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    Usar "probate" en una oración

    probate oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Jack died in the November and by the time we had got probate and so on, it was nearly February

    2. ‘Yes, he set up a practice in Taunton – mainly wills, probate and conveyancing – did quite well too

    3. 'I worked in a solicitors' once - mainly probate

    4. ’ … already decided that to offer to help her out with it … know a bit about probate and property law … Sally might need things explained

    5. able to assist with probate matters and fiduci-

    6. “It’s in probate, but it’s hard to tell who owns it

    7. "I talked to our attorney, and he needs you guys to sign some papers at the probate hearing this morning

    8. For example, if the individual who passes away has children, some states require that the children and the surviving spouse split any asset that goes into probate

    9. The Realities of Probate

    10. Consequently, attorneys and financial planners often encourage people to structure their estates in ways that will avoid probate

    11. That may or may not be beneficial, given that probate court systems in many states have been restructured in recent years and there are only certain types of assets that aren’t required to be probated

    12. What is probate and how does it work? There are actually two facets to the process commonly referred to as “probate

    13. The probate court, depending on the state, determines that the will is your last statement confirming the disposition of your estate and officially appoints the person or business that you have already chosen to administer the will (your executor)

    14. In addition to the formalities, the term probate is also applied to the whole process of gathering and paying any final bills and taxes that are filed against the estate, as well as distributing the remaining assets to the heirs

    15. The actual amount of compensation may be provided for in the will, or could be a percentage established by the particular state’s probate laws

    16. A living trust, which passes property to your heirs prior to your death is often marketed as a way to avoid probate

    17. not have to go through probate, despite the original intentions

    18. It is the very process of settling those same taxes and administrative details that can delay and extend the process of probate

    19. Thus, depending on the state where the property is being dispersed and the extent of the estate, the actual time frame and cost of probate can potentially be less than those involved in the distribution of a living trust

    20. Probate, therefore, is generally a necessary court procedure through which a person’s final will is confirmed and the proceeds from it are distributed

    21. Because states have been working toward simplifying the procedures involved in probate, it is not something that must necessarily be avoided at all costs

    22.  Is the attorney active in the Probate and Trust Law Section of the Bar Association or any of its committees?

    23. This college has a National Directory of Estate Planning, Probate and Elder Law Attorneys

    24. The Truth About Wills and Probate

    25. since I would be the judge overseeing the probate and disposition of

    26. We would need to show strong reason for a lawyer to make disclosures of probate

    27. Then with the advent of the New Year the ill wind that blew the death of her cousins Harry and Gary Hatfield resulted in a probate that declared Grant Tripp, journeyman butcher of Auckland and Susan Hyde, jockey of Sydney Australia, to be the only beneficiaries of their estate

    28. You can’t really appreciate the value of this unless you’ve been involved in a lengthy and stressful probate battle in the past

    29. If you have an IUL, you can totally and completely avoid probate

    30. These funds are completely exempt from probate and drawn out legal battles

    31. in probate show that Mrs

    32. If he should be so minded as to visit Australia to claim his newfound inheritance, he, Mr Ainsley, would need to take no end of documentation with him, like proof of identity, death certificates, copies of Julie’s will, probate forms etc, etc, which he, Mr Smithers, would be happy to put together for him, for a small fee of course

    33. 3) Estates -- Several years ago I purchased a course on how to buy real estate through probate

    34. A probate is the legal procedure that heirs must often go through to claim property of deceased relatives

    35. A probate is public record so anyone can access the records

    36. Lesson To Be Learned 12: The Probate Court Must Approve

    37. the Probate Court would be involved in the minor settlement process

    38. The county’s Probate Court acts to

    39. For all settlements over $10,000, the county’s Probate Court will

    40. Getting the Probate Court to approve a settlement for a child adds

    41. After receiving the application, the Probate Court sets a hearing that

    42. discussed above, and the Probate Court application process and hearing

    43. Lesson To Be Learned Recap: The Probate Court Must

    44. The probate court judge determines how a settlement or award is to be distributed among the potential beneficiaries based on the relationship to the child and the degree of loss to the beneficiary

    45. Probate : The review or testing of a will before a court of law to ensure that the

    46. “These documents from down in probate show that Mrs

    47. The valuation of the assets is actually being done for inheritance tax purposes, and it is usually within this period that the District Probate Registry or Probate Office will issue a Grant of Representation

    48. Keep in mind that any late payments done on your inheritance tax, especially those that are no longer within the valuation date set by the Probate Office will result to additional charges on your payment

    49. Probate is a public court proceeding and anyone can find out about your private affairs

    50. There master Courtenay, sitting in his own chamber, gave his rede and master Justice Andrews, sitting without a jury in the probate court, weighed well and pondered the claim of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter of the will propounded and final testamentary disposition in re the real and personal estate of the late lamented Jacob Halliday, vintner, deceased, versus Livingstone, an infant, of unsound mind, and another

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