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    Usar "plausibility" en una oración

    plausibility oraciones de ejemplo


    1. He could give several places as origins with enough plausibility now, even for his most intimate lover

    2. Now, when he gave this past even the faintest of scrutiny, it became starkly apparent that events did not have much in the way of plausibility

    3. When the truth behind some proposition cannot be properly ascertained or supported by fact, opinion must serve as the final arbiter, provided it meets the (litmus) requirements of feasible plausibility

    4. But when she dropped Eddie Ralston"s name, Langdon, who must have been assessing the plausibility of what was being said, suddenly lurched forward and drilled Mia with a force ten glare

    5. Having an escort authorized by the NKVD might lend more plausibility to their masquerade

    6. quantity and quality over time, thus increasing the plausibility of the concept of reincarnation

    7. phenomenology, plausibility and preferentiality)

    8. Plausibility concerns the premises and preseumptions whereby we examine

    9. pairs characterizing plausibility are at the opposite ends of a parameter

    10. plausibility of each project because of the necessity of exceeding capital outlays with

    11. The plausibility of his excuse might prolong their lives

    12. Priscilla had been charming; chatting with what seemed absolute frankness about her future life in the cottages, answering little questionings of Lady Shuttleworth's with a discretion and plausibility that would have warmed Fritzing's anxious heart, dwelling most, for here the ground was safest, on her uncle, his work, his gifts and character, and Lady Shuttleworth, completely fascinated, had offered her help of every sort, help in the arranging of her little home, in the planting of its garden, even in the building of those bathrooms about which Tussie had been told by Mr

    13. 'They said that no criminal laws had ever been known to prevail against cheek and plausibility such as yours, combined with the power of a long purse

    14. During the whole term from the election in the year 1813 to the Michaelmas following, I verily believe that no one proposal which I made to the council was construed in a right sense; this was partly owing to the repute I had acquired for canny management, but chiefly to the perverse views and misconceptions of that Yankee thorn-in-the-side, Mr Hickery, who never desisted from setting himself against every thing that sprang from me, and as often found some show of plausibility to maintain his argumentations

    15. He had managed to deceive by his gift of plausibility the chiefs of the Ribierist movement in the capital, and even the acute agent of the San Tome mine had failed to understand him thoroughly

    16. Charlie liked beer as much as the next guy, but the heap of crumpled cans outside the driver’s-side door seemed to puncture the plausibility of their disguises

    17. Just when does a fluctuation indicate a turn and when is it merely a temporary correction? Even with other financial knowledge to test the plausibility of an indicator, and even with extensive experience interpreting charts, the chances of making a mistake are high

    18. Their insufficiency will give rise to an entirely different concept of common-stock selection, the so-called “new-era theory,” which beneath its superficial plausibility will hold possibilities of untold mischief in store

    19. The plausibility of chart reading, in our opinion, derives largely from its insistence on the sound gambling maxim that losses should be cut short and profits allowed to run

    20. But there was some plausibility in his reply; and the old woman took the pledge

    21. There was therefore no plausibility in the assertion that peace had not been earnestly sought for

    22. There must be plausibility before comedy can take root

    23. It can be derived with as much apparent plausibility and reason from the right to lay duties, as from the right to regulate commerce

    24. That the power of the States to establish banks may be questioned with at least great plausibility, is perfectly clear, but as this banking power has been so long exercised, as the National and State banks have conducted their operations very harmoniously, as no serious evils call for national interference, I am not for disturbing the existing state of things; it is better, perhaps, that the banking power should be divided between the States and the United States

    25. The play was a turgid coagulation of illogical episodes lacking in all plausibility

    26. No one needs to be reminded that love stories, in which the lovers are required to surmount all sorts of obstacles, are common enough; one of the chief difficulties in supplying the demand is to create obstacles of the sort that will stand the test of plausibility and yet add a reasonable means by which the hero and heroine may overcome them, for the distracted couple must live up to what is expected of them, and their romance must be molded by the practical maxim that nothing succeeds like success—success meaning that their final happiness must be in conformity with the necessities of conventional morality; their union either blessed by the church of their faith or confirmed by law

    27. If the renewal of a patent in a special case would furnish an adequate stimulus to the exertions of other ingenious men, it might be urged with some appearance of plausibility; but no man will assert that one or two accidental cases of this sort, out of the many thousand patents which are issued, would have any influence on the expectations of others

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