Usar "plant" en una oración
plant oraciones de ejemplo
1. Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity
2. Snails are prone to grow during the early spring, during which it would be unwise to plant anything unprotected that you did not mind the snails eating
3. It appears as though plant fats have plenty of health benefits
4. They are one of the best plant sources of
5. The Invisible Gardener says: “You can avoid many problems associated with high nitrogen use imply by understanding the organic system of providing nitrogen as the plant needs it
6. These blends are extremely well balanced, offer broad spectrum time-released plant nutrients, will produce excellent yields
7. • Water Soluble Blood Meal 14-0-0: If you have ever tried to dissolve blood meal then you know why this is such a great product! Indoor magic for all your house plants, contains A-35 plus natural proteins, plant growth regulators and minerals
8. I love this stuff! Agri-Gro is not an NPK fertilizer but it works to enhance the relationships between soil and plant
9. The plant and insect kingdoms are but a mirror into our world
10. We see the results of our actions within the insect and plant worlds
11. When it comes to plants, they want the type of energy that can be converted into sugars that they need for the various plant functions such as assimilation and flowering
12. The higher energy sources provide to the plants a quick pick me up, Higher energy food sources are easier to be absorbed then lower energy sources which require more energy to assimilate leaving the plant in a minus situation which in turn causes stress etc
13. But if the plants are supplied with an abundance of food, a greater balance is achieved between the plant and its surrounding environment
14. It is through this balance that the stress of the plant is reduced
15. Decoction: This is made by simmering the part of the plant (usually roots, twigs and bark) in a nonmetal container, in boiling water, for 1/2 hr or more depending on the material(s) and its use
16. For more info see specific plant or herb
17. Fermented products are treated differently then you might think by the plant kingdom
18. All parts of the plant can be used
19. Curry: Made into a paste painted on trunk of plant to protect from insects and can also be made into a liquid and sprayed
20. Horseradish: A very strong plant
21. Most insects will not eat this plant or have anything to do with it! I suggest getting an extract
22. It is always wise to test the soap out on a small section of the plant to make sure it will not harm the plants
23. They suck the sugars from the plant, leaving a great deal of this nectar behind on the leaves of the plants being attacked
24. Ants too play an important role since they herd many sucking creatures around from plant to plant
25. To control, concentrate many times their more on the health of the soil and the health of the plant and less on controlling the red spiders
26. You can spray the solution directly on the spiders or you can bathe (place) the entire plant, pot and all into warm water with a dash of Dr
27. Zinc: This exotic element is just as important as the top three (NPK) without which the plant would die
28. Zinc is normally readily available in the soil but when the flow minerals needed by the soil and plant is interrupted, the zinc will be used up by the plants and quickly run are depleted
29. Check for plant growth directly outside vents to insure that it’s not inhibiting proper ventilation
30. Avoid plant boxes attached to the house unless it’s off the ground
31. Organic matter and rock powders form the basis of organic fertilizers, and benefit the soil as well as the plant
32. As a rule, chemical fertilizers are not a complete plant food
33. Organic Fertilizer mixes usually contain composted animal manure, plant residues, seaweed and fish products, and minerals (bone and blood meal, cottonseed meal, granite dust, phosphate rock and greensand)
34. This allows both you and the plant time to adjust to the new organic regime
35. Organic Fertilizers: Chemical fertilizers lack bacteria and enzymes essential for soil life and for nutritional exchanges necessary between plant and soil
36. 1 cup per month per plant
37. A better method and one that I prefer, is to get a small clay drain pipe (opened at both ends, about 3 inches wide, 12 inches long (smaller for roses, larger for trees) and bury that at the base of the rose bush or plant, level with the ground
38. Plants under the care of the ants are protected by them and are also used as a source of food either for them directly thru the sap or pollen of the plant or indirectly thru the use of aphids and other insects which attack the plant and which in turn are ‘milked’ by the ants (for their nectar)
39. Getting A Hold: Raise the energy level of the soil; in turn you will have higher energy levels of the rose, vegetable or plant
40. Causes: Caused by early removal of winter protection, new shoot tips are damaged, diseases will attack and enter plant
41. The idea is to provide plants with important trace minerals, bacteria, enzymes, and elements necessary for a healthy plant to grow
42. Day 1: The bottom layer is shredded manure, The next layer is of plant waste shredded
43. If their manufacturing plant is nearby, ask to take a tour
44. It is a good idea to plant flowers and herbs along with your vegetables for best insect protection
45. What part of the plant are you using?
46. “What is beautiful about my father is that he believes everything on that label,” says Ralph, who says that way back when, he suggested his father’s soap - of which the uses range from shampoo to toothpaste, laundry cleaner to bug repellent, and plant cleaner to body message (though customers swear there are hundreds more uses) -something catchy like ‘Mint Glow’
47. SuperSeaweed works great on orchids! Most any flowering plant will do well with regular additions of SuperSeaweed to its water
48. ” Growing up in Puerto Rico/Miami, Lopez was heavily influenced by the fact that his mother grew her own fruits and vegetables and always used animal manure as fertilizer This organically based philosophy toward gardening techniques laid the foundation of Lopez beliefs and in 1972 he founded Astra’s Garden, based on something of a religion that subscribes to living in harmony with the environment: not polluting; treating all living plant life with respect; and, basically just listening to what the earth is telling us
49. Water this plant with water from these water bottles
50. He grabs it and carries it to his lips, proceeding to plant a kiss on each of my fingers, causing my stomach turn flip-flops most satisfactorily
1. The apartment trees had been planted above it while the American colonies were raw frontier
2. Psalms: 1:3: And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth
3. Lo and behold, it's like a completely different place -- the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition, there are plenty of cattle and other livestock happily munching on feed in well-fenced pens, and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows
4. Planting during the wrong time of year also exposes plants to insects that would not normally affect your plants, if they planted at the right time
5. She joined him, took the offered hand and planted a soft, ruby lipped kiss on
6. It was a very good representation of the environment the mortal humans on the planet below lived in, she wondered if they had planted nano instruments that allowed one to converse with people on the planet below in real time
7. He would be planting one of the three attitude thrusters that would be planted on the asteroid
8. To his unmagnified vision it was still just a blurry point of light as they planted these thrusters
9. The average native family had between one and three acres in this society and planted most of it with most of their diet, most of the remainder of their diet being varmints trapped while trying to eat it
10. "They will have guidance planted on it," Carlton said
11. These speeches planted seeds on the fertile org/speeches
12. Alessandra straightened her back, took his face in her hands and planted a kiss on his forehead
13. that movie, firmly are you planted with the book
14. The fisherman planted his rod into the sand, wedged
15. 6He spoke also this parable; a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he
16. Parable: There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it
17. and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
18. Apart from the wheat and barley, there were fields planted with
19. with rosemary planted as a hedge between the garden and the
20. He planted it in fact
21. Someone had made a pretty bad fist of replanting a bush in the recently dug ground in an attempt to conceal the disturbance, the shrub lurched heavily to one side giving away the fact it had been planted in a hurry by black-fingered hands
22. He had the standard opening with a single small tree planted in it
23. I planted them up with small shrubs last year – there’s a deep pink magnolia under planted with white heathers in one and a red-leaved Acer in the other
24. He included what was planted and where, and spoke a little about the three houses and hunting lodge
25. be like a tree planted by the waters
26. " he responded, with an air of distaste "I don't know what that college has planted in his head, look at those clothes
27. Not a second had past, feet firmly planted on solid ground, her hand securely in his
28. They are the shoot I have planted,
29. Flowers filled every vacant space, some planted and others wild, but all beautiful in the eye of the visitors
30. " his words fell with a bit of humor, as he planted a kiss on her forehead
31. Now a seed of doubt had been planted in the minds of the
32. crotch she planted her knuckles in an upper cut directly to the bottom of his nose
33. I planted a sprout of a maple tree
34. (After walking a long ways)… I came to an opening where the country seemed to descend to the west; and due east; and the country appeared so fresh, so green, so flourishing, everything being in a constant verdure or flourish of spring that it looked like a planted garden
35. One day the woman was standing by this window and looking down into the garden, when she saw a bed which was planted with the most beautiful rapunzel flowers, and it looked so fresh and green that she longed for it
36. Cinderella thanked him, went to her mother's grave, and planted the branch on it, and she wept so much that her tears fell upon it and watered it
37. The children's parents had large wooden boxes there, in which vegetables for the kitchen were planted, and little rose trees besides: there was a rose in each box, and they grew splendidly
38. Ah," said he at once, "that rose is spoiled! And look, this one is quite crooked! After all, these roses are very ugly! They are just like the box they are planted in!" And then he gave the box a good kick with his foot, and pulled both the roses up
39. The table had not been created by the chisel and hammer of a craftsman, but planted and nurtured to life by the hands of the ancient elves who had been skilled in the lost organic arts -- a mastery of nature which allowed them to manipulate the development of various forms of life
40. they are firmly planted on the Rock of Christ
41. That the vineyard, when properly planted and brought to perfection, was the most valuable part of the farm, seems to have been an undoubted maxim in the ancient agriculture, as it is in the modern, through all the wine countries
42. We never got to toboggan but we did get healthy exercise walking up hills and down dale, and I can vouch how heavy that ladder was, it was the one father used to lean against the tall pear tree to pick the fruit from, his Great Grandfather had planted all those years ago
43. And I bet it was even here when they originally bought the house and planted the trees
44. The Pot leapt down and ran to the stove where it filled itself with creamy mushroom soup then planted itself contentedly on to another hotplate and was soon bubbling away
45. God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he
46. Ostedes planted a foot on his chest, crushing him, his toes digging into his skin
47. planted, among which palms could not miss
48. She planted one foot in the snow, bracing for the cat to lunge
49. He looked over at Penelope, who stood ready with blade gripped tightly in hand and her feet planted
50. Could one woman thus satisfy these desires that the gods had planted in him? He was a hunter and he loved the variety of available female species
1. Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity
2. This will severely reduce the snail population almost immediately, and should be done several times before planting
3. Learn timing, planting too early or too late will cause problems and attract slugs/snails and other pests
4. the soil before planting, and then applied every year after that
5. Observe the correct planting dates on vegetables, etc
6. Planting during the wrong time of year also exposes plants to insects that would not normally affect your plants, if they planted at the right time
7. Lopez is also the founder of the ClubIG which he started in an effort to raise the consciousness of all those concerned with their environment The club publishes a newsletter every month on website or yearly via snail mail, which discusses new products new procedures, and a number of timely topics relating to planting and growing
8. called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may
9. He would be planting one of the three attitude thrusters that would be planted on the asteroid
10. They all have huge smiles on their faces but Apollo instantly inquires, "Where's Grace?" As soon as he speaks two arms embrace him from behind and she spins around him, a planting her lips to his
11. crystal, hobby-related tool-kits, planting flower bulbs for the coming season so you can
12. Lord Mantel was master of Field Hold; his people saw to the planting and harvesting of the many different crops that fed the People
13. "Five weeks ago planting signals in Thom's gear wasn't very hard
14. They were still planting and arranging beds when a few of the guests returned to their quarters preparing to freshen up for the evening's dining occasions
15. Sally, you may not be a re-incarnation of Percy Thrower but, with a bit of luck, the garden will look better than it currently does by the time you’ve finished planting this lot out
16. ” Kaitlyn nodded as she continued the planting
17. She moved in tune with his momentum, hurling herself forward, planting her foot atop the blue eyed guard's head and launching her body upwards
18. In France, the anxiety of the proprietors of the old vineyards to prevent the planting of any new ones, seems to favour their opinion, and to indicate a consciousness in those who must have the experience, that this species of cultivation is at present in that country more profitable than any other
19. In 1731, they obtained an order of council, prohibiting both the planting of new vineyards, and the renewal of these old ones, of which the cultivation had been interrupted for two years, without a particular permission from the king, to be granted only in consequence of an information from the intendant of the province, certifying that he had examined the land, and that it was incapable of any other culture
20. This seems, in the present times, to be nearly the state of things in several parts of Great Britain, where the profit of planting is found to be equal to that of either corn or pasture
21. The advantage which the landlord derives from planting can nowhere exceed, at least for any considerable time, the rent which these could afford him ; and in an inland country, which is highly cuitivated, it will frequently not fall much short of this rent
22. Dingle was unperturbed and had continued planting marigolds without a care
23. He moved away from the trees, planting himself directly in front of me
24. Planting and tillage frequently regulate more than they animate the active fertility of Nature; and after all their labour, a great part of the work always remains to be done by her
25. The planting of sugar and tobacco can afford the expense of slave cultivation
26. In a way, you are planting
27. Sebastian stood, planting his hands on his hips
28. “What’s impossible?” I asked, exasperated, planting myself in front of him
29. closed in on the boys they finished the planting and wearily trooped
30. Khan stepped towards Kiri and took her by the shoulders, planting a soft kiss on her cheek
31. They’d be planting, harvesting, or irrigating, or just waiting for the rice to grow or sometimes, the rain to come
32. Planting herself with her back against the wall, Alice’s short, extremely slender shape with her dark complexion hung on the wall like a shadow
33. Therefore, the would-be reformer will seek to promote public ―awareness‖ of some (erstwhile) non-issue by manufacturing a victim by planting seeds of ignorance and fear into the hearts and minds of the people in a manner that gradually arouses suspicion, resentment, anger and hate
34. The Rhodesian war started with isolated attacks on white farms and the planting of landmines to disrupt the Security Forces and whoever else detonated it
35. A false passport or planting a bomb or kidnapping! All these things are a crime
36. The Planting of The lord
37. Blessed is the planting of The Lord,
38. Sowing is planting seeds for the purpose of growing
39. Shootouts did happen but it was mostly chance encounters like at a road block or when found planting bombs etc
40. The planting of bombs were not the IED type aimed at military convoys but simply high explosives inside a restaurant or other civilian targets of opportunity
41. Efforts at enlightening someone are analogous to planting a seed and watching it take root
42. Separating from him, while planting in his mind the idea that she was out of the business, would go a long way towards creating a better sense of security
43. He tried just one more, planting a seed for some future conversation
44. I had this mental picture of a bare-chested Tommy, pale blue light reflecting off his torso as he worked his way across the field at planting and harvesting times
45. Shouting over his shoulder that the planting of the field should continue without him, Weizescie ordered Colling to follow him and began walking rapidly in the direction from which Colling had just come
46. her arms around his neck and planting a big kiss on his lips
47. When the end of the beginning (The Jesus millennium) was at hand in the year AD 999, many thought the end of time was also at hand and didn’t waste their effort planting crops in the year AD 1000, so there was a great famine in the lands where this belief held sway
48. shall he reap,” 1 The scriptures say that planting mercy and aid is re-
49. not only tithing, but planting seeds for this future need that we could
50. The Leftist stance on evolution over creationism, or alien planting, is simply a part of the religious attack
1. Gophers are less likely to attack healthy plants
2. By top-dressing Is the lawn being damaged by them? When you have your lawn and property with year-old horse manure, spotted the telltale signs of gophers or moles (a small you will not only be feeding your soil, but also repel-mound of soil or dead plants), naturally as they do not like manure
3. If you live in an environment where there are lots of gophers bugs, larvae, grubs, spiders, and centipedes, you should start thinking in terms of protecting your plants
4. Other plants gophers hate are herbs such as tansy, peppermint, spearmint and rosemary
5. Nitrogen s not the most important element of what you feed your plants
6. However, studies around the world have shown that such a process is not the one used by most of the world’s sewer treatment plants
7. • Water Soluble Blood Meal 14-0-0: If you have ever tried to dissolve blood meal then you know why this is such a great product! Indoor magic for all your house plants, contains A-35 plus natural proteins, plant growth regulators and minerals
8. When it comes to plants, they want the type of energy that can be converted into sugars that they need for the various plant functions such as assimilation and flowering
9. The higher energy sources provide to the plants a quick pick me up, Higher energy food sources are easier to be absorbed then lower energy sources which require more energy to assimilate leaving the plant in a minus situation which in turn causes stress etc
10. But if the plants are supplied with an abundance of food, a greater balance is achieved between the plant and its surrounding environment
11. Ants, like most predatory insects, attack plants that are sick or stressed
12. This is a good time to see how the plants are responding to their new organic regime
13. “It’s not the plants that are hooked on the chemicals,
14. During the next few years you should work on reducing the chemicals used by ••• then eventually not using any chemicals at all and be 100% Organic! Any problems your plants may have can be treated with the appropriate organic controls; some of which are mentioned in this book
15. Use when needed around plants
16. Potent! Use as a dust around plants
17. Paint the paste onto plants with a paint brush
18. It will last a long time and will protect plants from crawling insects
19. Learn to blend different plants to achieve best results
20. It was developed to help reduce inflammation, promote healthy circulation and healing, and alleviate pain and because of its strong odors will repel most insects as well as keep them from eating your plants
21. It is the fermentation process that converts energy to the plants as readily available sugars, and minerals
22. Nothing organic here! So I would suggest that you make it yourself for your own use and make some extra for your plants!
23. Add to sprayer and use on plants
24. The powder can be sprinkled around plants
25. Use at weak strength for best results and less damage (soap will burn plants)
26. Citrus or lime juice can be sprayed on most plants and vegetables
27. The strength you use depends on the type of plants you are spraying
28. Buried at base of plants
29. It is always wise to test the soap out on a small section of the plant to make sure it will not harm the plants
30. For the five years that Nichols has conducted trials on his technique, it has been completely effective on whitefly and a broad spectrum of small bodied “infestation” insects without any damage to the treated plants
31. They suck the sugars from the plant, leaving a great deal of this nectar behind on the leaves of the plants being attacked
32. This fungus interferes with photosynthesis, reducing the energy level of the plants being attacked
33. Here is a list of some spiders and how to control them on your plants and in the house: part of our eco-system
34. Red Spiders: These tiny spiders are reddish in color and are found on indoor plants that have very little air circulation
35. Overwatering will tend to damage the plants more than the spiders would
36. However, if you have an unusually large weight in insects every amount of red spiders per plants, its time to make a few changes!
37. Before you repot plants, bathe it in a mild soapy water solution
38. This causes major changes in the PH levels of the soil effect-ing nutritional absorption by the plants
39. Poor health and high stress of plants are due to improper nutrition
40. Planting during the wrong time of year also exposes plants to insects that would not normally affect your plants, if they planted at the right time
41. Minerals: There are over 72 minerals that are needed by the soil and the plants for healthy disease free growth
42. Zinc is normally readily available in the soil but when the flow minerals needed by the soil and plant is interrupted, the zinc will be used up by the plants and quickly run are depleted
43. When the plants do not have any zinc left they go into immediate stress
44. I watch him as he crosses the room; avoiding meeting my eyes, he plants a kiss on my cheek
45. The first thing you have to do is address the nutritional needs of your property as well as that of the plants
46. Know your plants and their PH requirements
47. This is primarily due to its high calcium levels as well as high iron, and its large selection of trace minerals, which are made immediately available to the soil and plants
48. There is a definite relationship between various insects, in particular aphids, which are found on plants, and ants
49. The ants control most if not all insect activity on plants that they have ‘adopted’
50. Plants under the care of the ants are protected by them and are also used as a source of food either for them directly thru the sap or pollen of the plant or indirectly thru the use of aphids and other insects which attack the plant and which in turn are ‘milked’ by the ants (for their nectar)