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    Usar "overturning" en una oración

    overturning oraciones de ejemplo


    1. The wind was howling again for all the drowned sailors, overturning chairs and tables, clattering things that clattered

    2. Sebastian stumbled back, losing his footing and nearly overturning the dresser before he yanked his head up to look at Russell

    3. An acquaintance of mine recently expressed some concern over the (potential) appointment of a practicing Baptist likely to influence the ideological composition of the Court, thereby overturning hard-fought legal battles like the (omnipresent) Roe v

    4. in the Tech Center was overturning the injunction that NNS secured

    5. One of the horses feeling the slap of the reins lurched toward the uphill side of the path overturning the chariot, spilling its occupants onto the dust of the path

    6. lurched toward the uphill side of the path overturning the chariot, spilling its occupants onto the

    7. its two occupants appeared to vie for control of the reins, finally overturning, throwing its

    8. It rumbled violently, overturning trees, stores and farm land

    9. We have witnessed the overturning of rulings in court because of DNA evidence, even from crimes of decades ago

    10. Each of these people was significant in overturning an addiction to the status quo, advocated by those people who stood in the way of progress and change

    11. There were two other men seated at his table, and three or four men listened while standing at the bar, installed in hopes of one day overturning the dry laws of the area

    12. They then continued their hauling work for half a hour, emptying completely the whaler boat before putting in place its covering tarp and overturning their canoe on the narrow beach

    13. She fumbled the door open and yanked a cloak from the rack by the front door, toppling the stand and overturning a cabinet

    14. unjustly afflicted, thus overturning the notion that

    15. What about driving out the vendors and overturning tables? Well it doesn’t ever say he was angry, but he always did what the Father instructed him to do

    16. Yet life never ceases to surprise us by overturning, sometimes so utterly and shockingly opinions,

    17. They were too close to overturning the works of evil which had taken thousands of years to build up and preserve

    18. is also what is referred to by the New Testament story about overturning the moneychangers’ tables

    19. The Head of Gold is also a direct link to the story of “Jesus” overturning the tables of

    20. We all know the story of “Jesus” supposedly losing his temper in the temple and overturning the

    21. Without further ado I will leave you with the brilliant young woman, who has single-handedly given humanity its best chance for overturning the Code and bringing its masters to justice for their crimes against humanity!”

    22. Knifing agitated circles in the water, the creatures seemed on the verge of overturning the rafts

    23. It was about the Angels, to be sure, but I couldn’t tell if Crosby was going to savage us or if the title was a setup designed to seduce viewers before overturning their preconceptions

    24. "That sort of animal is never easy unless he's overturning the

    25. ; and that which they wished to overturn in overturning royalty in France, was, as we have explained, the usurpation of man over man, and of privilege over right in the entire universe

    26. Railways, telegraphs, telephones, photographs, and the great perfection of the means of getting rid of men for years, without killing them, by solitary confinement, where, hidden from the world, they perish and are forgotten, and the many other modern inventions employed by government, give such power that when once authority has come into certain hands, the police, open and secret, the administration and prosecutors, jailers and executioners of all kinds, do their work so zealously that there is no chance of overturning the government, however cruel and senseless it may be

    27. By overturning this great moneyed institution at the present crisis, you may draw down to undistinguished ruin thousands of your unfortunate and unoffending fellow-citizens

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