Usar "pass along" en una oración
pass along oraciones de ejemplo
pass along
1. Everyone in town, it seemed, was anxious to pass along special counsels to the 'kid going abroad,' whether they themselves had ever even been any further than Truckee
2. Waterhouse and asked him to judge the more appropriate submission to pass along to his principles
3. Don’t ask for things or pass along information here
4. She looked ashamed to pass along the rest of Tragus's commands
5. That many financially successful individuals should decide to pass along the fruits of their labors to their families and loved ones instead of having them arbitrarily redistributed to other individuals, should be a prerogative of acquired wealth; a privilege enjoyed by those who have properly earned it and should enjoy the right of disposing it as they think fit
6. Where has it been written that a Great Nation must commend itself to the parochial interests or jealousies of ancient traditions that have lost their comparable standing or concede its leadership position among the Community of Nations, rather than conforming to its (own) enlightened self-interests? Such designs must inevitably tarnish that nation‘s highest historical achievements that it should (otherwise) enjoy and (rightly) pass along to posterity
7. I phoned the hospital and waited five minutes before someone would pass along any information about Mia
8. “They could be up there anywhere, so we have to be very quiet and try to pass along the edge, keeping our heads low
9. He shook his head and set the bottle and glass aside, then scribbled a note on his stationary for Tristan to pass along via kataspace
10. This was the first time I had been able to direct the dream, the first time I could pass along a message
11. You pass alongside a dilapidated neon letter billboard half sunken into the earth, a new addition
12. 'Constantius asked permission to pass along the borders of Khauran on his way to Turan
13. He knew very well that Simon Jensen continued to pass along a
14. Please program a courier missile to lock on to the P I ship’s transponder and pass along the commands and pass codes
15. I promised her I would pass along the idea to the President
16. speak to her again, pass along my apologies
17. pass along to them? What will compel them to come back for more? That’s your
18. * Pass along a family heirloom or something that has sentimental value
19. Feel free to pass along a free copy of this eBook to
20. This happens when Ulysses must pass alongside the vortex of Charybdis after he has been shipwrecked and lost his ship and all his companions, due to a storm that Zeus struck up while they were off the coast of the island of Thrinacia
21. Can one be bored in a world so wonderful? And then the keen interest there is to be got out of people, the keen joy to be got out of common affections, the delight of having a fresh day every morning before you, a fresh, long day, bare and empty, to be filled as you pass along it with nothing but clean and noble hours
22. Of all the bad things life forces upon us as we pass along it is the last and worst--the bitterness at the bottom of the cup, the dregs of what for many was after all always only medicine
23. With fingers crossed, he’d pass along that ‘labor’
24. I will pass along the most frequently asked questions by my students and will answer them as clearly as I can
25. can pass along to you is that the most effective marketing on the internet is free
26. In this article, I will pass along the top 5 questions that I am asked by students and site visitors and will give brief answers to them
27. All too often, you unwittingly pass along the virus to a friend, family member, or business associate, exacerbating the problem by contaminating their systems with the same virus that infected yours
28. It’d been a blessing for Julianne for she’d learned to read and write, a gift she was determined to pass along to her little sister
29. I want to pass along the information to you
30. important for the long line of ancient sages to protect and pass along in this unique manner; very
31. symbolism and related philosophy, to pass along to the long line of subsequent Hebrew prophets and
32. Use of stars and angels to secretly pass along a hidden time code, while simultaneously
33. He realized he cared deeply about his peers, and about the effort to pass along healthy streams and thriving tracts of wilderness to the generations to come
34. I spoke with the prince’s cousin and he said he would pass along the good word
35. Seated in her arm chair near the window, she could see the villagers pass along the pavement
36. Two thousand a year without debt or drawback--except the little love-child, indeed; aye, I had forgot her; but she may be 'prenticed out at a small cost, and then what does it signify? Delaford is a nice place, I can tell you; exactly what I call a nice old fashioned place, full of comforts and conveniences; quite shut in with great garden walls that are covered with the best fruit-trees in the country; and such a mulberry tree in one corner! Lord! how Charlotte and I did stuff the only time we were there! Then, there is a dove-cote, some delightful stew-ponds, and a very pretty canal; and every thing, in short, that one could wish for; and, moreover, it is close to the church, and only a quarter of a mile from the turnpike-road, so 'tis never dull, for if you only go and sit up in an old yew arbour behind the house, you may see all the carriages that pass along
37. Willoughby Smith had been in his bedroom, which he uses as a sitting-room; but the maid heard him at that moment pass along the passage and descend to the study immediately below her
38. Ryzer and pass along his thoughts
39. Indeed, Amory had access to the triage plan, and would pass along certain sites and times where the game could be pursued with immunity, he said
40. In fact, manufacturers were able to pass along increased raw materials costs to customers
41. Kendall and Kailee squabble about who goes first, and Emerson tunes them out as she stares at the empty fields they pass along the interstate
42. In a high-demand/low-supply wholesale market, it is easier to pass along costs and protect margins
43. This will help you to understand whether rising commodity prices may force the business to increase prices, which can decrease profits if a business is not able to pass along price increases to customers
44. The Ability to Pass Along Price Increases
45. Price increases allow the business to offset the effects of inflation because the business can pass along the increase in costs
46. came and, taking my arm, led me to a building to enter which we had to pass along a narrow plank
47. Daylight was appearing when those of the inhabitants of Montfermeil who had begun to open their doors beheld a poorly clad old man leading a little girl dressed in mourning, and carrying a pink doll in her arms, pass along the road to Paris
48. a general on horseback, in full uniform, pass along the street, Comte Coutard, the commandant of Paris
49. Towards one o'clock in the morning, the night being very dark, he saw two shadows pass along the roof, in the rain and squalls, in front of the dormer-window which was opposite his cage
50. Two thousand a year without debt or drawback—except the little love-child, indeed; aye, I had forgot her; but she may be ‘prenticed out at a small cost, and then what does it signify? Delaford is a nice place, I can tell you; exactly what I call a nice old fashioned place, full of comforts and conveniences; quite shut in with great garden walls that are covered with the best fruit-trees in the country; and such a mulberry tree in one corner! Lord! how Charlotte and I did stuff the only time we were there! Then, there is a dove-cote, some delightful stew-ponds, and a very pretty canal; and every thing, in short, that one could wish for; and, moreover, it is close to the church, and only a quarter of a mile from the turnpike-road, so ‘tis never dull, for if you only go and sit up in an old yew arbour behind the house, you may see all the carriages that pass along