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    Usar "property owner" en una oración

    property owner oraciones de ejemplo

    property owner

    1. There was just his commercial registry listing and his property ownership listing

    2. This space is a burden on the property owners above because of risk to structural columns running thru it

    3. The last and best property scam is where you are the property owner and then a developer approaches you to develop the property

    4. David Nachimzon and Eugenia Szajkowska neé Friedberg, blood relatives of the property owners described in the affidavit?”

    5. The judge looked at the witnesses and asked, “Do you testify that you are familiar with the petitioners and that they are blood relatives of the property owners?”

    6. Benek, Staszek and Adas each testified separately that they knew me and my aunt Eugenia and of our relationship to the property owners

    7. The taxpayers and property owners who made this town what it was

    8. Only white property owners could vote, with Asian voting specifically forbidden and almost all Native Hawaiians barred by literacy tests

    9. Voters, often limited to large property owners, could only vote yes or no, and turnout was very low

    10. In addition, the property owners within a school district pay a mill-levy tax on their property which is arbitrarily established by the School District

    11. We discovered also that some former managers had given away our boards to property owners, although we couldn’t prove it because the leasing and inventory records were so inaccurate

    12. situated at the back belonging to the property owner’s son and family, who were currently

    13. He was one of the biggest property owners in the northern part of the country

    14. His sincerity impressed the property owner, and he accepted the proposal

    15. Christians upholding uplift ideology based one’s status on a hard work, high moral standards, fathers providing for their families as head of their homes, thrift, and property ownership

    16. As I said, manhood depended on high moral standards, productivity, education, authoritative rule in the home, providing to protect one’s wife by keeping her out of the work force, thrift, and property ownership

    17. They actually are the real property owners, except for a closet that’s yours

    18. property ownership varies according to the circumstances and the type of initial contract you

    19. But, because you’ve structured the Intellectual Property ownership

    20. It turned out that her uncle, the one who disappeared with her dad, was a wealthy property owner

    21. Stalin and his henchman Hrustczov had no doubts that it was the intelligentsia, which included all intellectuals, property owners, churchmen, and all state officials and their families, which had to be destroyed in order to remodel Polish society

    22. Comparing them to the property owners on the

    23. Credit is a loan that a property owner secures that can be repaid

    24. Once I damn near decapitated myself on a single strand of barbwire that some asshole property owner had stretched across the river

    25. father was formerly a wealthy property owner who was forced to contribute most of

    26. He gives notice to the property owner that he is leaving and fortunately collects his security deposit

    27. At the request of folks there, a “sister” Center will be opened on Rota in the near future, with donations from Tinian’s Center to get them started, thanks to the donation of a building by a generous local property owner

    28. Dorf was going to levy an assessment on downtown property owners for new sidewalks

    29. hindrance of the current property owner, the

    30. about the place beyond property ownership

    31. rights, property ownership rights you wil be entitled to on Mars

    32. Now; the new elite is comprised of such a complex, intertwined, constantly changing gang of stockbrokers, powerbrokers, elected and appointed officials, corporate bigwigs, Media personalities, owners, stockholders, property owners, etc

    33. And the property owners know this

    34. If the government can demonstrate that the property is needed for the public good and provides fair compensation, the property owner has no recourse

    35. to the state on the same terms as those accorded to the other property owners, namely - in return for a pension

    36. Around here, property owners who sell out to the coal companies are not held in high regard, and she was terrified of what her neighbors would think

    37. Investors and property owners of all kinds were wiped out when the Communists took over all private property for the state in Cuba in 1960

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