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    piled up

    1. Despite the bright sunshine, there is an air of melancholy neglect … similar to the atmosphere you find in a junk yard, where unwanted relics have been piled up and forgotten, unwanted and unused

    2. The girl appears wrapped in a bath towel with her hair piled up in a hand towel

    3. When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in it in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb

    4. Here they lay, drank the remainder of that yaag and played games with the clouds that piled up in a couple places over the hill

    5. The picture of her standing at her door last night, in her kimona, flashed into his head; her standing there with her hair piled up in a towel and him miming and calling her Lotus Blossom and she hadn't been amused

    6. the vessel, bulkheads torn down and piled up in her cabins and

    7. If he were still with us, he would recognize that we are in fact all Keynesians now, thanks to the trillions in debt piled up by the Obama administration

    8. The presales piled up

    9. She had her hair all piled up on her head, beautiful make-up, a short pink miniskirt that showed five miles of great legs, and a neat tube top that showed off the rest of her body and her tan

    10. They piled up against it outside, covered the steps, and

    11. Yet you choose death! You have forsaken Me and forced My hand! The stink of your perversions fill My nostrils! Your murders stain My courts! The broken bodies of the innocent and the blameless are piled up in heaps, before My eyes!

    12. 1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle, and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together, into one whole, and that the chaos become dry, and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big, and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the dry I called Earth, and the middle of the Earth I called abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits, and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

    13. building was holding heat a little better with all the snow piled up

    14. looked to have been deliberately piled up against the pale brick

    15. 1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together into one whole and that the chaos become dry and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big and from the rock I piled up the dry and the dry I called Earth and the middle of the Earth I called abyss that is to say the bottomless I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

    16. ” Corrections and critical memoranda piled up in Streator’s file

    17. My debt was nothing like the debt piled up by student loans today, but $10,000 back then was pretty substantial

    18. rode the more bodies we saw, all piled up in clumps, some without clothing but now many still

    19. But on his back was a heavy mountain of snow, cold and crushing, the flakes of a thousand yesterdays piled upon him

    20. As the last zombies piled up, the fence tilted

    21. The roofs of the cabins were heaped with snow, and dirty mounds of it were piled up on the sides of the streets

    22. She pointed to several stacks of dishes that had piled up with the diner’s record breaking night

    23. Piled up a large number of outfits, including a night garment that had rescued from one of the boxes

    24. The young woman approached up to the shelves replete with books piled up in a variety of forms and colors that the moisture had already begun to mutilate

    25. They all were piled up about the bed, with the exception of Leonardo who was lying still at the window

    26. Xanatrix, Ducran and Alaris had placed themselves piled up at the entrance

    27. She stepped up to one of the niches that were piled up in rows of ten in length by four tall, forming a mosaic, very peculiar

    28. Snow drifts piled up on both sides and a pair of skiers zipped across directly over my head, unaware they’d missed me by inches

    29. And after his talk with Archer, he realized that he was going against an adversary that was trying to outsmart not only him but the whole law enforcement unit as a whole and laughing about it as dead bodies piled up beside him

    30. Distracted by what they could see, they didn’t seem to realize how fidgety their horses were as they stomped drifts of piled up leaves

    31. Further stress and concern piled up on top of the original stress

    32. The dead are piled up in an area by 2 of the robots while another robot stands by, guarding the pile of mangled corpses

    33. There had been fighting on Thunder River; fierce fighting before the walls of Velitrium; ax and torch had been piled up and down the bank, and many a settler's cabin lay in ashes before the painted horde was rolled back

    34. The only thing different at the house was that more mail and newspapers seemed to have piled up

    35. ” He motioned toward a corner of the room where a table was piled up with Christmas goodies

    36. grass around the area, but what they had not been able to see was the amount of manure that had piled up within the enclosure

    37. The vast area was filled with red and white containers piled up

    38. But the officer continued examining the room with the lantern and showed no sign of interest until he discovered the seventy-two chamberpots piled up in the cupboards

    39. Farnsworth was activating his microphone, remotely connected to Charlie’s camera, when the pickup truck suddenly accelerated, while one of the men standing in the back took out an AK-47 assault rifle from behind piled up vegetable crates and started shouting, imitated by his two companions

    40. had been piled up, opened a number of cases one after the

    41. As the sheer weight of numbers against him piled up he crossed the Ruvuma into Portuguese East Africa

    42. Some crates were opened at once, with their contents then distributed around, while others were piled up beside the group

    43. Once in the command bunker, Ingrid went to a corner where a number of weapons and web gear were piled up

    44. objects crept at her ankles and the dishes piled up

    45. The life jackets would simply have piled up on the beach

    46. He then faced a wall of stacked cardboard boxes piled up nearly to the ceiling and held together with transparent plastic wrapping film

    47. Additionally, the toppings were all a little piled up on one end of their crusts, having slid slightly off the pizzas during his confrontation with the stop sign

    48. and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high

    49. The stones were piled up in his palm

    50. When men have said all they can to depreciate the old paths of the Bible, and draw you away from Christ, � when they have piled up the ancient, stale objections of various readings, doubtful authorship, inconsistent statements, and supposed incredible miracles, they can still offer no substitute for the Scripture, or answer the question, "To whom shall we go?" There still remains the great, broad fact that the leading evidences of revelation have never been overthrown, that we are weak creatures in a sorrowful world, and need a helping hand, which Christ alone holds out, and which millions for eighteen centuries have found, and are finding, sufficient

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