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    Usar "porta" en una oración

    porta oraciones de ejemplo


    1. 340-1; Pocock’s Porta Mosis, c

    2. For this re a son I propose to dism iss him , to dism iss him with ignom iny from the post he ha s he ld in this Ce ntre ; I propose forthwith to a pply for his tra nsference to a Subcentre of the lowest order a nd, tha t his punishm e nt m a y se rve the be st inte re st of Socie ty, a s fa r a s possible re m ove d from a ny im porta nt Ce ntre of popula tion

    3. " And ra pidly, with a series of ritua l gestures, he uncoiled two wires conne cte d to the porta ble ba tte ry buckle d round his wa ist; plugge d the m sim ulta ne ously into the side s of his a lum inum ha t; touche d a spring on the crown–a nd a nte nnæ shot up into the a ir; touche d a nothe r spring on the pe a k of the brim –a nd, like a ja ck-in-the -box, out jum pe d a m icrophone a nd hung the re , quive ring, six inche s in front of his nose ; pulle d down a pa ir of re ce ive rs ove r his e a rs; pre sse d a switch on the le ft side of the ha t-a nd from within ca m e a fa int wa spy buzzing; turne d a knob on the right–a nd the buzzing wa s inte rrupte d by a ste thoscopic whe e ze a nd ca ckle , by hiccoughs a nd sudde n sque a ks

    4. He was to leave the city by the Porta del Popolo, skirt the outer wall, and re-enter by the Porta San Giovanni; thus they would behold the Colosseum without finding their impressions dulled by first looking on the Capitol, the Forum, the Arch of Septimus Severus, the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, and the Via Sacra

    5. You have told your coachman to leave the city by the Porta del

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    Sinónimos para "porta"

    opening orifice porta mobile moving unsteady unstable