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provision oraciones de ejemplo
1. Low government revenues in rural areas and urban bias in central resource allocation have meant that social service provision has tended to start in cities and extend only gradually to the countryside
2. of God’s provision and His laws of multiplication to put in all she had
3. Caesar used to take bread and give it away in public as a symbol of his provision
4. There is actually something more important than the sanitation and provision of food
5. It's a bright world out there for anglers, and for the men who provision them
6. We pulled the money out of our suit coats—another provision of
7. wharf appeared to have no provision for loading or
8. river of love, strength, and provision always flowing for those
9. miracles of provision, and I am learning that Jesus is truly all I
10. supply the Kingdom with the provision to build the house of
11. provision for the Kingdom
12. ability for the troops to receive provision
13. In Nehemiah’s day, the provision for the Levites was not getting
14. give to those who truly use provision for God’s purpose and bear
15. Though he has generally in circulation, therefore, notes to the extent of a hundred thousand pounds, twenty thousand pounds in gold and silver may, frequently, be a sufficient provision for answering occasional demands
16. In the political body, however, the wisdom of nature has fortunately made ample provision for remedying many of the bad effects of the folly and injustice of man ; it the same manner as it has done in the natural body, for remedying those of his sloth and intemperance
17. In these circumstances, there seem to be but two methods by which the state can make any tolerable provision for the public defence
18. But whatever may have been the good or bad effects of the independent provision of the clergy, it has, perhaps, been very seldom bestowed upon them from any view to those effects
19. Their first demand was generally that he should silence and subdue all their adversaries; and their second, that he should bestow an independent provision on themselves
20. When we decree God’s provision and blessings over our lives, then anything purposed against our provision and blessing can have no further say in the matter
21. In contract law, the provision that, should one provision of a law or contract be dismissed as invalid, no other provision shall be affected
22. Up here the shops were smallish, and chiefly of the provision
23. I, Myself, shall be his provision!
24. It tells me practically nothing, I've left no provision for warnings or alarms, or a log to store them in
25. Shortly after, they returned with two sacks full of wooden cups, which they had found in a provision carriage
26. He is also making provision to bless the giver at a later time
27. Enilia stayed back with the horses that stood a length behind the provision carriages and grazed
28. Seen from today’s perspective, it seems ridiculous to count a person as a fraction, but the provision helped contain the institution of slavery compared to a whole vote
29. 22 And Solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal,
30. The provision to protect our borders seemed especially reasonable
31. 23 And he prepared great provision for them, and when they had eaten and drunk, he sent them away, and they went to their master
32. all these things, and to build the palace, for the which I have made provision
33. The Constitution’s only mention of the Indians rested with Article I, Section VIII’s provision that “Congress shall regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states and with the Indian tribes
34. • SaaS or Software as a Service relates to the provision of software over the
35. 15 I will abundantly bless her provision; I will satisfy her poor with bread
36. Ladder: To rise or to decline; to become empowered to touch the heavens; provision to break away from captivity; provision to enter something
37. Wilderness: Separation from the Lord; desolation; place of provision; guidance; God’s mighty deeds; where the heart is tested; wandering and
38. the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at
39. plan that was the Lord’s provision for Joseph’s family’s future provision in a time of
40. For the above reason, the Lord made provision that the tribe of Levi - the sole priestly
41. Chapter 28 Isaac’s idea for the provision for Jacob means that again the laws of
42. Verse 10 - Provision of the land lying unused every seventh year is
43. given here, as well as provision for the Lord’s day observance
44. Verse 14 - Provision of three annul feast days in the year
45. Verse 20 - The provision of an angel, and the warning in connection with his provision
46. There is scriptural provision for the salvation, including eternal life, of a believer’s
47. humble repentance, and reliance on His provision through a loving act of grace
48. The provision for the escape for all within buildings marked with the sign of the cross
49. them, and provision of victuals
50. In verse 5, Paul states that the divine provision of hope will not disappoint us due to a farther
1. provisioned the activists with foods forbidden
2. The troop moved with well-practiced precision and was amply provisioned
3. Fully provisioned, they left the town by a route that Colling guessed would lead them in a northerly direction
4. We left right after breakfast and after we had provisioned ourselves with all the technology that the city had to offer
5. We will need that long to get the ship provisioned, and we can leave with convoy
6. When Peter, Buddy, Daisy and a hundred people all related to the Solomon and Abrams families disappeared without notice after Peter had been fitted with new passenger modules and provisioned for a very long voyage, every intelligence service in the galaxy knew something was up, but none of them knew what it was
7. Isaac said, “I have provisioned Elizabeth with enough food for you and the kids for ten years
8. “We have procured a Class Two cargo ship to use as a tender and provisioned it for a year’s voyage
9. There is some debate as to how this can be provisioned by the website and what constitutes approval from the user
10. ����������� �Are they provisioned and ready for combat, Captain?�
11. 50 caliber heavy machineguns of the P-38N, this beast has four 20mm cannons, each provisioned with 150 rounds
12. I was again provisioned by the tree-’puses
13. The ships had been provisioned
14. on to Earth so, after seeing Mars many elected to continue their journey on the ships once they had been provisioned
15. There stood the stallion named Flin, saddled and fully provisioned
16. They have prepared for this war more intensely than any war of the past and have amassed an army of approximately eight hundred thousand men that is fully provisioned and should be ready to march within the month
17. provisioned for the cruise; there is no lack of any good thing
1. maintenance and provisioning for the next leg of the voyage
2. Jose had finished provisioning the boat for a week’s cruise
3. Do you have friends who like a spot of tea? Are they traditionalists? If you know of a person who likes tea time or appreciates a good bedtime brew, you are remiss in not provisioning the individual with the popular beverage
4. The captain had no choice but to do as he was bid, so hastily provisioning his
5. Just as Prince Andrew met Nesvitski and Zherkov, there came toward them from the other end of the corridor, Strauch, an Austrian general who on Kutuzov’s staff in charge of the provisioning of the Russian army, and the member of the Hofkriegsrath who had arrived the previous evening
6. With regard to commerce and to provisioning the army, the following was placarded
7. Now that most of his Companions had rejoined him, he had Mor Jacques, the order’s chief administrator, to help with the unaccustomed task of organizing and provisioning a large, disparate army
8. He was trying to recruit a cousin who, he said, was a wizard at provisioning as well as a master accountant
9. For example, a virtual hard disk, when copied over the network for a virtual machine provisioning process, would take hours to complete the copy process depending on the virtual hard disk size as the copy process takes place over the network
10. The compute resource: This resource allows one to manage multiple hypervisor platforms, server hardware such as iLO and IPMI, bare metal provisioning with cluster creation, and storage provisioning
11. The announcement that the provinces occupied by the Grande Armée would be retained by France, and that the nobility and officials would, under no circumstances, be allowed to return, encouraged the peasantry in some districts to assist in provisioning the invading army
12. But is the disciple of the world in a more desirable situation? We are so accustomed to believe in all we do for the so-called security of life (the organization of armies, the building of fortresses, the provisioning of troops), that our wardrobes, our systems of medical treatment, our furniture, and our money, all seem like real and stable pledges of our existence
13. “Now, I'll tell you something right here, young man,” began the staff-captain in a more serious tone, “you are to understand that when you command a battery, if you manage things well, that's sufficient; the commander of a battery does not meddle with provisioning the soldiers; that is the way it has been from time immemorial in the artillery
14. Just as Prince Andrew met Nesvítski and Zherkóv, there came toward them from the other end of the corridor, Strauch, an Austrian general who on Kutúzov’s staff in charge of the provisioning of the Russian army, and the member of the Hofkriegsrath who had arrived the previous evening
15. With regard to commerce and to provisioning the army, the following was placarded everywhere:
1. Dave checks their provisions
2. Our driver began unloading packages and provisions from the boot and seemed to take forever
3. Berndt is providing all the items we need in the tent (!), sleeping bag and provisions line, though I shall be responsible for my own clothing and personal requirements
4. But he insisted a detail should accompany her and carry any provisions she needed
5. and he would need provisions for the trip
6. adequate provisions, since the failed Ambush at
7. They readied their provisions and set off for the site being readied for the Sacré-Cœur Basilica located at the summit of the butte Montmartre, the highest point in the city
8. Amendments to these requirements and provisions shall be the responsibility of the School Committee, by charter
9. When at last all provisions for the property and estate were concluded, they boarded the train for Tahoe and did not look back
10. 26Those who eat from the king’s provisions will try to destroy him; his
11. provisions, when I became aware of being followed up the
12. and their hundredweight of provisions, we waved a fond
13. After I had found by experience the ill consequences of being abroad in the rain, I took care to furnish myself with provisions beforehand, that I might not be obliged to go out, and I sat within doors as much as possible during the wet months
14. Their usual pretences are, sometimes the high price of provisions, sometimes the great profit which their masters make by their work
15. The price of provisions is everywhere in North America much lower than in England
16. Secondly, the wages of labour do not, in Great Britain, fluctuate with the price of provisions
17. The high price of provisions during these ten years past, has not, in many parts of the kingdom, been accompanied with any sensible rise in the money price of labour
18. It has, indeed, in some ; owing, probably, more to the increase of the demand for labour, than to that of the price of provisions
19. Thirdly, as the price of provisions varies more from year to year than the wages of labour, so, on the other hand, the wages of labour vary more from place to place than the price of provisions
20. Fourthly, the variations in the price of labour not only do not correspond, either in place or time, with those in the price of provisions, but they are frequently quite opposite
21. But the same cheapness of provisions, by increasing the fund which is destined for the maintenance of servants, encourages masters, farmers especially, to employ a greater number
22. But the high price of provisions, by diminishing the funds destined for the maintenance of servants, disposes masters rather to diminish than to increase the number of those they have
23. The rents of the one, and the profits of the other, depend very much upon the price of provisions
24. Through the variations in the price of labour not only do not always correspond with those in the price of provisions, but are frequently quite opposite, we must not, upon this account, imagine that the price of provisions has no influence upon that of labour
25. Though the money price of labour, therefore, is sometimes high where the price of provisions is low, it would be still higher, the demand continuing the same, if the price of provisions was high
26. The scarcity of a dear year, by diminishing the demand for labour, tends to lower its price, as the high price of provisions tends to raise it
27. The plenty of a cheap year, on the contrary, by increasing the demand, tends to raise the price of labour, as the cheapness of provisions tends to lower it
28. In the ordinary variations of the prices of provisions, those two opposite causes seem to counterbalance one another, which is probably, in part, the reason why the wages of labour are everywhere so much more steady and permanent than the price of provisions
29. appropriate the provisions of the Kingdom and to finance moves
30. collected the prices of labour and provisions in ancient times, and who have taken pleasure in
31. The price which the town really pays for the provisions and materials annually imported into
32. dealers, by regulating the price of provisions and ether goods
33. In March 1764, there was a parliamentary inquiry into the causes of the high price of provisions at that time
34. It therefore ordains, that all servants and labourers should, for the future, be contented with the same wages and liveries (liveries in those times signified not only clothes, but provisions) which they had been accustomed to receive in the 20th year of the king, and the four preceding years; that, upon this account, their livery-wheat should nowhere be estimated higher than tenpence a-bushel, and that it should always be in the option of the master to deliver them either the wheat or the money
35. been reckoned a very moderate price of wheat, since it required a particular statute to oblige servants to accept of it in exchange for their usual livery of provisions ; and it had been reckoned a reasonable price ten years before that, or in the 16th year of the king, the term to which the statute refers
36. ‘You’ll need to take lots of provisions with you, then
37. By diminishing the number of those small occupiers, therefore, the quantity of this sort of provisions, which is thus produced at little or no expense, must certainly have been a good deal diminished, and their price must consequently have been raised both sooner and faster than it would otherwise have risen
38. They stopped for provisions in a small
39. In an improved and cultivated country, therefore, their interest as landlords and farmers cannot be much affected by such regulations, though their interest as consumers may, by the rise in the price of provisions
40. But the rise in the price of provisions, which has been the subject of so much reasoning and conversation, does not affect all sorts of provisions equally
41. Taking the course of the present century at an average, the price of corn, it is acknowledged, even by those who account for this rise by the degradation of the value of silver, has risen much less than that of some other sorts of provisions
42. The rise in the price of those other sorts of provisions, therefore, cannot be owing altogether to the degradation of the value of silver
43. provisions, of which the price has actually risen in proportion to that of corn
44. The opinion, therefore, that silver is continually sinking in its value, seems not to be founded upon any good observations, either upon the prices of corn, or upon those of other provisions
45. The same quantity of silver, it may perhaps be said, will, in the present times, even according to the account which has been here given, purchase a much smaller quantity of several sorts of provisions than it would have done during some part of the last century ; and to ascertain whether this change be owing to a rise in the value of those goods, or to a fall in the value of silver, is only to establish a vain and useless distinction, which can be of no sort of service to the man who has only a certain quantity of silver to go to market with, or a certain fixed revenue in money
46. If the rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing altogether to a fall in the value of silver, it is owing to a circumstance, from which nothing can be inferred but the fertility of the American mines
47. But if this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a rise in the real value of the land which produces them, to its increased fertility, or, in consequence of more extended improvement and good cultivation, to its having been rendered fit for producing corn; it is owing to a circumstance which indicates, in the clearest manner, the prosperous and advancing state of the country
48. If this rise in the price of some sorts of provisions be owing to a fall in the value of silver, their pecuniary reward, provided it was not too large before, ought certainly to be augmented in proportion to the extent of this fall
49. But if this rise of price is owing to the increased value, in consequence of the improved fertility of the land which produces such provisions, it becomes a much nicer matter to judge, either in what proportion any pecuniary reward ought to be augmented, or whether it ought to be augmented at all
50. As the division of labour advances, therefore, in order to give constant employment to an equal number of workmen, an equal stock of provisions, and a greater stock of materials and tools than what would have been necessary in a ruder state of things, must be accumulated before-hand