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    Usar "perilously" en una oración

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    1. This angle brings him perilously close to the road, and if it's been raining he could end up getting splashed by passing traffic, leading to an inevitable loss of face

    2. With Alex, the relationship seemed to be either grinding up a long hill or plunging perilously toward the depths of despair

    3. As Levi’s appearance altered perilously, I also began to notice the familiar twirl in Ishvara’s eyes while his facial veins began to stir, not wishing a complete vampire showdown, I pushed Ishvara off and placed myself between the two guys vying for my apparent attention

    4. Placing her coffee mug on a pile of newspapers and adjusting generous buttocks more comfortably on the perilously flimsy chairs, Mandy’s mother drew a censorious breath before giving vent to an eruption of bitter self-pity

    5. The Buccaneer hurtled along perilously narrow waterways

    6. Several times, rocks came perilously close, within arm's length, and he struggled to hold his breath and swim away

    7. The track, sometimes little more than a meter wide, twisted through the mountains, occasionally clinging perilously to perpendicular cliffs, but rarely departing from a canyon that cut through the great rocks

    8. Sergeant Bacon had covered for him, but he was getting perilously close to a breakdown, when he developed a relationship with his civilian orderly, a poorly educated cleaner much younger than Hatch

    9. The Soviet Union was perilously close to defeat! An elated Hitler announced – "Russia is broken and will never rise again”

    10. On 11th February, aware that his supplies were running perilously low, Yamashita decided to bluff, committed his reserves and called on Percival to "give up this meaningless resistance"

    11. Because of the vast resources consumed by Bomber Command, Britain came perilously close to putting all her eggs in one basket and as such was compelled to purchase vast quantities of war material such as tanks, trucks, landing craft, etc

    12. Merlin grasped his left hand and said in a voice perilously close to tears, “Father!”

    13. I found him up a ladder, leaning perilously over the middle of the frame and reaching for one of the hooks he had screwed in there

    14. You have been perilously close to returning to the

    15. country was divinely inspired in the beginning, but had somehow perilously

    16. A snort, perilously near

    17. Then, dangling perilously by the angle-iron braces, he crossed back over to where the first car had reappeared

    18. Frau Pastor's sensations were those of a perilously jolted woman

    19. He veered shapely to avoid going over the Buttes threshold and drove perilously

    20. Crazy came to mind again as the pontoons of the boat sliced through the waves perilously close to outcroppings of coral above and below

    21. Being only à glorious human boy', of course he frolicked and flirted, grew dandified, aquatic, sentimental, or gymnastic, as college fashions ordained, hazed and was hazed, talked slang, and more than once came perilously near suspension and expulsion

    22. Another swish of the knife came perilously close to his chest but Marraud jerked his body to avoid it and rolled onto the floor

    23. Their number was formidable, now that he had begun to fear, and yet these names, powerful though they were, had often caused him to smile with the same kind of satisfaction experienced by a traveller who from the summit of a mountain beholds at his feet the craggy eminences, the almost impassable paths, and the fearful chasms, through which he has so perilously climbed

    24. They started circling closer and closer to the sides of my raft, which looked increasingly thin and perilously close to the water

    25. The raid had used B-25s flown, perilously, off an aircraft carrier, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Jimmy Doolittle

    26. A bulldozer shoved a load perilously close to the edge, and the larger rocks tumbled down a wall of fill a thousand feet in height

    27. The weather was warm enough (although, to someone of Green Valley’s Old Charisian sensibilities, calling twenty-two degrees Fahrenheit “warm” came perilously close to blasphemy) that they’d been able to discard their heavy gauntlet-style mittens in favor of lighter gloves which would make handling weapons much easier, and each squad of the platoons moving forward into their jumpoff positions had left one man to keep an eye on its sled

    28. He couldn’t—could not—escalate beyond the capabilities The Testimonies and legend assigned to the seijins of yore, and what “Mab” and his fellows had already accomplished pressed all too perilously upon those limits

    29. There was little chance he’d shy away from any atrocities for which the Republic’s enemies gave him a reasonable pretext, however, and Colonel Clairdon Mahkswail had come perilously close to doing just that

    30. Young Seevyrs had come perilously close to the thousand-yard limit he’d set, but he supposed he shouldn’t complain about that, since Lance’s fire had probably contributed to the Charisians’ gunnery problems

    31. That would have been bad enough under any circumstances; as it was, the strain of simultaneously moving the Mighty Host forward and somehow bringing up the supplies to establish a sufficient forward magazine at Lake City was perilously close to unsustainable

    32. Violent blood was in them all, perilously close to the surface, lurking just beneath the Ashley and fidgety old Frank, were like that underneath—murderous, violent if the need kindly courteous exteriors

    33. The fact that “dusk” could mean two nearly opposite things seemed indicative of something, if only that the membrane between the real and the cognitive had grown perilously thin

    34. On the eleventh night after my latest encounter with that gentleman—they were all numbered now—I had an alarm that perilously skirted it and that indeed, from the particular quality of its unexpectedness, proved quite my sharpest shock

    35. If safety is to be judged by the result, we are virtually begging the question, and come perilously close to the cynic’s definition of an investment as a successful speculation

    36. He cast a furtive glance towards the door, as though he feared that it would open in spite of the bolt which fastened it; then, with a quick and abrupt movement, he took the whole in his arms at once, without bestowing so much as a glance on the things which he had so religiously and so perilously preserved for so many years, and flung them all, rags, cudgel, knapsack, into the fire

    37. All those nameless graves, and the four oaks that surrounded it, and the swamp so perilously close

    38. Even now, when the boats pulled upon this whale, and perilously drew over his swaying flukes, and the lances were darted into him, they were followed by steady jets from the new made wound, which kept continually playing, while the natural spout-hole in his head was only at intervals, however rapid, sending its affrighted moisture into the air

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