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    pay tribute to oraciones de ejemplo

    pay tribute to

    1. king, and compel one another to pay tribute to the king

    2. 6 Likewise for those who are not soldiers and have not to do with wars but use husbundry when they have reaped again that which they had sown they bring it to the king and compel one another to pay tribute to the king

    3. “I still say, we should not pay tribute to the Assyrians,” Zeus whispered in Shebna’s ear

    4. And while Rome was still a small village, the southern Hebrew kingdom of Judah was forced to pay tribute to Assyria, but Assyria declined before the Hebrews of Judah were assimilated as well

    5. This page is to pay tribute to the settlers and pioneers of Ville-Marie who figured prominently in the last chapter of this novel

    6. Our investigation lead us here, where we find out that your school is putting on a play to pay tribute to the victims from last year – a play that you wrote

    7. on a rental car - all in order to pay tribute to

    8. I have to pay tribute to Chris’s wife, Taya

    9. But, I can still vividly recall my seething anger and outrage at being told there just wasn’t going to be time for me to eulogize my father, that I had been deemed not worthy to pay tribute to him because I had an illness that could be embarassing or inconvenient

    10. 'But Gandalf spoke of a rumour that they pay tribute to Mordor ' said

    11. 3) When people haven’t the power to get rid of superstition and they continue to pay tribute to it, and at the same time when they see that others have freed themselves, they grow angry at those who have freed themselves

    12. Nay, further, he would inflict the severest penalties on any one who should receive a license or voluntarily pay tribute to either of them

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