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    Usar "override" en una oración

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    1. Layout pages, can define sections, which can then be overridden by specific views making use of the

    2. Part of him was struck by the incomprehensible desire to turn and hold her, but it was overridden by an annoyance that she had given him no answers, only more questions

    3. These depressions were formed by the extreme weight of the ice cap itself forcing any weakness in the land that they had overridden to sink farther than the surrounding terrain

    4. IGRP’s assumption that all serial lines run at 1544 KBPS is overridden by the bandwidth

    5. With computer's in control this error should not have occurred and Grailem wonders if the programming had been overridden

    6. computer link directly and see if it could be overridden

    7. Maybe this wasn’t done because the veto could and probably would be overridden

    8. A part of man, which is given by God as natural, wants to hear that which He is speaking, and so hungers for His voice, but when heard, is easily overridden by the wickedness and doubts of this world

    9. The copyright laws in this document can only be overridden by the consent of the author of the book, John Ishola Olafenwa

    10. However, the chance to help her mother had overridden everything

    11. We won't spend a lot of time related to that area, but a miracle involves the breaking of a natural, or it means that the natural laws are overridden by the realm of the spirit

    12. The order to place the table "in the body of the church" is never attended to by any one! Custom in this matter has completely overridden the rubric

    13. With an abrupt and courageous movement, I see my eyes, it´s a confrontation: an apology for the many I have hurt and cut out of my life on earth, for those I have overridden, or the honest ones I have cheated or I have deceived the unfaithful ones

    14. is overridden by other constituents of tea, such as flavonoids

    15. Briefly, some vicious twisted spirit had entered them and had overridden their fear of me

    16. Their twisted boughs, stooping to the ground, were overridden by a clambering maze of old briars

    17. Mondragón, whose attempted interjections Falk had overridden, frowned

    18. For Melodía the usual dinnertime hubbub in the banquet hall was abruptly overridden by ringing silence

    19. Rob’s astonishment that Karyl had shot something other than Lucas’s killer was almost overridden by amazement that he had missed the monster’s eye

    1. They were actually pirates, and they valued Archimedes for his ability to predict the most efficient way to loot ships and override human beings' living patterns

    2. Since Ava wasn’t around to catch him, he keyed in some override codes and enabled administration rights to his desk eye

    3. He hits the manual override button and sets the initial shock to two hundred joules

    4. The conversation was then interrupted by an override

    5. Some beings can feel pain, and some can override it

    6. think that could override her

    7. out, as it is linked deeply to your survival instincts and has the power to override

    8. Absent these conditions, it is difficult to sustain motivation and psychological well-being, unless the individual has sufficient inner resources to compensate for and override the lack

    9. However, we can to some extent override our instinctual reactions, and direct our attention at will

    10. completely override 23 hours and 45 minutes of

    11. ‘Not that that should override the logic of our objective

    12. Even if it did refuse there were ways that the ship’s captain could still override it

    13. Now he had to hope that Roidon’s security override was still holding, that the hanger exit would not shut before he could leave

    14. That was where Armion played his part, sending the codes that fooled the system into believing authority override had been given

    15. ‘Zeradas,’ she called, ‘can you override this – or at least give me a code

    16. It would be no surprise if his pod's subsystems had a separate interface for manual override

    17. ‘You are only here because of my demands, and the threat to override the TIAR program with something

    18. He had to use this knowledge to override the protocols

    19. Gerrid checked for a pulse, but the man had died: the massive dose of neural stimulant coupled with the sudden release from TIAR was inevitably fatal; yet for someone who lived for dangerous missions, staying in his mentally induced prison cell (an override program the Darangi had created for captives) was never an option

    20. ‖ Such carefree attitudes conveyed by teachers and school administrators oftentimes serve as self-fulfilling prophecies; whose (passive) acceptance continues to (willingly) lend its moral support to sexual tolerance; notwithstanding the waving of white flags seeking to override parental authority by withdrawing the support of schools that consider it their public duty to ―properly‖ instruct their (own) children

    21. Formal attempts to override its essential features, in whatever manner, will not alter the infallibility of its designs; that is to say, make it any less true

    22. Operational security should always override freedom of the press in our view

    23. Indeed, but it is not really of much importance these days as the “white man’s law” override it in almost all instances

    24. How much longer is our nation expected to fill the coffers of rogue nations that routinely utilize its (oil) revenues to finance our destruction! One can only hope that once public concern supersedes its off-handed complacency by making its presence felt in Washington, that its (collective) impact will hopefully override the perennial lip service that oftentimes passes itself off as a genuine commitment to solving this dilemma

    25. It is not my intention to marginalize the importance of classroom instruction and the vital role it plays in promoting academic achievement but to point out, rather, that the many decisions these students will eventually make in their professional careers will oftentimes override the limits of classroom instruction

    26. Electric blue can override any other colour in the Aura, when the person is receiving and/or transmitting information in a telepathic communication

    27. give Congress the opportunity to override a veto with a two thirds majority Bush has issued the signing

    28. “A program override,” he says

    29. It was in that case, as we have seen, that the Court assumed the authority to override congressional enactments, though there is no such authority in the Constitution

    30. Sabin led them rightly, his fear of staying alive, override any loyalty that he felt to the Deity

    31. She weighs seventeen tons, comfortably holds six occupants with form-fitting lounges, has state of the art Alliance communications and weaponry with sentient override, ablative and solar/atomic shields, a personal communicator with telepathic activation, a galley with life support for 23 Station cycles, space and terra safety gear for six, and her system is programmed for language recognition and translation

    32. ways a person could override this powerful, intrinsic urge: either

    33. who – it was hoped – could override their instinctual impulses

    34. my survival instincts trying to override what I know is true

    35. find a way to override us, can amend the information without our

    36. The only time we sin, is when we allow sin to manifest in our soul and override the life of God in our spirit, causing our soul to sin (1 Pet

    37. Instead what happens is that we allow the sin in our soul to override the life of God in our spirit, and it can then lead our body into sin

    38. if Calvin were somehow unfit to command the ship, Major Jenkins had the power to override his command codes

    39. Only you have the security access to override that lockout

    40. "System Override Alpha Victor One Whiskey Bravo Niner

    41. there is a boss, and one cannot cancel, forget about or override the boss

    42. It was plausible, he thought, that Intel Wing—who had jurisdiction over the Nighthawk—might contradict and override an order from Fleet Command

    43. fields) override the normal laws of chemistry and physics They compel

    44. Parliament to override the High Heels and pass laws

    45. Parliament to override the High Heels and pass

    46. ‘Have your Mages learned after a thousand years? The sad truth is that sapiens, like all evolved animals, are not able to override their evolutionary imperatives

    47. stresses the fact that a lot of our beliefs are learned from other people and those learned beliefs can actually override our natural perceptions and instincts

    48. This new chip would enable Grailem to totally override their systems; and they would then only obey his instructions

    49. Suddenly they stop and stand like statues appearing to stare at each other as the Arct override their programming

    50. “Can you override their instructions and divert us?”

    1. As a result, they still possessed some of their former intelligence, though their desire for flesh often overrides their intellect

    2. "And lets say I wanted to replace one of its algorithms with a connection thru to one of mine over here," she brought her own med panel up, showed him her overrides and let him see her running instance laid bare in a debug screen

    3. Once access had been gained to its control overrides, there should – according to what was essentially an operations manual – be a way to simply shut down the TIAR program

    4. If in any given year Congress overrides

    5. when connected to a high-level voltage, overrides nor-

    6. 3 Religious teachers must always remember that the spiritual sovereignty of God overrides all intervening and intermediate spiritual loyalties

    7. The hero overrides the tragedy of his possible death

    8. The presence of this second parameter overrides the value set in $config['encryption_key']

    9. cache_override: This overrides the _display_cache() function,you can use this if you wanted to implement custom caching functionality

    10. The most gentle thing in the world overrides the most hard

    11. overrides, everyone hoping to have their passage to and fro expedited

    12. When received the computer overrides any command and

    13. We describe this as being startled – and this overrides the background noise and allows us to focus on what we are hearing and process it accordingly

    14. The mental way of man overrides the physical way

    15. The part of your mind that is ruled by emotions overrides the part that operates by logic

    16. I their mutual compatibility as females overrides the differences in

    17. the period of the Cyrenian taxation, overrides the

    18. “You are looking at processes of inter-dependence where coincidence overrides the intentional actions of the parties involved

    19. This can be illustrated by the reverse pyramid of the arena: where the importance of a few overrides the importance of the collective whole… while the collective whole gives all their motivation, passion, intensity, interest, time, and energy to the few

    20. this need often overrides all others

    21. ‘Is there a master code that overrides the individual codes?’ Ben stared at the screen

    22. I’m worried about Shannon’s safety, and that overrides all my concerns about her seeing me

    23. The LazyProperty class overrides only __set__() because that is the only access method it needs to override

    24. [Tiger Management founder] Julian Robertson was always adamant about seeking out the opposite point of view and then being completely honest with yourself in deciding whether your analysis overrides that

    1. This involves the development of the mind as an overriding influence in relation to the world of the earthly life, of the emotions and of thought

    2. Defining and overriding sections is optional

    3. So Roidon had become crucial in overriding their monitoring systems and providing them with false feeds

    4. consistently unless there are overriding factors to the

    5. Not merely a case of who had the best strategic programs, but who was prepared to allow them to run their course, when the overriding criterion was to win regardless of the human consequences

    6. He started to create an overload in the support systems by boosting the input level, a simple matter of overriding the power modulator

    7. offering something of value, the overriding tendency is to take

    8. Character no longer appears to be the single overriding issue concerning most Americans accustomed to voting with their

    9. A ―probable‖ law is probable inasmuch as it remains subject to ―proof;‖ that is to say, until it is validated by common practices and/or legal interpretations by legal authorities consisting of nonelected men and women appointed to our nation‘s highest courts who remain unaccountable to the American People; subject to contingent legalities that directly affect them and whose ―definitive‖ arguments are (oftentimes) subject to change as the ideological alignment of the courts may vary thereby overriding legislative authority vested by the people to sanction laws by rendering elastic, interpretations of (uncertain) legal propositions and subsequent laws of the land, thereby setting themselves up in a uncertain manner as supreme arbiters of the law

    10. Whether the United States should suspend its forty-three (43) year embargo against Cuba and resume normal trade relations with that country‘s communistic regime is one of the overriding questions presently being debated by our nation‘s political leaders

    11. In this manner, contemporary events aligned with historical processes have oftentimes ―conspired‖ in overriding the feckless apathy or uncertain character of political leaders who must be properly guided toward ―destiny‘s‖ chartered course

    12. Its specific aim or, as a point of argument, subject of intent, is not necessarily the overriding factor (however) but rather an ancillary consideration with respect to intent; that is to say, incidental to pre-existing intentions as such intentions and ensuing actions may (otherwise) produce unintended results triggered by original intent in whatever manner the outcome was unintended

    13. They should be extended on the basis of (overriding) circumstantial evidence that otherwise creates (plausible) doubt as to the merits of the conviction

    14. The (overriding) question remains: why have Republican Candidates, politically successful on a number of statewide levels in past years, suddenly chosen to alienate its conservative base and potential (moderate) swing voters

    15. The overriding concern for all interested parties should be the dismal track record of our inner city schools in recent years and the practical measures needed to improve it

    16. ―utility‖ is not necessarily the overriding factor but rather how such subject matter encourages a mind to think or to reason clearly by compelling it to operate on a higher intellectual plane

    17. The overriding issue isn‘t whether or not a student is proficient in ancient languages or higher mathematics, although the latter would be certainly commendable, but whether or not that student has at least mastered the basic requirements of reading, writing and calculating sums

    18. Whether the war was triggered by events unrelated to slavery, as some historians have argued, is not the overriding question

    19. Nor is there an overriding FBI which is called in for certain crimes only

    20. Hechler and others sharing his opinion(s) have every right to express their (own) private viewpoints, such does not extend, however, to overriding the policies and standards of a privately run organization

    21. Such (lofty) ideals neither profess nor encourage the overriding of critical or independent thinking provided such expressions neither conflict with nor seek to negate another individual‘s right to equally express his or her own private opinions or place that individual in HARM‘S WAY

    22. That the unconditional discharge of an individual in dire need of medical attention who might otherwise pose a threat to society if not that individual, for that matter, was not the overriding factor in their decision

    23. Its overriding mission, putting it quite simply, is to make a buck

    24. Bush had a wonderful opportunity to present such arguments before the American People while (still) enjoying the majority support of both Houses of Congress, notwithstanding his (own) overriding ―mandate‖ following the 2004

    25. But overriding that was the fact that I was not only alive but cured

    26. consulting contracts valued at over $20 million, overriding controls to

    27. overriding controls in the running of the force's pension and insurance

    28. they recounted allegations of executives overriding rules, sidelined

    29. negotiating overriding agreements (to the parties’ opposing sets of Terms & Conditions) with major suppliers and vendors

    30. Though he theoretically had a chain of command, he never made an apology for overriding it

    31. The overriding realisation for Johan is that, even in such a simple act as reaching for him as the sky entrance opened, Simon has shown courage

    32. Brands have bought into this model for decades, and the overriding premise is that it is a numbers game

    33. Were Vivek to persist, wouldn’t she give in then to him? Wouldn't his youthful exuberance attract her in her state of dejection? More so, how long could she resist his overriding passion?

    34. leads to an overriding emphasis on relational aspects of life and, frequently, mild to

    35. My curiosity was overriding my common sense, compelling me to find out where this would lead

    36. By overriding the security system, and returning false information of normality, we have been able to commandeer them, without any fatalities

    37. The truth of the matter is that greed has become an overriding factor in their quest for riches and power

    38. way, but the overriding aim is to have an organization that works

    39. FAYE SLOWLY AND grudgingly managed to brush away the cobwebs of her unconscious state in which she had experienced a number of unpleasant dreams, none of which she could remember in detail, though the overriding theme of them all had been immense trepidation and fear of an unknown force that seemed to consume her wholly

    40. Obviously, he had either underestimated these people and their civility or Terence and his enigmatic, multifaceted behaviour that had an overriding effect on the public and their lust for the sordid details of Faye’s misadventure

    41. Ultimately, the overriding sentiment was that Terence Underwood was quite capable of murdering his wife for in general one reason—freedom to either pursue other lovers or to rid himself of the mental anguish through which he suffered in the relationship

    42. Though he seemed to secretly dismiss the entire possibility of any connection, his sense of duty and his own overriding curiosity instigated him to pursue the truth

    43. A flash of lightning brilliantly but briefly lighted the room like a firework, though did little to remove the somberness and tension overriding the atmosphere once again as a result of the hurricane that was lambasting the coast

    44. of preventing the negative from overriding the forces of positive

    45. The operator at the workstation could redraw the track with a fingertip if necessary, overriding the optimum decided by the computer

    46. ‘Of course, there could be an overriding political consideration, you know, the

    47. It was almost as if he could sense the presence of some overriding evil that had conspired to rob the victim of life—an evil that was still lurking somewhere waiting for another opportunity to strike

    48. Overriding the automatic feature of the ELB, he turned it on

    49. they say that it still applies today? The overriding majority of modern

    50. the overriding factor was in their success they all

    1. She knew so many phone calls to his house was wrong, but fear and worry overrode her obeying the rules

    2. Jim stirred and pulled his transistor from his pocket, unplugging the earphones, so that the oldies overrode Jake's snoring

    3. and his greed overrode his promise

    4. Quickly it overrode the gouge in the land where a beach had once been and roared down the

    5. Major Jenkins overrode Cross’s order so we could give you this report

    6. Mick's voice quickly overrode and silenced the other speakers

    7. Elizabeth overrode what was left of the planet’s broadcast system to alert the parents of the missing children that those children who had not elected to stay on the ship would be available for pickup at dawn at the school from which they had been taken

    8. That said, the progression of these glaring and gutting failures overrode this hidden hope, and I realized that my gifts were opportunities, not guarantees

    9. “Can’t do that! This is the swash!” The thunder overrode the rest of the sentence, but he continued undeterred, “Don’t know how deep this may be! It wouldn’t be safe!”

    10. It’s unbearable, do you understand me!” He released his fists and forced his hands flat on the table as he opened his eyes slowly to reveal the tears that overrode that blank, horrified look he now assumed and to add humbleness to his usually authoritative, stern personality

    11. The strutting arrogant individual who overrode all before him at The Stables had to be marked absent

    12. The rumble of the engines faded as the Flight Controller tried to take remote control of the Ship, but the UPS immediately overrode the remote control system and revved up the engines

    13. On that most Japanese answer, Junmi then walked away, leaving Frois to shake his head: Japan was such a strange country, where the concept of duty seemingly overrode everything else

    14. With the human species, intelligence overrode instinct, and that was simply not going to work

    15. ” Mynd overrode Traxas' voice, not on a streaming feed, but from within its own throat; before the tongue, before the speech, Mynd had edited Traxas' thoughts

    16. These registered as conflicts in his virtworld – places where real world distractions overrode virtual attractions

    17. The early Christian zealots, who overrode that grassroots movement of independent fish communities, corrupted it, took it over, and made it their own

    18. For instance, the authors would surely not have written that the Son of God overrode Moses’ laws on punishment, such as the stoning to death of the adulterer

    19. The sound of onrushing water overrode his voice and completed the circuit of panic driven paranoia that my consciousness had flown apart into

    20. Keep going! he overrode my command and quickly cast his mind out searching for me

    21. " A frown overrode her features and she stood, the blankets carefully wrapped about her

    22. The delegates knew they would need to make it clear to both the states and foreign powers that the Constitution overrode any earlier laws

    23. Having taken barbiturates throughout his life, he abstained just when he needed them most, for the desire to perfect his manuscript overrode all physical suffering

    24. Chuck explained everything that happened, how the copper penny overrode the fuse so that the circuit didn’t trip

    25. He overrode a sergeant’s objections and brought me along

    26. Their primal safety sensors in their brain were screaming “Stop!” but their “intellect” overrode the warnings, and each man continued with his task resulting in an accident

    27. It was a desire rooted in all her faculties, that overrode and obliterated her love of Michael

    28. The wisdom of Rousseau and of Lessing, and Spinoza and Bruno, and all the wisdom of antiquity; but no one man’s wisdom overrode the crowd

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    Sinónimos para "override"

    nullification override overrule overthrow overturn reverse annul revoke cancel nullify prevail outweigh transcend dismiss disregard neglect