Usar "protract" en una oración
protract oraciones de ejemplo
1. To improve the ability reach forwards and protract the shoulder
2. Instruct the patient to protract their neck
3. Instruct the patient to protract and retract their shoulders
4. To improve the ability to protract the shoulder
5. The guest did not protract his stay that evening above an hour longer
6. Their guest did not protract his stay that evening above an hour longer
7. I should wish now to protract this moment ad infinitum; but I dare not
8. The main arguments against it were, that it would destroy all that had already been done in Committee of the Whole, and probably present a system at length to the House which would not be approved, and thus produce no other effect at this late period of the session than to protract discussion; and also that it would encourage that speculation now going on in the mercantile towns, and be ruinous to many men of moderate capitals who had embarked their all in the purchase of produce, in the certainty that the embargo would be raised on the 4th of March
9. "—And as many of the evils which flow from the influence of this opinion on the policy of foreign nations, may be removed by any act that can produce unanimity among all parties in America, I voluntarily tender to you, sir, such means, as I possess, towards promoting so desirable and important an object; which, if accomplished, cannot fail to extinguish, perhaps forever, those expectations abroad, which may protract indefinitely an accommodation of existing differences, and check the progress of industry and prosperity in this rising Empire
10. The present condition of Russia, although her people groaned under a despotism of the most unrelenting nature, must excite the sympathy of every man in this country, because she was contending for her independence, and he would wish her complete success in the war in which she was now engaged, but that her triumph would protract the restoration of peace to his own country
1. They’re both of an age that has shared the vicissitudes of the Three Day Week, the Winter of Discontent and New Labour's protracted birth pangs amid Thatcher's dose of social realism, but the horizons on view throughout their shared histories have been very different
2. teaching contributions are not protracted or do not
3. It was now close to the end of April and we were due to go back into the front line this time for a protracted stay as we moved up I noticed for the first time some old graves off to our left on the corner of a woods
4. Holland, settling down for a long and protracted call, was forced to use all his wiles and persuasive ways as he explained the reasons for his request
5. breakfast was a protracted meal, to which the "children" came down
6. During the protracted truce the formation of our lines completely changed, and nightly, the troops closed in, drawing the cordon tighter
7. Wood‘s enormous talents have ―suffered‖ a recent set back, his ―denial‖ is merely defensive posturing common among many successful athletes whose skills have diminished and are no longer able to perform on a level many have grown accustomed or who simply find themselves in the throes of a protracted slump
8. The report gave me the impression Nigel would try to avoid a protracted court battle over the third CD
9. Tucker had the financial resources to withstand a long legal siege, but I thought it only fair that I make the other members of the band aware of the repercussions of a protracted court battle
10. Chofsky laid out Terry’s plan for a protracted legal battle that would have shut down your cash flow for the next three years, and you asked him what you could do to get the deal done
11. “Don’t you see it John? The case is watertight against me, I can’t let my family and friends go through with such a protracted case as this, the bank will suffer from the bad publicity too
12. nor a protracted process; earnestness is the only condition of
13. Q: Can I avoid this protracted battle with my mind?
14. repetitive and protracted, while the way of Yoga is deliberate
15. There were no protracted
16. Obviously, the decline was protracted over centuries
17. 1835 The USRCS joined other military services in the protracted Seminole Indian wars
18. They heard a low mournful sound, slow and protracted
19. often causes a more painful and protracted mourning period for the family
20. His rehabilitation treatment went on for a protracted period until he was able to be discharged with medication to keep him calmed down
21. The transformation of the inner man is often an intense and protracted struggle
22. The good and bad sides of the force duke it out in a protracted and violent series of battles where we are not really sure who is going to win, though eventually the good guys come through in the end
23. next few centuries, we waged a protracted war with the organism, killing it in order to pave the
24. Finally, after a protracted wait, Marsellus spoke to his friend
25. After relaying protracted often heated negotiations, the satellites reported a brilliant flash that could only be the detonation of a hyper drive
26. There was a protracted silence as all three of them looked at each other
27. small victory in this protracted affair
28. Even Yamamoto, the architect of Pearl Harbour, knew that Japan could not win a protracted war and had hoped for a compromise peace with his country’s great Pacific rival
29. Certainly the inexperienced forces that took part in Torch were fortunate that the French did not put up protracted resistance
30. Hitler saw the Channel as Britain's salvation, not his own failure to plan for a protracted war
31. But if the Germans chose to fight in the rugged Italian terrain, they might provoke a protracted campaign that would probably require the Allies to increase the resources in a theatre relegated by the Combined Chiefs to subsidiary importance
32. Thankfully, such a sordid and protracted imbroglio could be avoided; however, it was questionable why a member of the local government would conduct business with an as-yet-unidentified individual at a rather secluded bed-and-breakfast
33. America’s will or cripple the navy, virtually gauranteed a bloody, protracted affair
34. protracted period of time (meaning years), have a body mass index or BMI of more than
35. At least in that respect, the protracted wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had taught the wrong lessons to too many people about the proper place of drones in the American military arsenal
36. In one of his films there was a protracted struggle while Cary Grant aided by his leading lady killed a Russian agent
37. Kierd then launched a retaliatory expedition and, last we heard, were still in the middle of a protracted siege of Narad�s capital
38. After a protracted discussion, they agreed with his plan on one condition
39. iteration, and that the revisions become, if not always less deep, at any rate less protracted
40. Hence, when engaged in a protracted process,
41. protracted sabbatical would soon end, and that devoting himself to spreading his knowledge
42. Bernhardt was stoical –she knew she had no choice– but she had a protracted
43. On to a journey as tiresome but not as protracted as the one of two decades
44. How can you have a corrupt political system if there are no issues you can successfully lie about for any protracted amount of time, eh? If a politician is found out to be corrupt they should be fired
45. In both England and America: the middle class is already been half-destroyed by a steady, protracted, systematic attack by the rich that is now over 100 years old
46. Because they were the only ones that stayed in any area for a protracted period of time
47. The conflict to establish new borders lasted ten days in Slovenia, but Croatia and Bosnia were subject to a protracted Serbian attack, administered and controlled by the communist Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic
48. Make attention deficit disorder a common disease of young minds so they will not be able to focus on anything for any protracted length of time
49. die, but be kept alive in indescribable torments, protracted to the greatest possible extent? Would
50. suffer, however protracted his calamities were, and were likely to be, he had the utmost confidence
1. If it be employed so as to carry on the war with vigor, he would not shrink from any appropriation which could tend to produce that effect; by protracting the contest for the want of means, expense will be accumulated, and we should achieve nothing