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    otic oraciones de ejemplo


    1. She didn't say anything more, but looked around the camp, noticed the planks providing privacy around the digester and seemed to approve

    2. I noticed they can be a lot more monogamous than we are

    3. She noticed a fisherman about a thousand yards out had turned his glass on her so she waved and posed

    4. "Whatever papers there are in that lock box, I've looked at them a dozen times and never noticed

    5. If you believe that your work has been used in a manner that constitutes copyright infringement, please follow our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement as seen in our Terms of Service here:

    6. The officer remembered me but had not noticed anything unusual in

    7. " He had noticed that only twice with her, but this was now a strange place and he remembered that Noonsleep was dark at YingolNeerie

    8. Have you noticed the kinds of

    9. I barely remember Earth and when I try to picture it in my mind today I notice the fields covered with ribbonleaves and archwoods shading the houses

    10. Have you noticed that those two part dramas beginning on Sunday

    11. I noticed that the volume of noise in the adjoining seats had lowered and eventually I whispered “Do you

    12. If your parents noticed you were hanging out with kids that maybe didn’t have the same values your

    13. So who did he want to share this sunshine with this dawn? That girl heading north, why did her face spring to mind, just because she was so exotically Elvish? It had been years, she was a cartoon in his mind now, it had been two meals and a sleep

    14. He poured some and leaned back, but soon noticed the sound of distant thunder

    15. “I’m just glad I could help on such short notice

    16. stay calm and composed in the mist of chaotic

    17. The new regulations are a chaotic patchwork of the labeling laws that states are currently using or want implemented

    18. Underling and slide him the report without anyone noticing

    19. He noticed that he was still clutching the door knob with a straining hand

    20. She withdrew her hands from his butt, not noticing they'd gone there till she noticed it wasn't returned

    21. He noticed her staring out of the corner of his eye and looked directly at her, at which point she looked away

    22. "Did you notice there is someone in my life that's important to me?"

    23. As Nancy looked closely at Bread Crumbs, she noticed that there was a small speaker attached to the collar around her neck

    24. At one point, some child noticed him watching and pointed to his window

    25. Johnny and Ackers were standing beside her, but Nancy couldn’t help thinking that they were all in danger just for being this close to the group, which was currently sparring with a robotic army and, as far as Nancy could tell, each other

    26. ” Janet’s husband hypothesizes that she does this because she is a neurotic bitch with a withered vagina

    27. Another thing that you should notice here is that, the

    28. As they searched for the hidden inlet, she noticed a plank-up on the beach that wasn't here before

    29. “Oh my,” he said as he watched it all while holding the Super Chip up in his hand for anyone to notice

    30. Zinc: This exotic element is just as important as the top three (NPK) without which the plant would die

    31. She was disappointed with herself for noticing that the fact that he had kidnaped her only added to his appeal to her body's glands

    32. Johnny was about to agree when he noticed the three guards that stood between them and the nearest exit

    33. One needs to notice the tiny pinpricks of ship's lanterns receding into the distance

    34. Henry doesn't remember noticing it in the cupboard since then

    35. All the other androids, noticing their companion had fallen down, immediately stopped what they were doing and turned their lidless eyes to Scar

    36. "What is that supposed to mean?" he asked with heat, but noticed a girl halfway across the courtyard

    37. There are many natural fungicides that are used to control Downey Mildew, Rust, Black Spot, Powdery Mildew and other exotic diseases, but by now you should get the idea that the basis for regaining the health of the roses and other plants is to regain the health of the soil

    38. I stare at the water remaining in the glass I am holding … but that is ridiculous … absurd … it would mean that Dan would have to be psychotic or something … wouldn’t it?

    39. The an important word here is “Exotic

    40. “Exotic” diseases can be directly correlated to the lack of “Exotic” trace minerals

    41. Usually it is an absence of, rather then the presence of these exotic minerals that triggers the effect (which is the disease)

    42. ‘That’s easy, Liz … a load of stuff was lent out for a themed party of some sort, and we know that Dan was involved in the collection … in fact Henry didn’t check over the stuff until quite recently which was when he noticed the gun was missing

    43. Doctor Salvatore told him that he wouldn’t be able to sing and would have to rely on antibiotics

    44. He noticed that the map was an eye-copy of an old handwritten scrap of paper, more evidence that there was plenty of money involved in this deal

    45. Every time you notice that your mind has wandered off the breath, notice what it was that took you away and then gently bring your attention back to your belly and the feeling of the breath coming in and out

    46. that’s just it, Molly, my tenants have given notice … they’re moving out next week, in fact

    47. ‘Yes, I’m renting here and what with the job situation I don’t feel comfortable not having any income … I think I shall have to give my landlord notice and move back to my house in Bridgwater

    48. The Ava that courted them wasn't listed as Yingolian, he noticed that

    49. ‘Liz’s tenants have given notice

    50. I noticed the signs on the bridge suggesting that those in need call the

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