Usar "pronouncement" en una oración
pronouncement oraciones de ejemplo
1. " He wondered how much of that pronouncement was due to the fact that Estwig was moving to this end of the harness and could be listening
2. were all interrupted by the pronouncement from the
3. Guichard telling him of their pronouncement
4. That is the most awesome experience of our lives!” The rest of the company on the bridge clapped loudly at her pronouncement; they were genuinely thankful to be part of the Huntress's crew
5. " Upon being reminded of this pronouncement, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr
6. Is this, or is it not, worth pondering? Then of course you have to wonder about her pronouncement that she, as an Hispanic, could render decisions more just than could a white male
7. Particularly in light of the fact that she was here making her pronouncement because of one of
8. “I am reforming my squadron!” With this pronouncement she motioned the others
9. ” Somonik pronounced when the din had died down a bit, but his pronouncement only triggered another round of cheering
10. This pronouncement of people coming from afar pictures the gentiles who will contribute to the furnishing of the Temple under the Messiah’s reign
11. Word of Hadya’s pronouncement spread from the back alleys of the French Quarters, to the Steam Boats docked along the Mississippi, to the Police Station that housed the drunks and prostitutes
12. The day before, John had made his positive pronouncement to Andrew and Ezra that Jesus was the Deliverer
13. 8 This was not all that Jesus said on that occasion, but it is the introduction of his address, and he went on at great length in amplification and in illustration of this pronouncement
14. And again and again he impressed upon them that love is the greatest relationship in the world -- in the universe -- just as truth is the greatest pronouncement of the observation of these divine relationships
15. Their difficulties were all the more aggravated because Jesus had refused to make any pronouncement upon the subject
16. 3 When the Pharisees from Jerusalem, together with other scribes and lawyers who sat with them, heard this pronouncement by Jesus, they began to say to themselves: "How dare this man thus speak? Does he not understand that such words are blasphemy? Who can forgive sin but God?" Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus reasoned within their own minds and among themselves, spoke to them, saying: "Why do you so reason in your hearts? Who are you that you sit in judgment over me? What is the difference whether I say to this paralytic, your sins are forgiven, or arise, take up your bed, and walk? But that you who witness all this may finally know that the Son of Man has authority and power on earth to forgive sins, I will say to this afflicted man, Arise, take up your bed, and go to your own house
17. 11 Nathaniel was enlightened, and shocked, by the Master's pronouncement
18. He was terribly disappointed that Jesus did not follow up this wave of popular favor with some kind of a pronouncement
19. On the other hand, if he should advise the payment of tribute in so many words, they rightly calculated that such a pronouncement would greatly wound the national pride of his Jewish hearers, thereby alienating the good will and affection of the multitude
20. The Master's teaching is basically a spiritual pronouncement
21. 4 "The kingdom of God is within you" was probably the greatest pronouncement Jesus ever made, next to the declaration that his Father is a living and loving spirit
22. Is there a single statement or pronouncement that signifies
23. pronouncement of the man's death
24. He bowed deeply again to the Emperor and made a pronouncement, basically writing off the alternate war plans he had in mind before coming to the conference
25. ‘struggle’, but, is often interpreted as a pronouncement of ‘war against all unbelievers’ or - in the
26. risk and interpretation, and not just the straightforward pronouncement of a rise in sales
27. Pleased though Mark was to have his initial diagnosis confirmed, he felt that this pronouncement didn’t really leave us any closer to solving it
28. At this pronouncement Mark raised an eyebrow
29. With that pronouncement, Frank cut the engine off before I could say anything in protest
30. The lyrical pronouncement ended and the
31. ” The royal pronouncement was followed by the
32. But the central plank of his current pronouncement focuses on other issues
33. The wanderer was shocked and confused by the pronouncement and was reluctant
34. Quite a few faces showed signs of puzzlement at that pronouncement, but Lazano offered no further explanation as he continued, �There are no tricks involved in what you are about to see
35. The wanderer was shocked and confused by the pronouncement and was reluctant to take
36. But what action? Krishn’s pronouncement is that men should do selfless
37. Krishn’s pronouncement is that it can be had from only one source,
38. As the Soul is identical with God, the pronouncement also implies that
39. ” The all but shouted pronouncement was punctuated by Cam slamming the front door
40. It is thus that a single pronouncement is assigned various implications
41. and the pronouncement, “I know exactly what we should do! You
42. ” Sake said to those of us whose iEyes were being unilaterally chosen and remotely transferred by GovCorp's IspyEye to a pronouncement by Morganic's – Recreating the Apple into the EVErlasting Tree of Life – president Job Wall
43. horrible life – I saved him from that!” At this pronouncement, Christine fell against the
44. she howled her pronouncement in the roar of laughter
45. Ignoring their reactions to her sudden pronouncement, Kathy continued
46. Startled by this whimsical pronouncement and hearing the underlining seriousness behind his amused words, Kathy’s eyes flew to his
47. Having watched her closely, throughout all these proceedings, Joel saw again, the unmistakable flash of fear in her eyes, as his friend made this pronouncement
48. Okay - Okay…” Kathy grinningly amended, when she glanced over her shoulder at Joel, and found him quirking one of his eyebrows in patent -but- amused disbelief at her pronouncement
49. Joel laughed, for in the background, he could hear his oldest niece, Karen, declaring that as the oldest she got the honor of holding their baby brother first…and her sisters were verbally disagreeing with her pronouncement
50. Once decreed, it was a matter of honor to fulfill her own pronouncement