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    Usar "poignancy" en una oración

    poignancy oraciones de ejemplo


    1. I say it’s kind of like a film negative but I’m just scratching for poignancy,” Melody eyes you for comprehension

    2. We went to bed late and our lovemaking had a soft poignancy to it

    3. Little did she know of the poignancy of her remark and how it struck a nerve with Joe? After much discussion about the subject and possibilities that it might allow, they both resolved to do something about it

    4. As he studied the names that were the only indications those men had ever existed, there was a chilling reality to the war that until now had seemed very distant to him; these names brought a poignancy and humanity to the struggles being fought overseas in order to secure the freedom from oppression that he enjoyed here in this country

    5. Christ, despite being a 2000 year old message, should have a very real and renewed poignancy as we

    6. noise level was low enough to add poignancy to the atmosphere

    7. poignancy of these last relished activities

    8. Two or three letters from Darnford, full of soothing, manly tenderness, only added poignancy to these

    9. made up to the senses in the poignancy of variety, and the charms of ease

    10. They took and shewed me the house, their respective apartments, which were furnished with every article of convenience and luxury; and above all, a spacious drawing-room, where a select revelling band usually met, in general parties of pleasure; the girls supping with their sparks, and acting their wanton pranks with unbounded licentiousness; whilst a defiance of awe, modesty or jealousy were their standing rules, by which, according to the principles of their society, whatever pleasure was lost on the side of sentiment, was abundantly made up to the senses in the poignancy of variety, and the charms of ease and luxury

    11. She was thinking, just when he came upon her of this: why was it, she wondered, that to others, to Betsy (she knew of her secret connection with Tushkevitch) it was all easy, while to her it was such torture? Today this thought gained special poignancy from certain other considerations

    12. The reality of the political action, such as it was, seemed closer, and acquired poignancy by Antonia's belief in the cause

    13. In order to add even greater poignancy to their memories, she had brought her copy of the portrait of them dressed as old-fashioned ladies, taken by the Belgian photographer on the afternoon that a young Juvenal Urbino had delivered the coup de grace to a willful Fermina Daza

    14. " Such I believe was the impression of most of those I had acted with in the reign of terror, as we called it; but that impression has been wearing off, it seems, while my feelings have been every day increasing in their poignancy at their neglect of a duty, to which they had solemnly pledged themselves, while they were struggling with their adversaries for pre-eminence and power

    15. At all events, the poignancy of the affair was reserved for himself alone

    16. Buck, the poignancy of his ancient regret having been modified by his long course of consolation from the lips of Avery, was the first to recover

    17. I hope it may be altogether effectual; and I believe it will inflict a wound which will be felt with poignancy

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    Sinónimos para "poignancy"

    pathos poignancy poignance pungency tartness sharpness hotness bitterness harshness emotion sadness sentimentality feeling sentiment