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    proportions oraciones de ejemplo


    1. scores had reached epidemic proportions

    2. “The devastation in Agrea was of mammoth proportions,” Briz

    3. The idle everywhere consume a great part of it; and, according to the different proportions in which it is annually divided between those two different orders of people, its ordinary or average value must either annually increase or diminish, or continue the same from one year to another

    4. Before the discovery of the mines of America, the value of fine gold to fine silver was regulated in the different mines of Europe, between the proportions of one to ten and one to twelve ; that is, an ounce of fine gold was supposed to be worth from ten to twelve ounces of fine silver

    5. About the middle of the last century, it came to be regulated, between the proportions of one to fourteen and one to fifteen; that is, an ounce of fine gold came to be supposed worth between fourteen and fifteen ounces of fine silver

    6. When he was but an infant, Jakkar suffered a malady that twisted his body into wicked, unhuman proportions

    7. His spine was shaped into an S, one leg failed to grow since infancy, while the other thickened and stretched beyond human proportions every passing year

    8. Different occupations require very different proportions between the fixed and circulating capitals employed in them

    9. A certain quantity of very valuable materials, gold and silver, and of very curious labour, instead of augmenting the stock reserved for immediate consumption, the subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements of individuals, is employed in supporting that great but expensive instrument of commerce, by means of which every individual in the society has his subsistence, conveniencies, and amusements, regularly distributed to him in their proper proportions

    10. He sensed a failure of catastrophic proportions

    11. however, employed in each of those four different ways, will immediately put into motion very different quantities of productive labour ; and augment, too, in very different proportions, the value of the annual produce of the land and labour of the society to which they belong

    12. His face was very ugly, stretched to titanic proportions, and there was only the pit of an old injury where one of his eyes should have been

    13. It is thus that the same capital will in any country put into motion a greater or smaller quantity of productive labour, and add a greater or smaller value to the annual produce of its land and labour, according to the different proportions in which it is employed in agriculture, manufactures, and wholesale trade

    14. It would be a scandal of huge proportions

    15. The proportions between the bank price, the mint price, and the market price of gold bullion, are nearly the same

    16. Their employer, as he advances to them the stock of materials, tools, and wages, necessary for their employment, so he advances to himself what is necessary for his own maintenance; and this maintenance he generally proportions to the profit which he expects to make by the price of their work

    17. Where the fees of court are precisely regulated and ascertained where they are paid all at once, at a certain period of every process, into the hands of a cashier or receiver, to be by him distributed in certain known proportions among the different judges after the process is decided and not till it is decided ; there seems to be no more danger of corruption than when such fees are prohibited altogether

    18. The outburst at this statement would have gone to astronomical proportions had Mars not chosen that moment to begin laughing out loud, shocking the hall to silence

    19. My digital measure is accurate to one hundredth of a millimetre and those proportions are totally precise

    20. By noon the whole frontal attack had stalled once more and with no ground taken hardly the whole thing like the past two days was an absolute shambles a cock up of massive proportions

    21. They really are a curse of biblical proportions and their constant buzzing is deafening when they are present in such numbers

    22. The produce of the latter may, at different times, bear very different proportions to that value

    23. Now that his surroundings were to normal proportions he should be able to get through that door

    24. Zolla had never before set eyes on a vessel of such gargantuan proportions

    25. The palatial residence destroyed in the last campaign has been replaced by a heterogeneous collection of well-built wattle huts of enormous proportions and barn-like appearance

    26. This cleansing has reduced the death-rate to regular proportions, yellow fever during the past summer has been unprecedentedly scarce, and when the projected canal is cut, to flush out the vast cesspool, Havana harbour, the city, quaint and beautiful despite the dirt, will become a Mecca for winter tourists

    27. This is especially true in highly congested (urban) areas where commuter travel has assumed nightmarish proportions

    28. It has reduced fat ingredients to take away some the guilt associated with a dessert of such proportions

    29. “Of course, they have grown to such proportions, because they have plenty to eat

    30. The eels eat them and, thus, grow to such gigantic proportions

    31. "Oh, shit," was all I could think of to say as I sat frozen to my seat, staring uncomprehendingly at the empty space that up until a few seconds ago had been filled by the ample proportions of Detective Inspector Grunt

    32. Clearly, the later, a man of slight proportions, wearing glasses and a vest with many pockets was confused and uncomfortable as they approached – that was a good sign, wasn’t it? Gawking at the approaching women, he pulled himself to his feet in the narrow space between chair and table

    33. The worry she’d assigned to recruiting Caroline hardly seemed worth losing a day over, a feeling that was strongly reinforced when she awoke the next morning with a hangover of enormous proportions and an airplane to catch, but the many pieces were in place and maybe in time to prevent a shortage of product

    34. He let Edward explain his problem, then threw a price out that would be considered high in New York: for Costa Rica, it was a number of astronomical proportions

    35. There was something about the way she clenched and opened her fists continuously that made me believe that just a glimpse of her mind right at that time would have felt like a floating balloon does in a shitstorm of monumental proportions

    36. He instantly dropped the beer can he had strapped on his back, threw away the dick-shaped carrot and T-string, and rushed over to me, skunk still in hand, while Novorski erupted into an evil uproar of demonic proportions that frankly sounded like someone facing severe stomach trouble

    37. The most important piece of news, without which the telling of the story would have become pointless and would have disappeared from the lexicon of storytelling, was this: that there had been a flood of monumental proportions at some time in the ancient past of the original storytellers

    38. Of course all these prospective dates are at the least speculative, all that we can be relatively assured of by the many accounts, two of which I have used here, is that a flood of monumental proportions occurred somewhere north of the Mesopotamian landscape and probably sometime within the early organization of the farming communities that eventually were to attain the complexity of small city-states

    39. His apparent need to reduce to physical proportions a more than physical Being seems to have taken on the aspect of addiction

    40. Mother Earth will unleash the negative energy that the global corporations have created through their overwhelming voracity; that karmic retribution will indeed incite a war of apocalyptic proportions between her and mankind

    41. Apparently older boys had learnt the art of stretching break times to infinite proportions to allow themselves time for other pursuits, sadly for God Boy this skill was eons away, he had to lump it for

    42. And I saw other lightnings and the stars of Heaven, and I saw how He called them all by their names and they listened to Him; And I saw how they are weighed in a righteous balance according to their proportions of light:

    43. proportions, and we'd gone out a few times before that New Year’s Eve, when he'd

    44. Our ancestors knew so much more than us, and they left us elaborate monuments of grand proportions so that we would not forget about our obligation to truth

    45. And I saw other lightnings and the stars of Heaven and I saw how He called them all by their names and they listened to Him; And I saw how they are weighed in a righteous balance according to their proportions of light:

    46. hurt that he had felt for so many years diminished to bearable proportions

    47. At first glance they appeared identical, with the size and the long and light proportions of fine sprinting horses

    48. Most are capable of becoming wizards, elves moreso than unicorns, and elves produce the highest proportions of wizards of serious power

    49. Youssaf was left to wonder aloud, “Can he do it one more time? I’ve seen him rise to one tough challenge after another in the short time that I’ve known him, but can he really step up to one of such immense proportions? This is by far the biggest operation that he’s ever tackled, including the river, the plagues, the labor camp, starvation, and the trek that brought us all here

    50. He now seemed to have risen to larger-than-life proportions at the apex of the hill upon which he stood

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