion and Tobin for days following the meetings in the War Chamber, and although both kings agreed, it would be wise to draw up a proclamation that ensured capture was the first method of approach against mad Alit’aren; the dangers to their armies outweighed the cost of those few lives

    41. Tobin and Orion often spoke of ancient battles as if they had been there

    42. Tobin and Orion rode to the left of Adem and his friends in black coats and breastplates

    43. Adem looked to Orion and Tobin to see that their faces were troubled, as were Torin’s and Kailus’s

    44. He thought he could have maintained them for longer if he were linked with Carl and Wil, though Orion had warned they were not ready to risk holding so much of the Power

    45. Orion and Tobin were at his side on their dark steeds minutes later, Tobin saying, “You must rest, Adem Highlander

    46. He waited for his friends to climb down from their saddles before he said, “I will speak with Orion and Tobin

    47. “You should be resting, Adem Highlander,” Orion said in his deep tones

    48. Carl and Wil joined him on their brown horses not long after, and then they were joined by Tobin and Orion, Torin and Kailus, all mounted and wearing armour over their coats

    49. And if so, was it a vision, or a Reading, or did she simply sense the nature of his illness which was enough to intimidate her into hiding from his sight? She had some ability to see the taint, or at least the illness that infected his mind before he learnt to wield the Power, though Orion and other close confidants insisted these were one and the same thing, the taint and his illness

    50. Orion and Tobin’s tents, as well as the Saviour tents and various nobility, were within the Ael Tarael camp, spread throughout various rings of tents that belonged to Guardians or wielders, both male and female

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