I know this is true, because Helen never shows the slightest interest in men, not even platonic
How Raiya would love him to do this; may even love him for it, for all the value the platonic sense of the word love meant
” I told her that was champion but I looked at her closely as she blushed again thinking to myself there is more going on here than a platonic visit
She wanted to keep a platonic relationship between them
She was my assistant for Christ sake, nothing more, we are friends but it’s completely platonic!” He feel a little guilt where that was concerned but surely they knew nothing about it
in a Platonic sense then Illusion is not itself, but what sort of concept trembles before the
Bits appeal to us ontologically as a way of atomizing the Platonic
KEEPING IT PLATONIC As I said earlier, the reader should bear in mind that my father’s greatest fear was a paternity suit, and my greatest fear was providing grounds for one
intimacy between them, however platonic, that did not
a being that is and that has no need to become; the Platonic one where there is
the date to the fair came to pass, it would be nothing more than platonic
Instead they enjoyed something that was akin to platonic love
It was, they learned from Bridget, a purely platonic relationship
The 11th house is about friendships of the mind – platonic kinds of friendships, friendships with people of like mind and like interests
presents a rather idealistic, almost platonic image of life in the family
From this perspective, there is a real me, a platonic ideal self, waiting to emerge from the chrysalis of fat that encases it
"Viktor and I are friends -- platonic friends
[A Spirit had followed them; one of the invisible inhabitants of this planet, neither departed souls nor angels; concerning whom the learned Jew, Josephus, and the Platonic Constantinopolitan, Michael Psellus, may be consulted
I have seen the error of my ways and will keep our relationship completely platonic
Their relationship was platonic
She had also clearly reconciled herself a long time ago to the platonic relationship that they enjoyed
Won’t it then turn out into a regimen of seeing a bloated Roopa belatedly? Then, with nothing left to inspire possession, and having gained to make it difficult, won’t she leave me pondering over her past contours in her rotund presence? Well, holding her child in my lap, won’t I be left wondering as to what it would have been like had I possessed her before? Wouldn’t the hoped-for possession on a grand scale passion end up a damp squib in a platonic fashion? It would for sure and sadly at that
If his feelings are genuine, won’t I let him taste the affection of my love on the platonic plane?’
“And possibly into the eternity for platonic love, unlike its sexual cousin, could never wane,” he said as his eyes turned moist
The abrupt end to their platonic
He reluctantly rose from his position and went closer to her, gave her a swift platonic kiss, though half-heartedly
At last she felt his readiness and rose to straddle him, gently helping him inside her with a mix of almost platonic affection and stifled fear
We’d been really good friends for the last two years, and although we’d gone out on a few dates, both of us agreed that we were more comfortable in a platonic relationship
Then she had met someone else and their relationship cooled until it became nothing more than platonic, though they remained firm friends
I had made up my mind by then that our relationship was purely platonic, because, of course, that was what it was meant to be after my previous experiences with men
think he thought it normal one of my best friends was a guy and it was all purely platonic
“He said I could stay, but our relationship would have to be totally platonic
Platonic doctrine may be seen in the theology of a
believe, Christ or the Platonic philosophy of the survival
Both must prove the platonic doctrine that all are born with a part that is not
Christ or the Platonic philosophy of the survival of the soul?
Augustine, "He fused the religion of the New Testament with the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy
• Soul (psukee) with the Platonic beliefs of the translators of an immortal soul that
put their Platonic theology into the Bible where it was not at any cost
was it the translators putting their Platonic and Hellenized philosophy into the Bible? The
Both Universalist and Protestants must prove the platonic doctrine that all
of Augustine, "He fused the religion of the New Testament with the Platonic tradition of Greek
Encyclopedia, "We are influenced always more or less by the Greek, Platonic idea that the body dies,
religion of the New Testament with the Platonic tradition of Greek
· Soul (psukee) with the Platonic beliefs of the translators that an immortal soul that cannot die
How could the translators know the same word in the same sentence has two completely different and opposing meaning? It was nothing more than a determination at any cost to put their Platonic theology into the Bible where it was not
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: “We are influenced always more or less by the Greek, Platonic idea that the body dies, yet the soul is immortal
Both Universalist and Protestants must prove the platonic doctrine that all are born with something that is in them that is not subject to death, that mankind has something in them that is immortal that animal do not have
: "The lamentable results of the Platonic doctrine may be seen in the theology of a Tertullian and an Augustine, –theology called orthodox, –which makes the God of love an Executioner whom innumerable victims will curse eternally
" The Encyclopedia Britannica says of Augustine, "He fused the religion of the New Testament with the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy
Every Greek or Roman disciple of the better schools of Athenian thought brought with him the Oriental or Platonic doctrine of man’s natural pre-existence and eternity
" Also from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia "We are influenced always more or less by the Greek, Platonic idea that the body dies, yet the soul is immortal
, "The lamentable results of the Platonic doctrine may be seen in the theology of a Tertullian and an Augustine,--theology called orthodox
fіnd it appropriate tо tell a platonic frіеnd they love them or tоuсh
' And it will be no great matter if it is in some other person's hand, for as well as I recollect Dulcinea can neither read nor write, nor in the whole course of her life has she seen handwriting or letter of mine, for my love and hers have been always platonic, not going beyond a modest look, and even that so seldom that I can safely swear I have not seen her four times in all these twelve years I have been loving her more than the light of these eyes that the earth will one day devour; and perhaps even of those four times she has not once perceived that I was looking at her: such is the retirement and seclusion in which her father Lorenzo Corchuelo and her mother Aldonza Nogales have brought her up
I have redressed injuries, righted wrongs, punished insolences, vanquished giants, and crushed monsters; I am in love, for no other reason than that it is incumbent on knights-errant to be so; but though I am, I am no carnal-minded lover, but one of the chaste, platonic sort
The intimacy between them had been kept so abstract, such a matter of the soul, all thought and weary struggle into consciousness, that he saw it only as a platonic friendship
But there are other features of the Platonic Republic, as, for example, the literary and philosophical education, and the grace and beauty of life, which are the reverse of Spartan
We start back horrified from this Platonic ideal, in the belief, first, that the higher feelings of humanity are far too strong to be crushed out; secondly, that if the plan could be carried into execution we should be poorly recompensed by improvements in the breed for the loss of the best things in life
Yet because the illusion is always returning (for the animal part of human nature will from time to time assert itself in the disguise of philosophy as well as of poetry), and also because any departure from established morality, even where this is not intended, is apt to be unsettling, it may be worth while to draw out a little more at length the objections to the Platonic marriage
We also, to use a Platonic formula, are not ignorant of the dissatisfactions and incompatibilities of family life, of the meannesses of trade, of the flatteries of one class of society by another, of the impediments which the family throws in the way of lofty aims and aspirations
Not by the Platonic device of uniting the strong and fair with the strong and fair, regardless of sentiment and morality, nor yet by his other device of combining dissimilar natures (Statesman), have mankind gradually passed from the brutality and licentiousness of primitive marriage to marriage Christian and civilized
Nor do the so-called Platonic ideas recovered from a former state of existence affect his theory of mental improvement
The germ of both of them is contained in the Platonic dialectic; all metaphysicians have something in common with the ideas of Plato; all logicians have derived something from the method of Plato
If any one is desirous of carrying out in detail the Platonic education of after-life, some such counsels as the following may be offered to him:-- That he shall choose the branch of knowledge to which his own mind most distinctly inclines, and in which he takes the greatest delight, either one which seems to connect with his own daily employment, or, perhaps, furnishes the greatest contrast to it
Whether his dialogues were framed on the model of the lost dialogues of Aristotle, as he himself tells us, or of Plato, to which they bear many superficial resemblances, he is still the Roman orator; he is not conversing, but making speeches, and is never able to mould the intractable Latin to the grace and ease of the Greek Platonic dialogue
More interesting than either of these, and far more Platonic in style and thought, is Sir John Eliot's 'Monarchy of Man,' in which the prisoner of the Tower, no longer able 'to be a politician in the land of his birth,' turns away from politics to view 'that other city which is within him,' and finds on the very threshold of the grave that the secret of human happiness is the mastery of self
First it was strictly Platonic till nature intervened and an attachment sprang up between them till bit by bit matters came to a climax and the matter became the talk of the town till the staggering blow came as a welcome intelligence to not a few evildisposed, however, who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the thing was public property all along though not to anything like the sensational extent that it subsequently blossomed into
a platonic kind of kiss?”
And in platonic love there can be no tragedy, because in that love all is clear and pure, because
The truth was that Jay Gatsby, of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself
But then it was as if the outward form of the meal, the proximity of the mashed potatoes to the Platonic ideal on the box, called him back to the present
Runner swore he’d fix things up around the farm and keep it all platonic, if she wanted
“That was the end of anything platonic between the two of them,” reported Jimmy Whiting
(It should be stated, though, that based on how Kirkland later described the session, with Marilyn saying, “I think I should be alone with this boy,” and then asking everyone else to leave—and then even inviting him into bed with her—it doesn’t sound like a very platonic situation
At the time, I devoted three days to the studious digesting of all this beer, beef, and bread, during which many profound thoughts were incidentally suggested to me, capable of a transcendental and Platonic application; and, furthermore, I compiled supplementary tables of my own, touching the probable quantity of stock-fish, etc
And in platonic love there can be no tragedy, because in that love all is clear and pure, because… "
I think the poet desired to embody in this one picture the whole spirit of medieval chivalry and the platonic love of a pure and high-souled knight
There was nothing here that Velchaninoff could remember with shame—all was pure and sweet; and this was perhaps the reason why the friendship was specially dear to Velchaninoff; he had not experienced many such platonic intimacies
Mine was not the restlessness of loneliness and desire for marriage, nor was it platonic, still less a carnal love such as I have experienced
His love for Katiousha did not violate this theory, since it was purely platonic
He says that it rouses his energy and that it is a platonic love; but it has nothing but nastiness for its basis