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    Usar "plausible" en una oración

    plausible oraciones de ejemplo


    1. That's all very plausible from her perspective, but the infrared imaging telescope disagreed

    2. That's a bit imaginative, Sarah! But it is plausible

    3. I found out that parts for the Boeing 777 are particularly scarce at present, making this a plausible motive

    4. The existence of the possibility of substituting a reality for another is certainly difficult to grasp but is in fact highly plausible for people trained in the metaphysical fields

    5. But, there is a much more plausible

    6. This notion, which at first sight seems so plausible, has been so fully exposed by Mr Hume, that it is, perhaps, unnecessary to say any thing more about it

    7. But with no water in the immediate vicinity and nowhere left to hide, a fractured beam and all of its sharpened splinters was the only plausible approach left

    8. Interpretations should be fairly easy – just make up something that sounds plausible

    9. That is plausible but to suppose that a score or even two of Naud fighters could wreak such destruction on a battle-cruiser-class vessel

    10. However, let's not say anything to our companions about this,” the Elf cautioned, “I will come up with a plausible explanation for you

    11. ‘If what I told you sounded perfectly plausible then my job would be in peril

    12. ” said Chris, realising as he said it that the idea did not sound too plausible

    13. 6 So far it sounds like a good argument and quite plausible, but looking at some of the issues involved critically, some questions go unanswered

    14. Looking at the evidence that Jews give for their belief that “the servant” is meant to be the nation Israel, it would at first glance seem to be a very plausible and reliable explanation, but this is true only if the evidence, that is presented, is considered in isolation

    15. He seemed so charming and plausible and he was supposed to be a pal of yours and so I said yes and to tell the truth I was feeling lonely everyone seemed to have someone but me but little did I know what he was really like

    16. course, to make such a case even remotely plausible, one would have to ignore the prior Japanese attacks on China and Indonesia, the fruits of which were to be the forerunners of a glorious Japanese-Asian empire

    17. They thought that the Asians must be giving her a big slice of the action because nothing would have been so plausible without her

    18. Should Hollowcrest learn of this jaunt, Sespian hoped the invites would provide a plausible cover for his sudden interest in visiting the headquarters of the Imperial Intelligence Network

    19. doctrines by advancing plausible interpretations contrary to biblical teachings and superseding them with spiritually abstract new-age assumptions bordering on Pantheism

    20. Rand‘s theory seems plausible enough on the surface

    21. Assumptions by modern revisionists seeking to belie historical traditions, avidly supported by special interests with political axes to grind, however discredited such assumptions oftentimes are, may further promote muddled-headed thinking by ultimately winning the battle of ideas, however questionable their premises, by perpetuating falsehoods that, on the surface, oftentimes appear plausible to variable, ―discerning‖ young minds armed with partial knowledge, but sufficient enough to receive distorted impressions at their face value, rendering many vulnerable to questionable or unlikely propositions that bear little or no resemblance to the truth; advanced by (political and social) deconstructionists alienated from their (hated) customs, offering in exchange, contemporary standards predicated on historical fallacies, deception, inflicted reasoning and ignominious viewpoints

    22. Even the existence of an Eternal Being is plausible in theory when one is willing to allow, however far-fetched to some, a (supreme) being transcending beginning and end; that is to say, the ―possibility‖ of eternal life

    23. The Stock Market reacts irrationally at times although ―irrational‖ (investor) behavior, influenced by (seemingly) plausible signs, (oftentimes) represent illogical adjustments or illogical responses operating under illogical assumptions whose illogical designs are seemingly logical

    24. On the other hand, an individual may reasonably argue that the eye or the mind will often deny what it chooses not to see or believe; in this manner invalidating whatever objective or (plausible) certainty might otherwise allow

    25. Allowing notions of Evil to seep into our consciousness, even as dialectical counterarguments to Good, encourages standards of debate that Evil does not justly merit; that is to say, Evil poses a potential (spiritual) risk to individuals who (unknowingly) provide it with a plausible forum to deceive receptive viewpoints by (intentionally) mischaracterizing its harmful designs

    26. Although the seeds of anti-Western Tradition were planted at the turn of the present century, they did not reach its climax until the sixties when the war gave plausible expression to such ―troublesome‖ viewpoints

    27. I would like to propose a hypothetical question to the progressive reader: If given a choice, which of the following options would you choose: having been created in God‘s (own) Image or having descended from the apes? Should you choose the former, how come so many of you are willing to embrace evolutionary arguments that have been widely discredited rather than entertain the Divine Wisdom of scriptural teachings that offer a more plausible explanation for our existence? Why restrict your beliefs to worldly perceptions or ideas encumbered by the limits of your (finite) senses rather than explore the wondrous miracle of the human imagination, both moral and intellectual, or ―a capacity for self-transcendence‖ (Reinhold Niebuhr) uncommon among the Beast?

    28. Specious arguments advanced by women affirming their (legal) right to have an abortion on the (plausible) assumption that it is their body to do with as they please is arguable from the standpoint that a woman, or a man for that matter, is at liberty to jump off a bridge if she or he is so inclined (laws prohibiting suicide notwithstanding) provided that such quizzical decisions are of consequence to themselves, only

    29. They should be extended on the basis of (overriding) circumstantial evidence that otherwise creates (plausible) doubt as to the merits of the conviction

    30. Reason, unless informed by Faith, however, merely ―apprehends‖ thoughts and ideas proceeding from plausible assumptions designed to inspire confidence in questionable impressions that may appear, but are not necessarily, real

    31. Therefore, a commitment to (true) friendship, setting aside such differences for the moment, requires that our differences produce (a) plausible effect, that does not (necessarily) imply acceptance, however, without compromising either individual‘s prevailing sentiments

    32. Whether or not our ―decided‖ actions are informed by ―non-causal‖ factors (Free Will) or guided by the Determinate Laws of Nature (circumstantial or accidental events) or whether such actions represent a combination of both, Behaviorists are likely to agree that the latter argument is (the) more plausible of the two

    33. A plausible counterargument can be made that a child could just as easily be abused or mistreated in an unconventional

    34. Goodness and Justice, understood within a temporal framework, represent conventional ideas based upon (plausible) principle abstractions consensually agreed upon by majority opinion in order to promote a proper ordering of things within a society or between nations

    35. Its legalization and subsequent dispensation under the auspices of trained professionals operating in a controlled environment, provides a plausible counter-argument to costly efforts aimed at apprehending and bringing drug dealers to task; not to mention promoting cleaner, safer and healthier communities by eliminating criminal incentives and (profits) associated with its unlawful procurement

    36. Why aren‘t there more Black Quarterbacks manning the helm? This question appears plausible enough considered from the standpoint of numbers alone

    37. It is even more plausible, however, were such relationships considered in terms of movement and change, as well; that is to say; considered in light of the ―transitional‖ components that unite both forces

    38. His caustic remarks provoked a number of (unformed) thoughts in my mind including but not limited to 1) the boundaries separating treasonous statements from free speech 2) plausible grounds calling for his immediate dismissal 3) the appalling lack of character and common sense conspicuously absent among (so-called) Intellectuals and (dis-engaging) parents (refer to John Walker Lindh) who casually dismiss the questionable attitudes and positions adopted by their children while routinely footing the bill for their college tuitions and 4) more recently, a former relief pitcher for the Atlanta Braves (John Rocker) who was sentenced by the court of public opinion to perform community service after making unsavory remarks to a newspaper reporter about Gays and African Americans inconsistent with the (civic) requirements of social and politically correct conventions

    39. Would it seem plausible that, with few exceptions, a student scoring 700 on his or her Verbal S

    40. How long will it take for Republicans to wise up to the fact that (all) the entitlement and discretionary spending in (all) the world will never earn them the gratitude of Democrats and that every spending initiative that they (Democrats) would have otherwise supported, were they in power, further invites criticism? President Bush, the man who would be loved by all, continues to set himself up as an easy target by his political opponents looking for every plausible excuse to discredit him

    41. I hugged myself, sick with horror at how very plausible that thought was, and even more sick at the thought that part of me, even now, would welcome such a fate

    42. I’d think of something plausible

    43. It had to be plausible

    44. After hours of frustrating conversation, trying to design a plausible plan, the light had started to fade

    45. She laughed at the autobiography he had concocted for Kazowskis, and repeated her amazement at his ability to construct plausible stories on short notice

    46. One could confidently predict that sooner rather than later he would have the entire car right up off the ground, if given a suitable opportunity, or even just a plausible excuse

    47. The children’s certificates seemed to be plausible, even if they turned out to be not strictly accurate representations of what the State Department was using these days

    48. ” Charles began, “It is relevant to why I find what I now believe to be at least plausible

    49. “I don’t really know, of course, but since that experience I have thought about it a lot and have come up with some possible explanations, one of which seems plausible to me

    50. A more plausible story might just be that God is a He because males have the XY chromosome

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    plausible probable credible glib deceitful deceiving deceptive hypocritical