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    Usar "play up to" en una oración

    play up to oraciones de ejemplo

    play up to

    1. “We ran over and over the plan, exactly what I should say in my interview, how I should claim that I enjoyed fighting, wanted to be famous, would play up to the cameras, and most importantly, I had to pretend that I hated Catholicism and fled Rome before it was bombed

    2. It’s my destiny to play up to the crowds, to bring support and relief to our ailing nation

    3. Democrats, to their enviable credit, know how to play up to their core base, including independents straddling the fence

    4. And Saipele she pretends to play up to lately but you can see it's an act… Her heart isn't in it

    5. When I don’t play up to my expectations, I take it pretty hard

    6. He always keeps before him the initial impression he sets out to paint, and only selects from nature those things that play up to it

    7. Play up to Kennedy, that ‘I’m a great admirer of Jack Kennedy

    8. He was warm from end to end as he thought of the jolly world outside, waiting eagerly for him to make his triumphal entrance, ready to serve him and play up to him, anxious to help him and to keep him company, as it always had been in days of old before misfortune fell upon him

    9. If a man could get into perfectly different surroundings from those in which he had been first observed, and—this is the important part—really play up to these surroundings and behave as if he had never been out of them, he would puzzle the cleverest detectives on earth

    10. He knew what the spring was that moved young Carrington to play up to a buoyant part

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