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    Usar "pharmacist" en una oración

    pharmacist oraciones de ejemplo


    1. So, be sure to ask your doctor or pharmacist what is in it

    2. He told me that by chance he met Lolek Bitoft, the son of the pharmacist in Wloszczowa, the one who used to hold him on his lap when he was a baby, the one who loved him and played with him

    3. As a pharmacist, I knew that most of the scientific studies on tea that showed its many benefits were done with green tea

    4. One was a pharmacist

    5. If the pharmacist had

    6. The pharmacist had

    7. Sean, age nineteen, took a year off before his freshman year in high school to gain girth for prime spot on the Los Mastiffs’ football team, he had the same pharmacist as you but his prescriptions were hand delivered

    8. Rani controlled her urge to slap the pharmacist when he gave her a suspicious look instead of the pregnancy test she had requested

    9. Aureliano, for his part, had no other contact with the world except for the letters from the wise Catalonian and the news he had of Gabriel through Mercedes, the silent pharmacist

    10. Anyone undergoing surgery experiences the first on the part of the doctor, while a patient who is handed a prescription is on the run to the pharmacist for relief

    11. The second thought is that if it’s over the counter, we need not consult a pharmacist or a doctor

    12. and then beg the pharmacist for paregoric, an opiate used in the ’60s

    13.  The ability for consumers to order products and consult with a pharmacist in the privacy of their homes

    14. Helping the poor Negroes of Montgomery was fine with the pharmacist but he still had a business to run

    15. The pharmacist was ecstatic as he contemplated the sales bill and grinned to both Gooding and Ur

    16. One of our clients is a pharmacist

    17. An old-time doctor or pharmacist (or even a good midwife) knew all of these little tricks that are not taught in medical school

    18. At the register, the pharmacist told her, “If you’re going to use this under your arms, don’t use deodorant for a few days

    19. It is however, wise to consult your doctor or pharmacist for the correct dosage

    20. - getting a prescription filled? You trust that the pharmacist knows his or her drugs and is

    21. “That’s a good paying job, the pharmacist that is

    22. Zygmunt has told me which chemicals we need in order to make different colors of bursts and thinks that the pharmacist Lewis can order them for us

    23. It would be two more months before the Sweet Birch trees were trimmed of their branches but those sap buckets were already in place and Pharmacist Lewis eagerly awaited their contents

    24. ” (John is a pharmacist

    25. For example, a pharmacist or provider may not call the nurse to inform her about medication changes because they updated the computer system and assume the nurse will notice the changes

    26. A local pharmacist was easily talked into confirming his identity

    27. police or the pharmacist, and

    28. It is best to consult the store herbalist or pharmacist for safety purposes

    29. You can pick her prescriptions up from any pharmacist

    30. " He hands Dana's family some prescriptions to be picked up from the pharmacist

    31. Chat with your pharmacist and see what she recommends for acne and adolescence

    32. Each is somewhat different and it is always advisable to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each with your physician or pharmacist

    33. But then he took off his hood and I recognized Winston Conover, the pharmacist who had filled our family’s prescriptions for as long as I could remember

    34. I thanked him and walked through the center aisle of the store, past shampoos and skin-care products, and arrived at the back, where the pharmacist was working behind his high counter

    35. I paused as the scraggly helper guy came to the back of the store and said to the pharmacist, “I put the newspapers away and I’m done sweeping the walk, Alan

    36. Theoretically it is undoubtedly better that dispensing shall be done by the pharmacist, and prescribing by the medical man, but when we pharmacists claim this as a right, and accuse medicine of unjustly usurping our functions, it is well for us to remind ourselves that medical men, although they may not now as frequently as of old take the degree of L

    37. I exhort the pharmacist of the future to be unremitting in his efforts to raise himself and his calling to a professional status, and then I predict for him that in the natural course the dispensing of medicines will come to him

    38. But there are innumerable small accidents, and little ailments to which humanity is liable, which quite legitimately come within the province of pharmacy to treat, and the pharmacist, if he is wise, is a much safer man to treat these than the clergy and the laity, who are ever ready to prescribe for each other upon any and all occasions

    39. In those countries in which the exercise of pharmacy is under the control of the government, and where the stock of a pharmacist, so far as it is used in physicians’ prescriptions, contains comparatively few remedies besides those directed by the Pharmacopœia, the two meanings of the word “officinal,” viz: 1, the original one “pertaining to an ‘officina;’ pertaining to or kept in a drug store,” and, 2, the more modern one, “pharmacopœial; authoritative,” practically cover each other

    40. It is different in this country, where the pharmacist is compelled to carry a large stock of non-pharmacopœial preparations, many of which are prescribed by physicians

    41. As to the word “unofficinal,” this means properly “not pertaining to, not kept by or dealt in by a pharmacist

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