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    1. solve problems and that it can be a lot of fun

    2. There are a number of organic problems of the heart and circulatory system, glands and hormonal system, and the nervous system that can, to varying degrees, diminish male capacity for and interest in sex

    3. · Ability to meet the demands of life by handling problems as they come

    4. Take decisive actions, rather than detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away

    5. Developing confidence in your ability to solve problems and trusting your instincts helps build resilience

    6. Try these tips to overcome sleep problems:

    7. The world has changed so comprehensively that we can no longer deal with our day-to-day problems by simply using our bodies’ physical powers

    8. Dealing with long term problems was not envisaged

    9. Forces not under our control create most of the problems

    10. Negative thoughts and actions initiate health problems and more importantly do not allow we to recover fast

    11. Elevating the legs at the end of a long day helps to prevent problems with the blood vessels in the legs, as does wearing support stockings

    12. · A tremendous increase in the consumption of medical drugs, with and without doctor’s advice, to treat common as well as chronic problems

    13. Couple this loss of needed activity with the dietary habits of modern man, and constipation, along with numerous other problems, is the likely result! In fact, today, it is common for people to report to hospital emergency rooms with terrible back and sciatic pain, only to be told that they are constipated and given a laxative, which frequently alleviates the back or sciatic pain

    14. His eyes told him immediately that he should have paid more attention to the astronomical news Ennin warned him about and less to stewing in his own woman problems

    15. Make a list of any problems you're having taking the medicines as prescribed

    16. Ask your doctor to help you work on each of those problems

    17. Home treatment is merely a very simple and widely practiced form of interventionist treatment for mild health problems like pain, indigestion, constipation, mild diarrhea, nasal congestion, general weakness, mild skin rashes and so on

    18. Alternatively we may have problems with our dentures

    19. Animals fed DE have fewer problems with intestinal parasites

    20. Their technicians maintain the entire system and you never have to worry if it has problems

    21. Learn timing, planting too early or too late will cause problems and attract slugs/snails and other pests


    23. The loss of balance that leads to serious, injury-producing falls can be traced to age-related changes in the brain, diminishing vision, inner ear problems, weakening of the legs and trunk and/or the declining reliability of sensory mechanisms that let the brain know where the limbs are in space

    24. Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician

    25. Bifocals and trifocals create problems in seeing obstacles

    26. The Invisible Gardener says: “You can avoid many problems associated with high nitrogen use imply by understanding the organic system of providing nitrogen as the plant needs it

    27. Problems with Abstract Thinking

    28. As with memory, mood, and behavior problems, the physical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease tend to worsen over time

    29. One of the biggest problems facing the grower is de-mineralized soil

    30. During the next few years you should work on reducing the chemicals used by ••• then eventually not using any chemicals at all and be 100% Organic! Any problems your plants may have can be treated with the appropriate organic controls; some of which are mentioned in this book

    31. Stress and Health Problems

    32. One has to highlight the rules of God about what is right and what is wrong in respect of serious problems like drugs, alcohol, pre-marital sex etc so that they can have the moral courage to refuse on their own

    33. Chemical Fungicides destroy the bacteria & “Goods Guys” in the soil, and can cause health problems in humans and animals

    34. While Municipal Corporations and the state government have their responsibilities, with the increasing urban population, haphazard growth of slums and colonies, the problems cannot be solved without the involvement of the people

    35. Pay special attention to the bathroom, kitchen and laundry rooms as these are the places most of your water is used and a great number of problems arise

    36. Specifically mentioning his name and the reason for eliminating him will avoid any future problems

    37. Consider the many chemicals on the market today and the many health problems that arise from their continual use

    38. It is no surprise that most of the health related problems of women have been given names that start with MAN

    39. Your chart,” he ruffles through some papers pinned to a clipboard, “says that you have stomach problems

    40. The approach should fit in the community context, reinforcing the traditional value of respect for the elderly in order to strengthen informal, family care for older people while utilizing their influence to solve day-to-day problems and obtain the cooperation of village population to the government

    41. Watch for any signs of problems

    42. Prayers are usually to get over the current problems or to achieve our material aims

    43. ‘Is it going to cause you problems, not getting the rent on that house?’

    44. ‘I’ve just had a conversation with Stephen Merrett … gather you are having problems with your tenants

    45. comes from the home: If people would go back to the basics and grow their own food, and take care of their bug problems naturally, chemical pollution would no longer be a problem

    46. “After all, these problems exist all over the world

    47. Then they set me problems in new markets and with

    48. close your eyes, abstract yourself for a moment from all the problems and

    49. "Are you having any problems at home?"

    50. I couldn't blame personal problems, I wasn't allowed to mention the recession

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