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    quite as

    1. It wasn't quite as bad on this world as it had been at Sol, but they could still be persistent and aggressive and there were so many more of them

    2. I've not seen him quite as drawn in as this before

    3. "Well, maybe you haven't been in the loop quite as much lately, with your time off and being in the far east

    4. After that the rest of the damage didn't take too long and nothing was quite as shocking as seeing the Bechstein shattered down the middle by a tattooed gorilla with a baseball bat

    5. Using Fred’s suggestion, we are packing the barrel with damp sand to hold the tree upright and in the hope that the dampness will stop it dropping quite as fast as they generally do; this, naturally, means we need a sheet of plastic to protect the floor … oh it just gets more complicated by the second! But between us we get it all sorted out

    6. Even though she was not quite as pretty as average for a Highland Elf

    7. Zareide was quite as welcoming as she had been earlier; she even tried to send Kara away before the kaht arrived

    8. It wasn't quite as dark as it used to be when Alan finally fell asleep

    9. That could be just because he knew her better, but he detected the chance that Luray would remain somewhat more aloof and never be quite as open with him as Desa

    10. He was bigger than Lady Jennie, but not quite as big as Jake

    11. "There's a hint of seasons here, the clawleaves aren't quite as hangy as in Trenst and it's a little more obvious which is the channel here, but this is a lot of the same look, especially on the south side of the Myassa

    12. The old girl sat back in her seat, looking quite astonished

    13. I’m not in the habit of drinking quite as much as this at a sitting; I’m sadly out of practice!’

    14. ‘Come on Sally, tell all!’ she said as Sally, her face quite as red as the paintwork in my kitchen, tries to pretend she is busy doing something in the sink

    15. The crowd laughed again, not quite as hard as when she showed the sergeant to the tub

    16. Even so she didn’t think she was quite as at-ease with it as the other girls

    17. never quite as full on the way back

    18. Her face was very elegant and well shaped and smooth, an almond flavored creme in color, not quite as tan as one usually expected in this highland sunshine

    19. It seemed to Tom that Bram’s father was not quite as stiff as Bram

    20. his mother from time to time, although not quite as frequently as she

    21. “But you’ll take mine to keep yours!?” He was still shouting but not quite as shrilly

    22. Not quite as accented as Dos, much less the tribes in the pass

    23. It seemed that Aaron was quite as adept at ascertaining the depth and character of others as Harry was himself

    24. Aziz from Saudi Arabia and Mohammed who basically was doing some translating for Aziz from Saudi Arabia because his English is not quite as good as Mohammed's said they would talk it over with Pat, remember the lady was in charge of the home stay program? Pat was also Aziz of Saudi Arabia's teacher so I guess Pat also teaches at the English as a Second Language Program at Incarnate Word University which I didn't know

    25. Unfortunately our pitcher that day was not quite as good as Rich Hinton and we proceeded to lose that game when Arizona State scored at least 14 runs in the game

    26. The middle child was named Imigin, and looked a great deal like her elder sister, though thinner, with shorter hair and not quite as tall

    27. last monk was not quite as old as the other two -

    28. It wasn't quite as straight as the other, but it was wide enough for traffic to pass, and there were quite a few farm wagons about

    29. "I hadn't realized it was quite as bad as that

    30. She would look up every now and then in acknowledgment, but she decided to keep her opinions muted – after all, they were not quite as compassionate

    31. Enough so, that he found himself able to laugh as well - maybe not quite as hard

    32. There was nothing quite as exciting as having a sex scene, any kind of a sex scene, with someone young, someone you knew nothing about, not even a name

    33. Anna ran a candy shop and as the owner she quite naturally came to know a large number of youngsters, some of them not quite as young as one might think

    34. The Cape of Good Hope was inhabited by a race of people almost as barbarous, and quite as incapable of defending themselves, as the natives of America

    35. Alice did not quite like the look of the creature, but on the whole she thought it would be quite as safe to stay with it as to go after that savage Queen: so she waited

    36. She soon got it out again, and put it right; ‘not that it signifies much,’ she said to herself; ‘I should think it would be QUITE as much use in the trial one way up as the other

    37. The shore was coming closer and everything was deadly quite as we chugged in towards it the lads all wrapped up now in their own world their own personal thoughts, then all of a sudden we could hear the crack thump of bullets passing by us as we came in closer

    38. Now came the much anticipated laugh, though not quite as villainous as he expected, more muted

    39. Part of them now had stones, and rocks weren"t quite as bothersome as on earlier trips

    40. ” He grabbed a man who could almost have been his twin, except he was not quite as tall and had fiery, red hair

    41. ” Everyone went quite as this sank in I don’t know why I was being such a bastard with my mates just that my groin wound was playing up and I was running a slight fever

    42. If I remember my history, things didn"t work out quite as he had planned

    43. This would have weakened them just before our ‘Big Push’ got underway which if everyone was to be believed was not far off now though we would rather have had it quite as these raids could get you killed before you had even had the chance to take part in the forthcoming battle

    44. Representational Art has its own, although not quite as conspicuous, shortcomings, as well

    45. standardized working environments? When measured in constant dollars, is he or she properly convinced that the average worker employed in comparable positions is relatively worse off today? It seems that the (fictitious) contempt for Wal-Mart and to a lesser extent, their competitors who are being given a free pass for not performing quite as well, perhaps, has less to do with the negative impact on traditional (small) businesses and changing landscapes than their (Democrats‘) obligatory pandering to their union base whose conflicting interests, properly understood, need not be elaborated here

    46. She soon got it out again, and put it right; 'not that it signifies much,' she said to herself; 'I should think it would be quite as much use in the trial one way up as the other

    47. Marcos swallowed back his anger and smiled, even though this wasn’t going quite as he’d planned

    48. He wasn’t quite as easy as she had assumed, because he wrote a contract and had their signatures and that of a witness notarized

    49. “My,” she said, “good, but not quite as good as the view!”

    50. I picked up the bill and left a nice tip – not quite as nice as I usually left Mia at IHOP – a guy can"t be too careful

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