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    Usar "public relations" en una oración

    public relations oraciones de ejemplo

    public relations

    1. “Correct, public relations are necessary too

    2. One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes

    3. "Isn't it a beautifully constructed thing", said the two public relations wiz kids, and they explained every nuance, every intimation and every statement, overt or implied

    4. “There is a legend that over a thousand years ago, the venerable Matriarch, perhaps Reja Grenassia III, like our own present Matriarch has to some degree, initiated a program of 'public relations' to curb the vitriolic suspicion and loathing the other peoples of the Spur continued to maintain toward us

    5. Why did the signature have the suffix “Corporate Communications”? It was bad enough that the Colonisation Program was no more, but why was interstellar communication being handled by a public relations department? He could only guess at what must have changed back home for ESA to handle things in that way

    6. The US, and the Kuwait government in exile, used over 70 public relations firms, spending over $20 million to build US public support

    7. The Committee on Public Information made some of the first widespread uses of public relations

    8. Hand them a big public relations scoop on a silver platter, and the Company would have the Ministry eating out of its hand

    9. For $100 million is less than many major companies spend on public relations

    10. He would, with all due respect, be thinking of a public relations opportunity

    11. “Hi there!” He kicked into the public relations gig

    12. This was as good a way to spend money on public relations as any other

    13. The public relations director

    14. As though I didn’t have enough to do, Nic and I started evening classes in Public Relations, a diploma course over three years for two evenings a week

    15. Whenever possible, he wanted to make a new start and Public Relations looked like a good place to begin

    16. Always lurking at the perimeter of freedom there are not only the tyrant, but also the softer-spoken regulator, public relations manager, school administrator, intellectual, news editor, professor, lawyer, and teacher

    17. As Johnnie Babcock later put it, a public relations genius, which my father was, clearly relishes the opportunity to crown a prince or king, providing it is he who also is feted

    18. He already had publishing, public relations, promotion advertising, and franchising under his belt

    19. At the Johnson School my major, once again, was marketing, and I also got high marks in the business administration, business law, advertising, public relations, personnel, political, and production courses

    20. By the time I got through my first year at Cornell in 1961, I had interviewed for and been given a salaried position for the summer, as director of public relations for the United Way of Raleigh, so I wouldn’t be separated from my fiancée during those months

    21. While in Charlotte, I also served on the public relations committee of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, and working at Kincaid was great, continuing the satisfaction I felt during my seven years at JWT

    22. As a member of its public relations committee in 1975, I was named bid chairman and publicity director, heading the project of bringing the Junior Olympics to Ithaca

    23. In 1976, I joined the public relations council of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce

    24. I served as the public relations director of the Tompkins County Conference and Tourist Council and as chairman of the sign ordinance committee and legislative action committee and acting chairman of the nominating committee

    25. Over the years, Pops served in many capacities at NC State, including president and chairman of the board of the University Alumni Association, chairman of the public relations committee of the Development Council, and chairman of the Board of Trustees in 1977

    26. Farming and food products gave him his start in public relations, promotion, advertising, franchising, citrus grove and timberland ownership, real estate and investments

    27. Pate was the university’s public relations representative and Mr

    28. "It's a public relations war, and we are losing it," Whitey replied in a disgusted tone

    29. Putting on his best public relations grin, he met them head on

    30. I should have asked what kind of work she was doing in public relations in Bitterfeld

    31. The definition of Public Relations (PR) is the managing of internal and external

    32. The problems remain even when attempts to change the numbers, create spin control or focus the conversation elsewhere are used as a public relations effort

    33. Public Relations assumed the role of spin control to influence the masses

    34. What is the thing that you can offer during a public relations event that’s going to make you

    35. How’s publicity different than public relations? Publicity, to me, is getting that face

    36. The official definition of public relations is the managing of outside communication of an

    37. Public relations is anything you

    38. speaking on a stage so that’s public relations

    39. I want you to have a clear understanding about public relations

    40. marketing, media, and public relations and in daily communications as a means of

    41. Writing a chapter in a book, by the way, is good public relations

    42. public relations by appearing in those things

    43. your Web site? Create your own public relations material using publicity that you’ve received

    44. Attempting to change the conversations with public relations campaign 2

    45. Marketing and Public Relations is a by-product of communications with new rules for creating attention

    46. If you are in the midst of writing a book for your own credibility and more public relations then

    47. That brings value and credibility to you because it’s a public relations activity

    48. Publicity and public relations are about creating

    49. Posting to a blog is public relations

    50. This is another example of public relations activity that you can

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