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    play up oraciones de ejemplo

    play up

    1. As we waited nerves started to play up and I saw men praying and doing all kinds of rituals that they thought would keep them safe

    2. “We ran over and over the plan, exactly what I should say in my interview, how I should claim that I enjoyed fighting, wanted to be famous, would play up to the cameras, and most importantly, I had to pretend that I hated Catholicism and fled Rome before it was bombed

    3. It’s my destiny to play up to the crowds, to bring support and relief to our ailing nation

    4. Democrats, to their enviable credit, know how to play up to their core base, including independents straddling the fence

    5. And Saipele she pretends to play up to lately but you can see it's an act… Her heart isn't in it

    6. Computer equipment could play up and its replacement or repair might be needed

    7. He shunned flowery language and avoided the mere poetic imagery of a play upon words

    8. The display updates itself as more information is added as it displays, other than size and distance from its sun, the atmospheric readings of the planets and other celestial objects

    9. I scored the winning touchdown on a 58yd trap play up the middle in our first game, and stopped their big runner, who was the younger brother of some pro and weighed over 200lbs, every time he tried to run my side of the field

    10. you will have the ability to play up and down the entire length of the

    11. There are countless ways to play up your strengths once you stop

    12. When I don’t play up to my expectations, I take it pretty hard

    13. Looking out to see where the ice stopped and became water once more, she was happy to see that she had a good stretch of solid ice that she could play upon

    14. He always keeps before him the initial impression he sets out to paint, and only selects from nature those things that play up to it

    15. The stage and setting are no better than before, and the play upon it no less adverse to reason

    16. Will you play upon this pipe?

    17. passion for music, and could sing and play upon all sorts of instruments she

    18. Play up to Kennedy, that ‘I’m a great admirer of Jack Kennedy

    19. He could play upon him as he chose

    20. He was warm from end to end as he thought of the jolly world outside, waiting eagerly for him to make his triumphal entrance, ready to serve him and play up to him, anxious to help him and to keep him company, as it always had been in days of old before misfortune fell upon him

    21. If a man could get into perfectly different surroundings from those in which he had been first observed, and—this is the important part—really play up to these surroundings and behave as if he had never been out of them, he would puzzle the cleverest detectives on earth

    22. If he were questioned he had only to play up

    23. In time, the blue feeling of these songs started to play upon what Hank Williams called “my doubtful mind

    24. The Musicians began to play upon the Fo’c’sle Deck with a raucous Cacophony of Drums and Trumpets

    25. This mediocre play upon words produced the effect of a stone in a pool

    26. He looked about for some hint of a wild prank to play upon these strange, grotesque creatures that they might be again aware of his presence among them

    27. Piper of the South Wind, play up, play!

    28. He knew what the spring was that moved young Carrington to play up to a buoyant part

    29. The little play upon which he relied to turn the tide of dollars in his direction was called “A Passion in a Suburb,” and was described as “a psychological study of madness,” by Algernon Boyesen

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