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    Usar "prosperity" en una oración

    prosperity oraciones de ejemplo


    1. prosperity without dependence on money; to boundless health and a

    2. happened!” We affirm our healing, prosperity, salvation of our chil-

    3. And how will this be so? It will be in the same manner in which the next verse speaks of Jesus’ prosperity

    4. How do we see prosperity? It is through the resurrection of Jesus and the glory of God raising us up by that same power

    5. Hay: It is a sign of riches, prosperity, and a happy love affair for the unmarried

    6. Oak: It augurs a long life of riches and prosperity

    7. Pine-tree: It is a sign of prosperity; yet, it could also mean that someone needs your help and you still haven't realized it

    8. Wheels: If you see wheels moving, it is a sign of prosperity in business

    9. Ba’al was the god of rain, and therefore prosperity

    10. Babylon is the symbol for merchandise and prosperity

    11. The population of the world was already over twenty billion and growing rapidly, faster than agricultural science and prosperity could keep up with in many areas

    12. In all, keeping in mind this: What is best for the group's prosperity?

    13. prosperity in unlawful groups

    14. crooked? 14 In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; yes,

    15. Mandy however exceeded everyone's expectations through her exceptionally level-headed thinking, and eventual prosperity in the restaurant business

    16. The same statutes of apprenticeship and other corporation laws, indeed, which, when a manufacture is in prosperity, enable the workman to raise his wages a good deal above their natural rate, sometimes oblige him, when it decays, to let them down a good deal below it

    17. Their operation in the one way may endure for many centuries, but in the other it can last no longer than the lives of some of the workmen who were bred to the business in the time of its prosperity

    18. The most decisive mark of the prosperity of any country is the increase of the number of its inhabitants

    19. Labour is there so well rewarded, that a numerous family of children, instead of being a burden, is a source of opulence and prosperity to the parents

    20. Your loss affects the prosperity of the entire town,’ said

    21. To complain of it, is to lament over the necessary cause and effect of the greatest public prosperity

    22. prosperity of its inhabitants

    23. When profit diminishes, merchants are very apt to complain that trade decays, though the diminution of profit is the natural effect of its prosperity, or of a greater stock being employed in it than before

    24. Holland is at present in this situation; and a considerable part of ancient Italy seems to have been so during the prosperity of the Romans

    25. No, Lemoss, its just the environment here, what with Tom Foolery's new motor factory, the prosperity of the place generally seems to attract avarice, that's greed to you Flitter up there all high and mighty

    26. with a prosperity that has earned the envy (and

    27. prosperity, a closer inspection of the inhabitants betrayed

    28. When we are in want of necessaries, we must part with all superfluities, of which the value, as it rises in times of opulence and prosperity, so it sinks in times of poverty and distress

    29. Their real price, the quantity of labour which they can purchase or command, rises in times of poverty and distress, and sinks in times of opulence and prosperity, which are always times of great abundance ; for they could not otherwise be times of opulence and prosperity

    30. This, however, seems to be the effect, not so much of any diminution in the value of silver in the European market, as of an increase in the demand for labour in Great Britain, arising from the great, and almost universal prosperity of the country

    31. At present, the value of the tea annually imported by the English East India company, for the use of their own countrymen, amounts to more than a million and a half a year; and even this is not enough; a great deal more being constantly smuggled into the country from the ports of Holland, from Gottenburgh in Sweden, and from the coast of France, too, as long as the French East India company was in prosperity

    32. Our tanners, besides, have not been quite so successful as our clothiers, in convincing the wisdom of the nation, that the safety of the commonwealth depends upon the prosperity of their particular manufacture

    33. Whether the one or the other of those two events may happen to take place, is of very little importance to the real wealth and prosperity of the world, to the real value of the annual produce of the land and labour of mankind

    34. The order of proprietors may perhaps gain more by the prosperity of the society than that of labourers; but there is no order that suffers so cruelly from its decline

    35. But the rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with the prosperity, and fall with the declension of the society

    36. But though the circulating gold and silver of Scotland have suffered so great a diminution during this period, its real riches and prosperity do not appear to have suffered any

    37. providing general prosperity – is to keep the

    38. because – on the other hand – the prosperity

    39. fol owing, despite of the prosperity acquired it

    40. What in the days of its prosperity had been saved from that annual produce, and employed in purchasing gold and silver

    41. The increase of those metals will, in this case, be the effect, not the cause, of the public prosperity

    42. The progress is frequently so gradual, that, at near periods, the improvement is not only not sensible, but, from the declension either of certain branches of industry, or of certain districts of the country, things which sometimes happen, though the country in general is in great prosperity, there frequently arises a suspicion, that the riches and industry of the whole are decaying

    43. “You must have visited during a time of prosperity

    44. it began a period of prosperity for

    45. The course of human prosperity, indeed, seems scarce ever to have been of so long continuance as to unable any great country to acquire capital sufficient for all those three purposes; unless, perhaps, we give credit to the wonderful accounts of the wealth and cultivation of China, of those of ancient Egypt, and of the ancient state of Indostan

    46. Proud owner of a celebrated baritone, he’d won many singing contests at the Festival of Dionysus back when Smyrna knew prosperity

    47. What would it have been, had the law given no direct encouragement to agriculture besides what arises indirectly from the progress of commerce, and had left the yeomanry in the same condition as in most other countries of Europe ? It is now more than two hundred years since the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth, a period as long as the course of human prosperity usually endures

    48. The country, therefore, could never become either richer or poorer by means of it, except so far as its prosperity or decay might indirectly influence the state of foreign trade

    49. They may flourish amidst the ruin of their country, and begin to decay upon the return of its prosperity

    50. To see an oak tree in your dream symbolizes longevity, stability, strength, tolerance, wisdom and prosperity

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    prosperity successfulness affluence abundance