Usar "preference" en una oración
preference oraciones de ejemplo
1. There are several different dusting formulas which you can use on fleas, this will depend on your preference
2. "No preference? All right then, allow me to choose in that case
3. Despite his well paid position and generous expense account his taste or quality and preference for excellence meant that he was always running just behind his ability to pay
4. heavy bread, wild legumes and mushrooms, and, out of preference, jugs of the
5. Twenty years of living on hard and rancid cheeses, the occasional slice of meat if the farmer took pity on him, thick, heavy bread, wild legumes and mushrooms, and, out of preference, jugs of the cheapest, roughest wines
6. Why not try one of the dark honeys, brown as a nut, with the strong and heady sweetness of sunshine? Why not try one of the mild, creamy white honeys, thick and subtle flavoured? There is such a bewildering variety of honeys from all over the world that I could not possibly name them all, but perhaps the most delectable of all, though it is a matter of personal preference, are the clover honeys, smooth and mellow as butterscotch, and with an unforgettable bouquet, and the dark-toned, exotic honeys of the Caribbean
7. 'The human mind - don't you think it would be more natural to develop what we already have in preference to stuffing young minds with the latest technologies?'
8. They call themselves secular, but they give preference to the
9. preference to Muslims, but it is secular
10. 'What preference have
11. ‘Anna, what is your preference with regard to precious stones?’
12. ‘Any preference for Wednesday?’ he asked, starting the car
13. Although he was not an exceptional swordsman, (her preference), his record indicated that he was a crack shot with a laser pistol
14. Sexual preference is not to
15. about the Lyndesfarne preference for underground living, but it still
16. It was Belle who most fully understood Tania and Poly's natural bent toward teamwork, not just their apparent preference for each other's company
17. preference for French Cardinals - has begun to even things
18. Briefly it appears that the United States gives preference to relatives of citizens of the United States, to wives and husbands, sons and daughters of people who are permanent resident aliens living in the United States
19. " When she nodded that would be her preference, he when on
20. morning would be my preference
21. Though, from the preference given in those colonies to the cultivation of tobacco above that of corn, it would appear that the effectual demand of Europe for tobacco is not completely supplied, it probably is more nearly so than that for sugar; and though the present price of tobacco is probably more than sufficient to pay the whole rent, wages, and profit, necessary for preparing and bringing it to market, according to the rate at which they are commonly paid in corn land, it must not be so much more as the present price of sugar
22. But if we can’t convince a majority of citizens that our preference is the right choice, then maybe we haven’t thought out the best course
23. It ought, therefore, to give no preference nor superior encouragement to the foreign trade of consumption above the home trade, nor to the carrying trade above either of the other two
24. To which of them so important a preference shall be given, must be determined by some general rule, founded not upon the doubtful distinctions of personal merit, but upon some plain and evident difference which can admit of no dispute
25. With the judges that were to determine the preference, this difference was perfectly decisive; and thus, for the gratification of the most childish, the meanest, and the most sordid of all vanities they gradually bartered their whole power and authority
26. It was her strong preference
27. The Portuguese, it is said, indeed, are better customers for our manufactures than the French, and should therefore be encouraged in preference to them
28. The carrying trade, though it deserves no preference, ought not to be precluded, but to be left free, like all other trades
29. When renowned medium, George Anderson was asked about the existence of different religions he said everything eventually goes to God and so it made no difference as to one’s preference
30. But if, in any one of those distant employments, which in ordinary cases are less advantageous to the country, the profit should happen to rise somewhat higher than what is sufficient to balance the natural preference which is given to nearer employments, this superiority of profit will draw stock from those nearer employments, till the profits of all return to their proper level
31. One of those causes appeared to be the preference given, by the institutions of Mr
32. The clergy, in order to preserve their influence in those popular elections, became, or affected to become, many of them, fanatics themselves, encouraged fanaticism among the people, and gave the preference almost always to the most fanatical candidate
33. deck design software that is suitable to your taste and your preference
34. I didn’t mind Autumn’s preference for the hearth and couch
35. un, sea, sand… Holidays should, for preference, be spent with your Humans
36. ungrateful boy, who seekest to gain preference with the people in this
37. Although Conservatives may be found among the ranks of both major political parties, shifting political and social alliances in recent years suggest a preference for the Republican Party; in whatever many of the rank and file have been oftentimes marginalized by Republican Party leaders
38. His seat was confirmed and also his meal preference
39. My preference would be to institute well-trained squadrons as a group, familiar with each other, using a common tactical doctrine, from day one
40. “I don’t think personal preference is an option
41. It seemed the ministry was contemplating whether or not a military coup could put chisels to good use, in preference to the usual swords, scimitars, bows, steamers, slingshots, siege engines and the good old knives it already possessed
42. Her teeth were white as ivory from the outset and her preference for chewing wood and stone kept them that way
43. Colling quickly understood why there would be a preference for a hot meal served by a couple of pretty fräuleine, rather than sandwiches eaten by the side of the road
44. Slowly, but surely, with frequent reference to the wisdom of those who have gone before, an ever more complicated body of rules, delineating the acceptable limits of individual industry, beyond which the needs of the community must take preference, was promulgated
45. OBJECTIVE: The XUSING Project as pilot project can be applied in any region with preference in frontier areas that involve 3 countries at the least
46. Gender preference is pretty much the same pattern as above
47. A preference for the secondary valleys
48. As it happened, a couple of the guards were great storytellers and they were more fun than the Khan’s guests, but I was surprised that Theodore would be so sure I would share his preference
49. Our sexual preference and sexual orientation again according to the source, what is causing the gay this behavior, roughly in these circumstances, a: there is some family, when the boy girl, the girl raised when a boy, cause the child's gender confusion, will affect their sexual orientation or sexual preference
50. could act on the planet, my preference was in Europe