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    Usar "proper name" en una oración

    proper name oraciones de ejemplo

    proper name

    1. ’ He said, surprising me – although I have called the thing that in my mind, I didn’t for a moment think it was the proper name

    2. 'Don't ask me what its proper name is

    3. places and have a proper name: Persian carpets

    4. -- Of the nouns, 35 are proper names, or 7 x 5

    5. cousin Clay who had died two years before and his proper name

    6. Oddly; proper names meant nothing to the translator

    7. This title is misread as 'Jasher', and at some point Jasher is treated as a proper name; however the pronoun 'the' (Hebrew 'ha') never precedes proper names

    8. however, the child could recall a number of proper names, places and other specific details from

    9. There are about twenty known categories that the brain uses to organise knowledge, including fruits/vegetables, plants, animals, body parts, colors, numbers, letters, nouns, verbs, proper names, faces, facial expressions, emotions and sounds

    10. Why does it not have a proper name?

    11. All the scenes were recorded live in Palestine during the life of Jesus, whose proper name by the way was Yeshua

    12. could not seem to match the face with the proper name

    13. Those children, apart from their proper name, also legally add the name of their genitor when signing documents

    14. the Name, speaks of more than His proper name; it speaks to His authority,

    15. Over and upon this current benchmark we could gather out all the necessary òats` to bale out a proper name that has to be respected out by everyone since the godfathers are going to be chosen and selected out from ùs`

    16. Over and upon this current benchmark we could gather out all the necessary `oats` to bale out a proper name that has to be respected out by everyone since the godfathers are going to be chosen and selected out from `us`

    17. Jerusalem is the Jewish and Christian city replaced by the Kaaba; the worship of the sun and moon identified by Arab paganists is attend by the Islamic religion, in the form of proper names to people example: Hilal (a crescent), shams (sun) which was the Goddess of several tribes honored

    18. Only about five people had turned up! Danny said the place would fill later, then introduced me to the band, which includes Graham Declan, Theo Steer, and somebody called Stripehead, who wouldn’t tell me his proper name

    19. proper names: McDonald's did not name their store Hamburger

    20. Notice how the absolute phrase Los ojos fijos is broken by theinsertion of the proper name

    21. There are clubs and organizations and social cliques where the coin of the realm is not money or influence, but the proper name

    22. Once the images are downloaded to a folder, it is good practice to immediately back-up that folder (with proper name and date) to another hard drive or removable media i

    23. By his own reckoning, Willian Frederick Cody, to use his proper name, killed, between 1867-68, a period of 18 months, 4280 bison; but he didn't do it for fun

    24. He always called his wife by her proper name, Katerina, and never failed to get annoyed by the pet name I had adopted

    25. In his new hotel, which had a proper name this time (the Royal, no less) he had tapped into a uniquely complicated conflagration of ley lines, which by themselves would have been powerful enough

    26. that parables do not use proper names

    27. Neither sheol nor hades are a proper name, Hell is a proper name; therefore, sheol or

    28. Gehenna is a proper name; Hell is a proper name that is not a translation of Gehenna;

    29. are two different proper names of two different places

    30. Gehenna and Hell are two different proper names of two completely different places

    31. Note: the King James Version in both Isaiah 14:9; 26:14 and 26:19 changed the Hebrew proper name, Rephaim, to “the dead,” the New American standard changed it to “the spirits of the dead” in 14:9, and “departed spirits” in 26:14 and 26:19

    32. Proper names like Jerusalem, New York, and Gehenna are the same in most languages, and should not be translated, but common nouns must be translated to be understood, not left untranslated or transliterated

    33. Neither sheol nor hades are a proper name, Hell is a proper name; therefore, sheol or hades is not Hell

    34. Gehenna is a proper name; Hell is a proper name that is not a translation of Gehenna; the name Hell did not exist unto long after the New Testament, did not exist when the name Gehenna was used in the Bible

    35. Gehenna and Hell are two different proper names of two different places

    36. It has no proper name, appears on no maps and no one has ever visited it except those that have always lived there or those who always will

    37. The objection of others is that parables do not use proper names

    38. case characters only for the beginning of sentences, proper names and points needing emphasis

    39. The names have been purposely concealed; my father himself does not know who this president was, and if he knows, he cannot tell you; proper names are not in the dictionary

    40. {217} And as in other fairs of less moment, there are the several rows and streets, under their proper names, where such and such wares are vended; so here likewise you have the proper places, rows, streets, (viz

    41. This of course is the way to talk to dragons, if you don't want to reveal your proper name (which is wise), and don't want to infuriate them by a flat refusal (which is also very wise)

    42. 'What about?' asked Frodo, ignoring the sudden use of his proper name

    43. The proper name of the South American bushmaster, Lachesis muta, is loosely translated as “silent fate”, which reflects its reputation in its native South America’s equatorial forests east of the Andes, and the island of Trinidad

    44. obeyed as an intelligence rather than as a king; endowed with observation and not with divination; not very attentive to minds, but knowing men, that is to say requiring to see in order to judge; prompt and penetrating good sense, practical wisdom, easy speech, prodigious memory; drawing incessantly on this memory, his only point of resemblance with Caesar, Alexander, and Napoleon; knowing deeds, facts, details, dates, proper names, ignorant of tendencies, passions, the diverse geniuses of the crowd, the interior aspirations, the hidden and obscure uprisings of souls, in a word, all that can be designated as the invisible currents of consciences; accepted by the surface, but little in accord with France lower down; extricating himself by dint of tact; governing too much and not enough; his own first minister; excellent at creating out of the pettiness of realities an obstacle to the immensity of ideas; mingling a genuine creative faculty of civilization, of order and organization, an indescribable spirit of proceedings and chicanery, the founder and lawyer of a dynasty; having something of Charlemagne and something of an attorney; in short, a lofty and original figure, a prince who understood how to create authority in spite of the uneasiness of France, and power in spite of the jealousy of Europe

    45. ‘This is the planet Tyrr,’ she said, ‘if you want to use the proper name

    46. inattention to proper names was an aristocratic habit of his

    47. We’ll call the canal the Rockefeller Canal and the mountain King George Mountain and the sea the Dupont sea, and there’ll be Roosevelt and Lincoln and Coolidge cities and it won’t ever be right, when there are the proper names for these places

    48. Henry Crawford had too much sense not to feel the worth of good principles in a wife, though he was too little accustomed to serious reflection to know them by their proper name; but when he talked of her having such a steadiness and regularity of conduct, such a high notion of honour, and such an observance of decorum as might warrant any man in the fullest dependence on her faith and integrity, he expressed what was inspired by the knowledge of her being well principled and religious

    49. To Daudet the choice of proper names was always a matter for careful consideration

    50. 41 24 Crusoé: the final e of English proper names terminating in -oe is ordinarily pronounced in French; cf

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