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    Usar "pinned" en una oración

    pinned oraciones de ejemplo


    1. It—what used to be James—snapped at her fingers but was pinned by the wreckage and couldn't lean in to bite her

    2. Her leg was pinned

    3. Your chart,” he ruffles through some papers pinned to a clipboard, “says that you have stomach problems

    4. Its ends are stable, each a four-wheel truck pinned to the bottom of the backbone

    5. "Lies!" He shouted, pinned Travis’s head down by the back of his neck and turned his pistol to Betsy

    6. She slammed into him hard and rode him into the bulkhead and pinned him against a ladder

    7. Nobody pinned a medal on him, but nobody tried to break his bones either

    8. Alan's attempt to jump on it was pinned to the ground by the creature's foot as it sprang into the panic

    9. There was a notice pinned up on the Church

    10. He pinned her to the ground but she leaned forward and pushed him down and rode him wildly

    11. He quickly flipped her over and pinned her down

    12. They tumbled down the knoll and she pinned him down, trying to kiss him

    13. The only dark cloud on their horizon was a note from their benefactor that had been pinned to a bottle of champagne that awaited them on the day of their arrival in their new home, offering his sincerest condolences on the sad news about the fisherman’s health and saying that he would consider it an honour if they would invite him to the funeral, long may that day be postponed

    14. My heart beat fast as I pinned

    15. pinned the sash window permanently closed sheared and shattered

    16. Pinned to the Past

    17. I accidently pinned her to her diaper

    18. cried, but I didn’t realize that she was pinned to her

    19. He did as she requested and she studied the creature pinned under debris

    20. The Scather was lying under a huge console, pinned down, and in obvious pain

    21. forward and pinned me to the wall

    22. He pinned me

    23. benefactor that had been pinned to a bottle of champagne that

    24. Moses pinned the stranger’s feet to the cold

    25. At one point he remarked that this was where he had found Mya pinned under a

    26. Ted is pinned down in one of the chairs with Jock snarling in his face

    27. overpowered, and pinned her against the cold damp

    28. Without apparent difficulty, Sheila grabbed Chrissie’s hands and, forcing them over her head, pinned them down in the mud with one hand

    29. He is manhandled into a kneeling position, his arms pinned and locked behind his back

    30. She is pinned to the harsh walls of the domestic mausoleum by creeping vines, smothered in the leaf mould decay covering the floor of the untamed land at her feet

    31. He reared and kicked at the barriers of his prison, and in the process crushed in the chest and skull of the faithful liveryman pinned to the railing by the mare

    32. Heather’s wrists were pinned against the desk by Bobby as he leaned over

    33. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he tugged her in the door of the third house, and pinned her to the wall

    34. I saw them pinned up

    35. In less than a heartbeat, he’d slide her off his chest, and pinned her to the floor of the van

    36. "You know what happens when, a pinned lion gets loose?" she waited for a response but there wasn't one

    37. A minute later he had her pinned to the bed once more clawing at her clothing, mumbling with a thick tongue

    38. Her swords were still in her hands, though now they were useless for Solo Ki had her pinned to the ground, his staff digging into her chest

    39. Before he could start to move out of the way, the beams pinned him

    40. Adros was pinned beneath him

    41. There it was, pinned innocuously on the green board – my missing

    42. I pinned it to the top of my head, then washed my face and hands for the third time

    43. He wanted to reach, touch, tear, conquer, but her legs pinned his arms to his sides

    44. Time seemed to drag but I guessed that we had been pinned down for about half an hour now we had tried to squirm our way into the floor to make ourselves smaller and so not so much of a target for the random shrapnel

    45. I don’t know why so don’t ask me but when you have been pinned down for any length of time you get really pissed off to the point where nothing else matters

    46. Like last time there was no way we could push on without artillery support which we didn’t have and there were problems with the ammo supplies so we were pinned down again

    47. “There’s not much more to tell really I just heard they got pinned down and then one of the Battalions I think it was the 1st/5th Fusiliers charged forward to relieve the situation

    48. We felt sorry for the Kiwis who were now pinned down with nowhere to go with their men still taking casualties and dying for a few yards or ground

    49. The boulder was bigger around than she was, and he was pinned under it by one leg

    50. She had braided it, then pinned it to the top of her head

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