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    Usar "policy" en una oración

    policy oraciones de ejemplo


    1. There is a Colonel from his expedition who does not agree with the majority decision and wants to make his own policy

    2. In case of hospitalisation, the expenses that are incurred will be taken care of by this policy subject to the limit of the cover

    3. The cover will be to the extent of the sum assured of the policy

    4. I realized also that the insurance policy I had wouldn't cover this

    5. Now all I had left was the remaining €8500 to pay off and the insurance policy cancellation fee

    6. "That virus is the mechanism that enforces the individual sovereignty policy by which the Kassikan rules mankind on this entire planet

    7. It has been our policy in the past to remain neutral in these regional quarrels but now that stance has appeared to have changed

    8. That he is no longer in direct control of the levers of power is a shame, but in his time of greatness he employed a whole army of secretaries and assistants, whose sole job it was to document every fact and every detail of every case and policy so that he could remain true to his principles

    9. It’s household policy that homework is the responsibility of the individual concerned, but sometimes a little encouragement is required in order to achieve this

    10. embarked upon a policy that some of you disagree with is,

    11. detail of every case and policy so that he could remain true to his

    12. The Swivels’ had a very healthy insurance policy

    13. (Specific tax codes, exemptions, and collections to be issued in accordance with California policy and Tahoe City Charter, and set forth in a separate statute, forthcoming

    14. policy that Hartman had imposed

    15. one rule was to never ask questions of his clients, a policy that had made him a

    16. Jean adopted a policy of absolute silence unless he was

    17. Such enhancements of the market price may last as long as the regulations of policy which give occasion to them

    18. The policy must be as violent as that of Indostan or ancient Egypt (where every man was bound by a principle of religion to follow the occupation of his father, and was supposed to commit the most horrid sacrilege if he changed it for another), which can in any particular employment, and for several generations together, sink either the wages of labour or the profits of stock below their natural rate

    19. This proportion, it will appear hereafter, depends partly upon the nature of the different employments, and partly upon the different laws and policy of the society in which they are carried on

    20. But though in many respects dependent upon the laws and policy, this proportion seems to be little affected by the riches or poverty of that society, by its advancing, stationary, or declining condition, but to remain the same, or very nearly the same, in all those different states

    21. Before long she seemed to have forgotten her confidentiality policy

    22. one in others, and partly from the policy of Europe, which nowhere leaves things at perfect

    23. The particular consideration of those circumstances, and of that policy, will divide this

    24. But the policy of

    25. It is in this manner that the policy of Europe, by restraining the competition in some

    26. Thirdly, the policy of Europe, by obstructing the free circulation of labour and stock, both

    27. It is like the policy which would promote agriculture, by discouraging manufactures

    28. Obviously, I don’t agree with that policy

    29. The one has arisen from a mere accident, in which neither prudence nor policy either had or could have any share; the other, from the fall of the feudal system, and from the establishment of a government which afforded to industry the only encouragement which it requires, some tolerable security that it shall enjoy the fruits of its own labour

    30. It was not then the policy of Europe to restrain, by high duties, the importation of foreign manufactures, but rather to encourage it, in order that merchants might be enabled to supply, at as easy a rate as possible, the great men with the conveniencies and luxuries which they wanted, and which the industry of their own country could not afford them

    31. The word policy comes from here too; it

    32. They have a policy to remove anything that is competing for your visual

    33. appeared, as the “Science of Policy” defined it, if

    34. The term "policy" come

    35. of the page in small type along with your privacy policy

    36. Policy pages are those that give additional information regarding the conditions

    37. your Privacy Policy pages, it’s likely they are interested in your product but are

    38. Greece, due to the policy of the Turks of keeping

    39. most intelligent seems to be the policy; the term

    40. What circumstances in the policy of Europe have given the trades which are carried on in towns so great an advantage over that which is carried on in the country, that private persons frequently find it more for their advantage to employ their capitals in the most distant carrying trades of Asia and America

    41. The ancient policy of Europe was, over and above all this, unfavourable to the improvement and cultivation of land, whether carried on by the proprietor or by the farmer ; first, by the general prohibition of the exportation of corn, without a special licence, which seems to have been a very universal regulation ; and, secondly, by the restraints which were laid upon the inland commerce, not only of corn, but of almost every other part of the produce of the farm, by the absurd laws against engrossers, regraters, and forestallers, and by the privileges of fairs and markets

    42. The like prohibition seems anciently to have made a part of the policy of most other European nations

    43. The like policy anciently took place both in France and England

    44. Yes, honesty is still the best policy but this is where you’ll have to

    45. In the present times, if you except the king of Prussia, to accumulate treasure seems to be no part of the policy of European princes

    46. In this consisted a great part of the policy of Mr Colbert, who, notwithstanding his great abilities, seems in this case to have been imposed upon by the sophistry of merchants and manufacturers, who are always demanding a monopoly against their countrymen

    47. There may be good policy in retaliations of this kind, when there is a probability that they will procure the repeal of the high duties or prohibitions complained of

    48. The bounty upon the exportation of corn necessarily operates exactly in the same way as this absurd policy of Spain and Portugal

    49. The ancient policy of Europe endeavoured, in this manner, to regulate agriculture, the great trade of the country, by maxims quite different from those which it established with regard to manufactures, the great trade of the towns

    50. The very bad policy of one country may thus render it, in some measure, dangerous and imprudent to establish what would otherwise be the best policy in another

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