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    Usar "premises" en una oración

    premises oraciones de ejemplo


    1. interest – including visiting the customer premises on a purely

    2. He took some pictures with his camera phone, then crossed the road and entered the narrow little premises that was the bane of Darklow's new debtor classes

    3. They vacated the premises and gave the keys to the court

    4. Given her brother’s obvious lack of filial concern for his sister and given Annie’s disgust at his behaviour, there seemed little alternative but that she should vacate the premises

    5. We do not stay up too late, it has been an emotional day and I cannot help thinking that we might find it a little inhibiting having my son on the premises tomorrow night

    6. that she should vacate the premises

    7. As far as he could tell, the occupants of the Lexus were strangers to him, which means that Jock has to be on the premises somewhere

    8. The premises where food handling takes place has to be approved and licensed

    9. The construction of the premises must be inspected by several layers of government at several times

    10. peeping tom on the premises, and there was already security a mile down the road

    11. smoke! Other families filled the premises and waved to

    12. and cooked on the premises

    13. There were also eight staff that lived on the premises

    14. he entered the premises, stabbed, and thrown out the

    15. As such, he faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

    16. As such, he had faithfully complied with body, mind, and pocketbook to the best of his abilities with the premises and objectives of the material-world maxims, wanting to be a model citizen respected among his peers for his conformity and his open willingness to be “one of the gang

    17. To achieve this, Feng Shui masters may recommend placing an aquarium at a strategic location in one’s premises

    18. They are used for flooring in the premises with intensive movement and high requirements to purity

    19. I have with me a warrant to search your premises

    20. They stood silently looking at the beauty and then Elizabeth said, “I remember one of my neighbors telling me that locals had volunteered to maintain the premises but had to give up a couple of years ago

    21. Thus, the ship was ordered to immediately to evacuate the premises

    22. Rand further advises that if you think you have encountered a contradiction, check your premises, because one of them will be wrong

    23. Bernie claimed to have nothing to do with it, that it belonged to one of his girls, but it was on his premises

    24. Being in the College premises made him nervous

    25. Art Stupefaction conceals an inherent baseness common to affected styles and manners that is often lost on the casual observer, captivated as many of them are by erratic forms for their own sake without giving considered thought to their (social) implications; radical ―art‖ forms whose intended meaning, if any, are often unclear, its premises anti-social, tasteless, adolescent, absurd, valueless and immoral

    26. Assumptions by modern revisionists seeking to belie historical traditions, avidly supported by special interests with political axes to grind, however discredited such assumptions oftentimes are, may further promote muddled-headed thinking by ultimately winning the battle of ideas, however questionable their premises, by perpetuating falsehoods that, on the surface, oftentimes appear plausible to variable, ―discerning‖ young minds armed with partial knowledge, but sufficient enough to receive distorted impressions at their face value, rendering many vulnerable to questionable or unlikely propositions that bear little or no resemblance to the truth; advanced by (political and social) deconstructionists alienated from their (hated) customs, offering in exchange, contemporary standards predicated on historical fallacies, deception, inflicted reasoning and ignominious viewpoints

    27. I am sure all will be at the new Dog School premises for it moved in the 22 years since I left

    28. A moral relativist, on the other hand, is likely to embrace a broader set of (moral/ethical) assumptions whose arbitrary premises are less in keeping with absolute ideas that otherwise require critical thinking

    29. An individual may be aware of having achieved some contingent level of (material) competence in whatever manner, although an awareness of such competence oftentimes implies a presumption of knowledge based on reasonable evidence or what is otherwise assumed to be conditional knowledge because of the (existing) possibility of (potential) misunderstanding(s) or other faulty premise(s) that would otherwise call its absolute certainty into question

    30. The former is oftentimes based on faulty (intellectual) assumptions or premises or an inability to think (critically); the latter, on deficient reasoning

    31. Let us say you have a mine or any other premises in Africa and the fence around it is electrified as it often is

    32. That certain elements in our society consider tax-relief counter productive to the interests and material well-being of every citizen would be advised to sign up for an introductory course in Economics 101! (If in fact our college professors understand its basic premises) It was not owing to chance that Mr

    33. We don't know -what the exact time he arrived at apartment 3C, but he had a key to enter the premises

    34. One of my basic premises, is that none of us can really change who we are

    35. His Thai wife took over the premises with some bungalows and they have added more

    36. “We both disagree with its premises and its conclusions

    37. If I tried, I would be removed from the premises

    38. The focus of this evaluation is in the efficiency of as this Project is conducing its activities with productivity, that is, to do the same thing with much less, to satisfy the premises of the new organization style that it produces the operational gain and to obtain the same results with utilization of only 20% of the 100% that today are spent

    39. I‘m here to escort you off the premises

    40. “The purpose of our search would be to locate and remove any of the Divergent from the premises

    41. When her school was taken over by the government (this was happening again!), I moved with the staff and a new principal to large modern premises on the edge of the city

    42. He claimed that he saw dead bodies on the premises of the crematorium

    43. With the initial inspection, the research team found a human skull and some human bones on the premises

    44. The research team detected a total of 339 dead bodies on the premises which were not cremated

    45. In spite of this finding, 339 bodies were half buried, stacked in storage rooms, rotting or simply discarded in the bushes on the premises

    46. How to conduct a church-less funeral? Very simple! Last respects and the viewing of the body can be arranged at the undertaker’s premises

    47. The funeral procession will then make its way to the cemetery, from the undertaker’s premises

    48. Undertakers normally have a small chapel at their premises for a small funeral service

    49. If this option is chosen one would also need to pay for the viewing room at the undertakers premises

    50. Family and friends are informed that the body may be viewed at the undertaker’s premises, if the relatives choose this option

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