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    Usar "pedagogical" en una oración

    pedagogical oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I was responsible for the overall pedagogical content, including the student coursebook

    2. Their scientific and pedagogical approach to teaching made them irreplaceable in Silesia and West

    3. evolution of the human species, and is a pedagogical science that can apply

    4. If the future brings not a series, but a system of crises, what will be the values, what the pedagogy, what the dreams of young minds in times of perpetual and ubiquitous conflict? If the next generation, and if that be this one, experiences techinic singularity, what will be the students' roll, goal and game's end, and who will be the educator, designer and enforcer of this post-singularity curriculum? This is the pedagogical community's challenging dilemma: what and how do we teach unknown skills for a yet to be conceived environment? How do we delimit education so that it not only can perceive, but also conceive and begin to implement a culture of resilient and transformative sustainability? Intellectual cooperation, i

    5. My newly-born pedagogical skills still had placental blood on them

    6. One short, faintly stuffy, pedagogical question

    7. While it is certainly important to know what the pattern should look like if it’s working, from a pedagogical standpoint it probably makes more sense to focus energy and attention on what should not happen

    8. In the end, pedagogical concerns won, and I made the decision to include some patterns that I did not actually trade

    9. Both of these models are pedagogical and are diagnostic tools more than they are guidelines for protocol development and deployment, and they do not hold up to strict comparisons of the various layers’ functions with actual protocols

    10. Consequently for the final choice of the best method of teaching the rudiments, it is necessary first of all to stand on theoretic soil, on the basis of previous considerations, the general conditions of which give to this or that method the actual right to be called satisfactory from the pedagogical standpoint

    11. These two conditions are put down only for beauty's sake and for the obscuration of the style, so common in pedagogical treatises, and so have no meaning whatever

    12. Bunákov and Evtushévski, nor in any other pedagogical work of the founders of this school of pedagogy, unless they be those hazy discussions of this nature, such as that every instruction must be based on the union of analysis and synthesis, and by all means on the sense of hearing, and so forth; or you will find, as in Mr

    13. This fancy is so strange that I do not regard it as necessary to contradict it, more especially as I have done so in my former pedagogical essays

    14. Has the condition of the pedagogical material with which it has to do been correctly defined? The first thing that startles us is the strange relation to some imaginary children, to such as I, at least, have never seen in the Russian Empire

    15. Exactly the same takes place in the instruction of arithmetic, which is based on the same pedagogical principle

    16. This explains why our pedagogical literature is overwhelmed with manuals for object-lessons, with manuals about how to conduct kindergartens (one of the most monstrous excrescences of the new pedagogy), with pictures and books for reading, in which are eternally repeated the same articles about the fox and the blackcock, the same poems which for some reason are written out in prose in all kinds of permutations and with all kinds of explanations; but we have not a single new article for children's reading, not one Russian, nor Church-Slavic grammar, nor a Church-Slavic dictionary, nor an arithmetic, nor a geography, nor a history for the popular schools

    17. In order to elucidate in what I find these unquestionable foundations of every pedagogical activity, I shall be compelled to repeat myself, that is, to repeat what I said fifteen years ago in the pedagogical periodical, Yásnaya Polyána, which I then published

    18. After having read what had been written on the subject and having made the personal acquaintance of the so-called best representatives of the pedagogical science in Europe, I not only failed to find anywhere an answer to the question I was interested in, but I convinced myself that this question does not even exist for pedagogy, as a science; that every pedagogue of any given school firmly believed that the methods which he used were the best, because they were based on absolute truth, and that it would be useless for him to look at them with a critical eye

    19. Should I teach the psalter by heart, or the classification of the organisms? Should I teach according to the sound alphabet, translated from the German, or from the prayer-book? In the solution of this question I was aided by a certain pedagogical tact, with which I am gifted, and especially by that close and impassioned relation in which I stood to the matter

    20. From these experiments it appeared to me and to those teachers who instructed with me at Yásnaya Polyána and in other schools on the same principle of freedom, that nearly everything which in the pedagogical world was written about schools was separated by an immeasurable abyss from reality, and that many of the proposed methods, such as object-lessons, the natural sciences, the sound method, and others, called forth contempt and ridicule, and were not accepted by the pupils

    21. This question both then and now has appeared to me as a corner-stone of the whole pedagogy, and to the solution of this question I devoted the publication of the pedagogical periodical Yásnaya Polyána

    22. At that time I found no sympathy in all the pedagogical literature, not even any contradiction, but the most complete indifference to the question which I put

    23. If a teacher according to the new German fashion wants to go ahead and perfect himself, he has to follow the pedagogical literature, that is, to read all those new inventions about the conversations about the suslik and about the transposition of the squares

    24. And yet the so-called science of pedagogy is in this matter indissolubly connected with power; both in Germany and with us there are prescribed certain ideal one-class, two-class schools, and so forth; and the pedagogical and the administrative powers do not wish to know the fact that the masses would like to attend to their own education

    25. But the chief difference in this respect between the view of the Communes and that of the County Council consists in this: the County Council has only one type,—the teacher who has attended pedagogical courses, who has finished a course in a seminary or school, at two hundred roubles; but with the masses, who do not exclude this teacher and appreciate him, if he is good, there are gradations of all kinds of teachers

    26. On the building of schools seven hundred roubles are spent, and on the pedagogical courses twelve hundred roubles have been used in one year

    27. But let us suppose that the County Council will act quite simply and sensibly, and will not waste money on pedagogical courses and other trifles; let us suppose that all peasants will pay the new school tax of fifteen kopeks, what will the future of this matter be? From the peasants six thousand, from the County Council three thousand, in all nine thousand

    28. All they talk about in pedagogical circles is how to prepare improved teachers in the seminaries, so that a village might not be able to get them even for four hundred roubles

    29. But how are they to be controlled, watched, and taught, if they breed by the hundred in each county? In my opinion the work of the County Council and school council ought to consist in nothing but watching the pedagogical side of the business, and that is feasible, if these means will be taken: in every County Council, which has taken upon itself the duty of the dissemination of popular education, or the coöperation with it, there ought to be one person—whether it be an unpaid member of the school council, or a man at a salary of not less than one thousand roubles, hired by the County Council—who is to attend to the pedagogical side of the business in the county

    30. This person must by all means be a teacher himself in the same locality, in order that in his demands and instructions he may always have in view that pedagogical material with which the other teachers have to deal, and that he may sustain in himself that live relation to reality which is the chief preservative against error and delusion

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