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    overthrowing oraciones de ejemplo


    1. They may indeed be useful in overthrowing the Darangi

    2. Certainly much of their actions are indeed unlawful but I feel they don't have the intention of violently overthrowing the State

    3. The Shah claimed to be part of an ancient dynasty, when in fact he was put in power in 1953 by a CIA coup, overthrowing the elected President Mossadegh

    4. This is classic terrorism with the purpose of overthrowing the democratic government

    5. Overthrowing one corrupt government and instating some kind of factionless tyranny

    6. “Just the satisfaction that I had taken part in overthrowing a tyranny

    7. Historically they were conquered by the Tepanecas and then joined the Mexica in overthrowing the Tepaneca and forming the Triple Alliance that became the Aztecs

    8. diately overthrowing the capitalist state and replacing it with small independent communities

    9. ” The men started to cheer as Haydar spoke of overthrowing them

    10. They continued eastward, overthrowing a Hyrkanian army on the borders of Brythunia

    11. They had instructed me with the task of retrieving the new Rakai for the purpose of overthrowing the Prestige System, so with the help of my wizard friend, I was sent to a filthy little planet called Earth, where I met this young boy who was supposed to be the Rakai,” Lezura rolled her eyes, “and boy what a Rakai he is

    12. I commend their determination and success in overthrowing the white missionary paternalism and segregation at many of the HBCUs

    13. It was then that King Mixdrule took the opportunity to launch an attack against Nordham, finally succeeding in overthrowing the rule of the Muos

    14. Even with clans conquering and overthrowing each other around them, the Itruga people remain hidden, probably by changing into animals

    15. By overthrowing one dictatorship, there were those who would supplant it with another –

    16. The odds of Thorne's success of overthrowing the Galaef and taking over the Galactic Empire were better than he had anticipated

    17. Oh sure, he could survive under these conditions, but how long would he be in here—ten, fifteen years? Maybe longer if the rebels were unsuccessful in overthrowing the Hurd regime

    18. "Several years ago, myself and several others formed an underground movement with the purpose of overthrowing our city government

    19. With the scent tower in operation, we would have no hope of overthrowing Hurd's corrupt government

    20. by overthrowing his predecessors, the Parthians

    21. Before WW1: from 1815 to 1914, there had been so many lower class attempts to reform and change the rotting Monarchies and ‘Empires’ of Europe that the ruling classes of Europe and the bourgeoisie were in constant fear of the lower classes revolting and overthrowing them

    22. Without that assistance they would never have succeeded in overthrowing the Tsarist forces

    23. The authors surely would not have had the Son of God proven to be ‘physically’ vulnerable manifest by ‘physical’ beatings and the brutal murder He suffered at the hands of the Romans, but instead have Him overpowering and overthrowing the Romans

    24. So… the overthrow of Chamberlain by Churchill’s backers is a recreation of his ancestor aiding in the overthrowing of James II, the bribing of Winston by The Focus group and by the Czech nation; is a recreating of Marlborough being bribed by a lobby of secret Jewish banking interests

    25. ‘How he can think about overthrowing

    26. Fallujah had become their safe haven, an anti-capital of Iraq dedicated to overthrowing the interim government and preventing free elections

    27. Fallujah had become their safe haven, an anti-capital of Iraq dedicated to overthrowing the interim government and preventing free elections

    28. So most communists thought of peasants as useful for overthrowing the ruling class, but deadly enemies thereafter

    29. European nationalists had developed the idea that every nation had a right to be free and to have its own national state, especially if that meant overthrowing foreign rule

    30. He was very keen for the Russians to put missiles on Cuba as a way of warning the Americans off any thought of invading and overthrowing him and he never forgave Moscow for backing down in the face of American threats

    31. It is because revolution cannot be really conquered, and that being providential and absolutely fatal, it is always cropping up afresh: before Waterloo, in Bonaparte overthrowing the old thrones; after Waterloo, in Louis XVIII

    32. They succeeded in overthrowing him upon the bed nearest the window, and there they held him in awe

    33. After its debut, Miller was, more than ever, viewed by HUAC as a Communist sympathizer, hellbent on overthrowing the government by his work on the stage and also because he had attended Communist writers’ meetings in the 1940s

    34. The railways, telegraphs, photographs, and the perfected method of removing people, without killing them, into eternal solitary confinement, where, hidden from men, they perish and are forgotten, and many other modern inventions, which governments employ more freely than any one else, give them such strength that as soon as the power has fallen into certain hands, and the visible and the secret police, and the administration, and all kinds of prosecutors, and jailers, and executioners are earnestly at work, there is no possibility of overthrowing the government, no matter how senseless or cruel it may be

    35. Christianity is not a legislation but a new life-conception; hence it was not obligatory, nor has it been accepted by all men in its full meaning, but only by a few; the rest have accepted it in a corrupted form—Moreover, Christianity is a prophecy of the disappearance of the pagan life, and therefore of the necessity of accepting the Christian doctrine—Non-resistance of evil by violence is one of the principles of the Christian doctrine which must inevitably be accepted by men at the present day—Two methods of solving every struggle—The first method consists in believing the general definitions of evil to be binding upon all, and to resist this evil by violence—The second, the Christian method, consists in not resisting evil by violence—Although the failure of the first method was recognized in the first centuries of Christianity, it is still employed; but as humanity advanced it has become more evident that there is not, nor can there be, a general definition of evil—Now this has become evident to all, and if the violence which is destined to combat evil exists, it is not because it is considered necessary, but because men do not know how to dispense with it—The difficulty of dispensing with it is due to the skilfulness and complexity of political violence—This violence is supported by four methods: by threats, bribes, hypnotism, and the employment of military force—Deliverance from State violence cannot be accomplished by overthrowing the State—Through experience of the misery of pagan life men are compelled to acknowledge the doctrine of Christ, with its non-resistance to evil,—a doctrine which they have hitherto ignored—To this same necessity of acknowledging the Christian doctrine we are brought by the consciousness of its truth—This consciousness is in utter contradiction to our life, and is especially evident in regard to general military conscription; but, in consequence of habit and the four methods of State violence, men do not see this inconsistency of Christianity with the duties of a soldier—Men do not see it even when the authorities themselves show them plainly all the immorality of the duties of a soldier—The call of the general conscription is the extreme trial for every man,—the command to choose between the Christian doctrine of non-resistance or servile submission to the existing organization of the State—Men generally submit to the demands of the State organization, renouncing all that is sacred, as though there were no other issue—For men of the pagan life-conception, indeed, no other issue does exist; they are compelled to acknowledge it, regardless of all the dreadful calamities of war—Society composed of such men must inevitably perish, and no social changes can save it—The pagan life has reached its last limits; it works its own destruction

    36. Railroads, telegraphs, telephones, photography, the improved method of disposing of criminals by imprisoning them in solitary confinement for the remainder of their lives in cells, where, hidden from human view, they die forgotten, as well as numerous other modern inventions upon which governments have the prior claim, give them such power, that if once the authority fell into certain hands, and the regular and secret police, administrative officials, and all kinds of procureurs, jailers, and executioners labored zealously to support it, there would be no possibility whatsoever of overthrowing the government, however cruel or senseless it might be

    37. If the oppressed are more wicked than their oppressors, they attack them and try to overthrow them; and in favorable circumstances they succeed in overthrowing them, or what is more common, they rise into the ranks of the oppressors and assist in their acts of violence

    38. There was not one of them that did not bear the ever-smarting scars of vicious wounds, front and back, received from his fellows; there was not one that did not cherish the hope of overthrowing the rule of Seven and establishing the rule of One

    39. So it is certain that he actually upheld the worship of Aten early in his reign, and added to the buildings here, far from being a destructive rival overthrowing this place from Thebes

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