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    1. But another aspect of all that has happened, which is a good thing with all the polarization of countries, is that there is no real war threats anymore, anywhere

    2. Polarization of the haves

    3. the cell wall, which changes wall’s electro-magnetic polarization and thus creates a one-

    4. drills, changes of vectors while under way, reverse polarization procedures and

    5. Advani also told BJP leaders who met him that he was convinced that if Modi became the face of the BJP campaign, it would lead to a Hindu–Muslim polarization and the core issue of governance and UPA misrule would be forgotten

    6. Modi was now talking the language of communal amity, Rahul of polarization

    7. Western UP continues to simmer in the cauldron of religious polarization

    8. When chaos was differentiated, yellow was separated from black and the polarization of the primordial in differentiated state occurs in yellow and black

    9. Mind polarization is a mechanism of an eye unawakened to pay an act devised by the unconscious in form of sleep

    10. “When News for profit takes sides, this is the pornographication of our paralyzing polarization

    11. with UltraViolet Ray Protection and Polarization

    12. OLLAKT-systems smooth down different Directions of the creative dynamics of the Spheres of polarization of the mental-sensuous activity of different types of Self-Consciousnesses, making it really possible for them to communicate with and understand each other

    13. I used the word “dispolarities”, because, in general creative dynamics of ODS, there is constantly a certain internal mental-sensuous polarization of some particular qualities of any Formo-copy both relative to itself and to all other Formo-copies of its typical conglomerate, which are instantaneously formed and changed, or disappear (refocus) somewhere without a trace during continuous realizational processes

    14. An information influence over one photon results in an instantaneous (on our level of dimensions) change of the plane of polarization of the second photon “tangled” with the first one

    15. The change happens due to the absorption (by the second photon) of Information of an already synthesized polariton, which, in its turn, was formed in the process of “slowing down” of a flaks, — a result of the creative dynamism of a Thought-Form of the observer, which is manifested in Space in the form of an anticipated (by him) change in the direction of the polarization filter

    16. So, along with energy and mass characteristics of elementary particles and waves, their information parameters, such as polarization, character of the leading edge and “decline” of a wave, amplitude modulation and frequency modulation of a signal, spin, color, scent, energy level of manifestation, play a great role

    17. There are results of experiments conducted long ago that confirm the presence of nonlocal properties in “quantum” systems! Take at least the fact which I have mentioned recently: in 1982, physicists Alain Aspect, Jean Dalibard and Gérard Rojé from the Institute of Optics of the Paris University discovered that, in the system created by them that consisted of two identical photons, each photon can correlate its angle of polarization with such angle of its double

    18. Isn’t it a convincing confirmation of the presence of the active nonlocal connection between two (three… hundred billion…) photons?! That is, if we change the angle of polarization of the first photon (electromagnetic wave), the angle of polarization of the second (third… hundred-billionth…) photon also changes at the same instant (actually with a zero delay)

    19. As soon as they discover different-qualitative force interactions, they will immediately need to introduce principles of mutual arrangement of all propagating flows of wave emissions, that is, concerning the way of their mutual polarization

    20. Now, the polarization method is used in physics, for example, for the description of a certain arrangement of movement of electromagnetic waves (that is, elementary particles) and polarized beams of neutrons, when their spin is arranged in one plane

    21. Then, they will find out about the manifestation of such phenomenon as multipolarization — multi-directional polarization of parameters of some waves relative to many other waves, which, in essence, will determine the character of their force interrelations

    22. The polarization of the already existing inequities of the system would be drawn into such a sharp, unmistakably clarified contrast between what happens to poor people when they steal and what happens to rich people when they steal; that it would rip our entire society apart into warring factions that for once… Start honestly hating each other

    23. The difference between Negative And Positive Polarization can be demonstrated easily with a string and a fairly heavy object tied to one end

    24. That is positive polarization, or as scientists call it: positive feedback

    25. The notion of being ‘right’ and therefore not ‘wrong’ creates a psychological and spiritual polarization, which has the propensity to perpetuate attitudinal psychological compartments within Self and others which are labeled by a particular belief, as ‘good’ and/or ‘bad’

    26. The polarization within the Group of Four was now complete, and Duchairn wondered if Clyntahn realized the totality with which he’d just driven him and Maigwair into one another’s arms

    27. “Never before have we seen such a graphic demonstration of the polarization between Third World and Western hopes and dreams

    28. He read everything, went to the theatres, attended the courses of public lecturers, learned the polarization of light from Arago, grew enthusiastic over a lesson in which Geoffrey Sainte-Hilaire explained the double function of the external carotid artery, and the internal, the one which makes the face, and the one which makes the brain; he kept up with what was going on, followed science step by step, compared Saint-Simon with Fourier, deciphered hieroglyphics, broke the pebble which he found and reasoned on geology, drew from memory a silkworm moth, pointed out the faulty French in the Dictionary of the Academy, studied Puysegur and Deleuze, affirmed nothing, not even miracles; denied nothing, not even ghosts; turned over

    29. —, on the polarization of light by reflection, xxii, 277

    30. —, laws of the polarization of light by refraction, xxiii, 225

    31. —, on the decomposition of glass, and on the polarization of decomposed glass, xl, 324, 325

    32. —, polarization of heat, and on the claims of discovery, xl, 317

    33. —, on the elliptic polarization of light, reflected from various substances, xlvi, 390

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