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    out for oraciones de ejemplo

    out for

    1. Any ambitious up and coming actors / actresses should watch out for

    2. I stuck it out for a good while, but it was making me ill … in the end, I let my house out and moved away

    3. Low foundation walls that allow close to the earth to wood contact are the main areas to look out for as these are prime conditions for the termites to enter the house

    4. Yet again Stephen comes to my rescue, grabbing a handful of tissues from the box I keep in here and holding them out for me

    5. ‘That’s easy, Liz … a load of stuff was lent out for a themed party of some sort, and we know that Dan was involved in the collection … in fact Henry didn’t check over the stuff until quite recently which was when he noticed the gun was missing

    6. Emma’s obviously on the lookout for me as, by the time I have parked the car on her drive, turned the engine off and got the driver’s door open, she is waiting to give me a hug

    7. ‘No, though I went out for a couple of hours this afternoon … I don’t think there was anything on the answerphone

    8. "I'll keep an eye out for it

    9. No amount of money could have induced him to carry this out for idle curiosity or vanity

    10. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face

    11. Bolt begins to search frantically about for his Koran

    12. out to be quite a long evening, he listened out for the strange creatures of the night but

    13. The leopard was out for

    14. I’ve put fresh towels out for you

    15. "Me and Michael had been out for about 20 minutes and we were just passing the spot where the body was found

    16. I was boxed in the head and got knocked out for how long exactly I don't know

    17. We’re always on the look out for an intelligent secretary …’

    18. ‘Ditton said she was out for the count from the moment he found her

    19. worked in a tower on the walls of the city to look out for invading enemies

    20. “I’m just trying to look out for you sis

    21. they may have is a godly eldership who will look out for their souls

    22. ‘No, I haven’t heard about that – I’ll look out for the list

    23. The atmo sparked all around them as Horcheese called out for the redsuits to sound off

    24. Naturally, there are still lights on in one or two of the houses – this lot never sleep from what I can see - and Henry waves across at us … he’s taking Buster out for a late night walk

    25. It must have… It took all his nerve not to call out for the Lancers to attack now while there was still half a chance

    26. So, good and early on Christmas Eve (so that we can park without too much trouble) we pile our passengers into the cars and set out for the church

    27. Then he speaks, "I thought what you said about forces beyond our walls that I had yet to understand

    28. He tries searching for her with his mind before finally calling out, "Misery!" The hollow emptiness that follows, swallows him as he holds out for an answer

    29. All thru it the crew sat and watched, the men of the council all had their pistols out and kept an especially sharp eye out for whispering among the rank and file

    30. The guard began to cry out for help

    31. Sometimes God calls us out for something bigger that what we’ve known

    32. Song could be heard from the other end of the temple, calling out for

    33. Her eyes busily scanned the people in the vicinity, on the lookout for anything that might be threatening while Angie referred to the little map Iain had drawn for them

    34. How many of us truly believe that God is out for our ultimate good? How many of us are able to whole-heartedly believe that God the Father means that His greatest desire is to see us successful? And what is success in His eyes? I believe that success in His eyes would be from the realm of eternity

    35. ‘As I thought, Berndt’d worked out for himself what I meant about Angie – he’s confirmed that she’ll be accepted

    36. Reality kicked in as she cut a plateful of sandwiches for lunch and, by the time she was ready to set out for the bus stop, normality – as she knew it – had reasserted itself again

    37. All in all there are about forty two islands between here and where the swamp starts, so we have to guess early which path to take

    38. Luray was polite enough and seemed friendly enough but then how far out of her way would she go to save him? Maybe they would tell anyone they saw heading this way to keep an eye out for him and point the way home for him, but he didn't see any reason why they should want to mount a big rescue operation

    39. If he had taken a few minutes to think like a mature adult at any point along this descent into fantasy he would have realized that this could never possibly work out for him

    40. She set the table, and put butter and jelly out for him, and then took the biscuits out of the oven

    41. She screeched at them and they spread their wet little wings and flapped about for a bit

    42. There hasn't been much wilderness in this style for a couple centuries, it's been soil-mined out for those mechanized farms

    43. There is a herd of deer and moose about forty minutes flying time to the north

    44. “Dunno mate, but I reckon, we could sneak out for a beer or 2 at

    45. She took the box from him and held it out for Steve to see

    46. Regularly update the daily assignments you have done over the last four weeks and continuously look out for new and challenging assignments

    47. "People take up about one thousandth of a square mile each," Desa said, about forty million square miles for all of us

    48. "Smash the fangs, watch out for the tentacles, don't let it grab the club," were the last intelligible words he heard

    49. ‘You were certainly out for the count

    50. Among the things to look out for are: the possibility of demarcation lines – lines that show which part of the face received treatment and which did not, redness, irritation, and other side effects

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