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    Usar "puller" en una oración

    puller oraciones de ejemplo


    1. When she a little after, puller her head away it proved even more difficult than it had been before

    2. Cheet handed over the puller

    3. Just after Jason went outside to try out the bat and pads, he cracked one of his close friend Richie Benaud’s jokes, ‘He’s usually a good puller, but he couldn’t get it up that time,’ he laughs, repeating one of the best known lines from his BBC commentaries

    4. The land component of her joint task force, under the command of Brigadier General Lewis Puller, had also started to arrive in Da Nang, lodging themselves in the newly built camps around the airfield

    5. That sight brought some good humor back to her: her deputy commander, Brigadier General Lewis Puller, was arriving, along with the men of the 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group

    6. Puller, a barrel-chested man with a rather ugly face and a gruff attitude, smiled as he stepped back from her to contemplate her

    7. That made both Puller and Bank laugh

    8. It isn’t exactly general officer’s quarters standards but I was told by General Puller to keep it simple…and discreet

    9. As the five men in casual civilian clothes went with Watson towards the communications section, Brigadier General Lewis Puller entered the operations center and went to Ingrid, having apparently been just told of her arrival

    10. ‘’Hell, I knew that those communist leaders were the paranoid type, but this is utterly ridiculous!’’ Exclaimed Lewis Puller, assembled with the other commanders and main staff officers of the joint task force around a map board with Ingrid Dows

    11. All the while, Lewis Puller could only admire the way Ingrid was conducting business

    12. Puller himself had often been guilty of such inter-service rivalry in the past, something he now realized fully as he watched Ingrid command her joint task force

    13. This allowed Ingrid to proceed quickly, with Lewis Puller and Teresa James helping her by selecting the gifts and putting them at her feet as each child came up

    14. I will now give the microphone to Brigadier General Lewis Puller, Deputy Commander of the Joint Task Force - Indochina

    15. With the congressional delegation, USO troupe, reporters and aides taking place in the two buses with their luggage, Ingrid rode with Vice-President Warren in her jeep, while Chesty Puller gave a lift in his jeep to Lieutenant General Whiteman, the representative of General Omar Bradley, the Chief of the Joint Staffs, and to James Grover McDonald, a State Department representative

    16. Without thinking Teller dived to his left and puller Brigit behind him up the path which steadily climbed the hill in a random zigzagging fashion

    17. The best way to describe it is that it is a putty knife, nail puller, and roller-cleaning tool all in one

    18. If you aren’t able to pull it off, there is a tool available called the “third hand” or brake cable puller

    19. puller was trying to load in five times its capacity and a group of tanned

    20. “Is that all you told them?” asked Puller

    21. Puller closed the door behind him and headed down to confront the stars and suit

    22. “In his condition the visits are rarely nice, sir,” said Puller

    23. Puller sat across the table from the three men and waited expectantly

    24. “He’s nothing if not consistent, then,” replied Puller

    25. Puller slipped the card into his pocket without answering

    26. Puller gazed at the one-star

    27. Puller gazed at the man

    28. Daughtrey said, “He was guilty, Puller

    29. Puller walked out wondering what the hell had just happened

    30. When Puller had first met her, Julie Carson was an Army one-star assigned to the Pentagon with designs on at least one and possibly two more stars before her military career was finished

    31. Puller had run into her during a case he was investigating in West Virginia

    32. The two had started out as adversaries and then months later had ended up sharing a bed while Puller was investigating his aunt’s death at her home on the Gulf Coast of Florida

    33. Puller still had nightmares about it

    34. And no Robert Puller in attendance

    35. It suddenly occurred to Puller that he had never really talked about his brother with her

    36. And it also seemed apparent that Carson wanted to know if Puller thought his brother was guilty

    37. ” As he said these words, Puller felt a sharp pain in his chest, his breathing grew shallow, and sweat appeared on his brow

    38. Puller took a long breath and then said again more forcefully, “He’s my brother!”

    39. Puller put down the phone, sat back, and closed his eyes

    40. Loyalty mattered to John Puller

    41. But Robert Puller knew his way around computers and every known way to trace, hack, or spy on their users

    42. Personal honor meant everything to John Puller Jr

    43. And sometimes Puller had held back just a bit, because he never played the short game

    44. And though he no longer wore the uniform, Puller intended to abide by these rules to the extent he could

    45. JOHN PULLER KNEW that flying was out, because ticket purchases by credit card could be traced, and he figured a number of computerized eyeballs would be pointed his way

    46. Yet because Robert Puller had been convicted of national security crimes, responsibility for his case fell largely to the special agents of Army Counterintelligence and the FBI

    47. However, Puller had worked on parallel investigations with both agencies and considered them highly capable

    48. John Puller had looked to his older brother for advice on all important decisions in his life, from asking a girl out to what position to play on the high school football team, from much-needed help on a physics exam in his junior year of college to the most appropriate way to approach their father about his decision not to go to West Point and become an officer

    49. It was Bobby’s advice, all of it good and on point and well-intentioned, that had helped make Puller what he was today, for better or worse

    50. The two brothers, both tall and well built, though John was the taller and stronger of the two, had sat across from each other in the visitors’ room and Puller had talked and Bobby had listened

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