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    plebe oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Plebeians (commoners) had less power

    2. There was some difference in the chain of ascent for plebeians and patricians, but the highest office was open to both

    3. patricians and the plebeians, was in no sense a class struggle; the plebeian leadership was rich and ambitious and part of its support came not only from those in whose interest it was to support it, but from its clients at every economic level; the patricians were similarly supported by all their clients, the humble amongst them perhaps acting against the economic interests of their class, but nonetheless bound to their patrons by real ties of shared sentiment and mutual advantage

    4. "You know how to use that thing, Sir?" he asked, thinking Wolf was a pilot untrained in such low-caliber plebeian things

    5. The magician’s fiancée was looking at me from a small theater box with more presumption and pride that a princess in a plebeian party

    6. Amaranta, was so scandalized with the plebeian invasion that she went back to eating in the kitchen as in olden days

    7. For more that two hundred years the less affluent Romans, called the plebeians, lobbied and negotiated for political equality

    8. Fed up with abuse at the hands of the patricians, the plebeians leveraged their population advantage by withdrawing from the state in 494 BC

    9. What could easily have resulted in civil war, instead resulted in a patrician compromise whereby they allowed plebeians some protection from arrests by patrician magistrates

    10. By 471 BC the plebeians were also granted their own council to pass laws binding on plebeians but not

    11. Plebeians were allowed appointment as consul, the heads of government, in 367 BC, and in 342 BC it became mandatory that at least one consul be from the plebeian class

    12. It wasn’t until 300 BC that plebeians were allowed to hold high priest positions

    13. And finally, laws passed by the plebeian council became binding on all Romans in 287 BC

    14. Priding himself on uncompromising religious neutrality, rugged anti-Congress-ism and plebeian rootedness, Nitish had lost no opportunity after breaking with the BJP to heap veiled scorn on those relying on PR machines, media and advertisements to build their image

    15. 1 - Applebee’s Locations throughout the US, also has a Weight Watchers Menu as well as an under 550 calories menu: http://www

    16. Look you, my dears, all the lineages in the world (attend to what I am saying) can be reduced to four sorts, which are these: those that had humble beginnings, and went on spreading and extending themselves until they attained surpassing greatness; those that had great beginnings and maintained them, and still maintain and uphold the greatness of their origin; those, again, that from a great beginning have ended in a point like a pyramid, having reduced and lessened their original greatness till it has come to nought, like the point of a pyramid, which, relatively to its base or foundation, is nothing; and then there are those--and it is they that are the most numerous--that have had neither an illustrious beginning nor a remarkable mid-course, and so will have an end without a name, like an ordinary plebeian line

    17. Of plebeian lineages I have nothing to say, save that they merely serve to swell the number of those that live, without any eminence to entitle them to any fame or praise beyond this

    18. And do not suppose, senor, that I apply the term vulgar here merely to plebeians and the lower orders; for everyone who is ignorant, be he lord or prince, may and should be included among the vulgar

    19. He was dressed in a common gray blouse and velvet cap, but his carefully arranged hair, beard and mustache, all of the richest and glossiest black, ill accorded with his plebeian attire

    20. More than once she thought of revealing all to her grandmother, and she would not have hesitated a moment, if Maximilian Morrel had been named Albert de Morcerf or Raoul de Chateau-Renaud; but Morrel was of plebeian extraction, and Valentine knew how the haughty Marquise de Saint-Meran despised all who were not noble

    21. This plebeian Don Juan observed me from behind a hackney car and sent me in double envelopes an obscene photograph, such as are sold after dark on Paris boulevards, insulting to any lady

    22. "It is true," said the baroness, with that strange simplicity sometimes met with among fashionable ladies, and of which plebeian intercourse can never entirely deprive them,—"it is very true that had not the Morcerfs hesitated, my daughter would have married Monsieur Albert

    23. already thronged with the craftsmen and other plebeian

    24. The departure for Cythera! exclaims Watteau; Lancret, the painter of plebeians, contemplates his bourgeois, who have flitted away into the azure sky; Diderot stretches out his arms to all these love idyls, and d'Urfe mingles druids with them

    25. This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy of equality

    26. " Fauchelevent belonged, in fact, to that species, which the impertinent and flippant vocabulary of the last century qualified as demi-bourgeois, demi-lout, and which the metaphors showered by the chateau upon the thatched cottage ticketed in the pigeon-hole of the plebeian: rather rustic, rather citified; pepper and salt

    27. I smiled as I unfolded it, and devised how I would tease you about your aristocratic tastes, and your efforts to masque your plebeian bride in the attributes of a peeress

    28. His wife, on the other hand, was vivacious and had a plebeian spark of sharp wit that gave a more human note to her elegance

    29. At last, in the colorful language of her better days, she allowed herself to confide in her daughter-in-law, with whom she had always maintained a certain plebeian camaraderie

    30. But when, as in the case of Nicholas the Czar, the ringed crown of geographical empire encircles an imperial brain; then, the plebeian herds crouch abased before the tremendous centralization

    31. The voice belonged to a man and a plebeian, mawkish with its affectation of religious fervour

    32. The soul does in truth pass through torments!" exclaimed the voice of the plebeian, "and

    33. The most remarkable among the lodgers were Mark Ivanovitch, an intelligent and well-read man; then Oplevaniev; then Prepolovenko, also a nice and modest person; then there was a certain Zinovy Prokofyevitch, whose object in life was to get into aristocratic society; then there was Okeanov, the copying clerk, who had in his time almost wrested the distinction of prime favourite from Semyon Ivanovitch; then another copying clerk called Sudbin; the plebeian Kantarev; there were others too

    34. Noble silver roubles, stout solid rouble and a half pieces, pretty half rouble coins, plebeian quarter roubles, twenty kopeck pieces, even the unpromising old crone's small fry of ten and five kopeck silver pieces—all done up in separate bits of paper in the most methodical and systematic way; there were curiosities also, two counters of some sort, one napoléon d'or, one very rare coin of some unknown kind

    35. Not, of course, that she would want Nancy to marry for money, she assured herself virtuously; that, in addition to being an indirect violation of an article of the Decalogue, was so distinctly plebeian

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