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    Usar "purposefully" en una oración

    purposefully oraciones de ejemplo


    1. Berndt’s concerned eyes upon her, she pulled herself together and strode purposefully over to where Starlight was busily nibbling at the hedgerow

    2. So Jesus made an obvious misquotation purposefully to get their attention

    3. or two figures could be seen moving around, purposefully checking

    4. She didn’t run off in tears, but her chin jutted and she strode purposefully as she disappeared down the stairs

    5. other as they moved purposefully around the area

    6. purposefully towards the back of the shop

    7. They were closing in on him, both machines striding purposefully toward him

    8. She could only move forward with a purposefully modest casting of candlelight to illuminate the paper, ignoring the yips and howls of unseen wolves

    9. Walking over to him, she bent over the counter purposefully in order to expose her large, round tits as they pushed up from her low-cut dress

    10. She had held back purposefully until she felt Rosemary could be strong enough

    11. She left the table and went to her room, refusing to rush, walking purposefully, head up, shoulders back, face set, stamping on her temper

    12. I turned and started walking purposefully to my left,

    13. He turned and walked purposefully up the worn granite steps

    14. We then set off purposefully for the house but this entailed more than we though and it took quite some time as we took one step foreword and two back

    15. A disturbance at the entrance caught their attention and Carmen turned to see Alex striding purposefully across the floor toward them

    16. purposefully to the seat beside her

    17. Soffen moved up until she was walking directly behind Brock, purposefully treading in his footsteps, something she'd done as a cub when out walking with her father

    18. Soon he was absorbed into a maze of people, each striding purposefully in a chosen direction

    19. And then Sim was gone, striding out of the conference room with arms swinging purposefully

    20. He wrote a letter to his parents, explaining that they might not hear from him for awhile, being purposefully vague, saying that his unit would be on maneuvers where no postal facilities would be available

    21. Later, in moving toward places of forage, they chanced to pass that awful thing which they’d purposefully avoided earlier

    22. Everything was neatly arranged and the room was purposefully designed with elegance and style, a feel for the finer things in life

    23. Keinalone saw him purposefully reduce his size before her

    24. It was drizzling and chilly, and the few people who were on the streets were, for the most part, walking purposefully to wherever they were going in order to get out of the weather

    25. He sees me, he thought, and stepped purposefully out into the open, calling Hilkea and the others to do the same

    26. Hilkea seemed to purposefully look only at Ea transferring his hand to hers as they passed the bramble fence that seemed to surround much of the domestic enclosure

    27. One of Yuembe’s men saw him appearing behind one of the arches, purposefully coming towards them

    28. Pigeons and swallows were trudging along stained rooftops lazily and even rats seemed attuned to the curfew, fleeing purposefully back into their shadowy nests wherever there were people left to harrow

    29. The regularity suggested that it was a purposefully planted grove, but something deeper in, darkened the shadow too much to identify what was there

    30. “Thank-you, Charles,” she said, as she strode purposefully into her bedroom

    31. They had said it in purposefully loud and threatening voices too - just to mess with me

    32. Even more selfish is the individual who purposefully seeks personal gain at the expense and pain of those others who have trusted in his or her adherence

    33. Chapter 5, “So when did mere hominid become Man? The so-called Homo erectus seems to have been a simple, tool-making ‘animal,’ which assumes an ability to retain in memory certain procedures of manufacture, along with an occasional fortuitous accidental improvement that could then have been purposefully replicated…At what point can we say that (this) proto-man became Man?”

    34. Kosmo’s belief that these subjects were brought to light as part of a “wag-the-dog” (“vag-ze-dog”) conspiracy, meaning that they were purposefully sought out and distorted, often invented and spun for propaganda purposes by the enemies of the president

    35. Since there were no perfect persons, indeed, if people were purposefully made to be imperfect, then there could be no such thing as a perfect nation, as nations were made up of people

    36. Altar: See also Mountain, Table and Skyscrapers: Prayer; were made with hands in Old Testament; place where the bloodshed is purposefully

    37. purposefully restocking the bullets into his gun-arm as he

    38. head, racing purposefully up the steps

    39. The man strode purposefully towards him, the soles of

    40. With that she shoved Levi back onto his head, purposefully knocking him out as the rear end of his skull hit the ground hard against a rounded rock that lay in its isolation among the dust and dirt

    41. appreciate Classification Officers, he often wondered if the guards had purposefully

    42. Mary Steinhauser was purposefully shot," he said

    43. purposefully shot," he said

    44. This was the only time that he had purposefully left it home to avoid being mugged … The wallet, with all his credit cards and identification, and less than one hundred U

    45. A newborn infant, for instance, can be highly influential but presumably lacks the ability to purposefully manipulate anyone

    46. When I am purposefully directing attention to an object with a low

    47. Attention is associated with the capacity of selection, where selection is often understood as a purposeful choice of object, or purposefully making the attentional field a maximum at a particular object

    48. Not all sources are purposefully accepted sources, and not all rejec-

    49. A source may be purposefully accepted or rejected

    50. we are not purposefully attending to this thought, then we can assume

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