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    railway station oraciones de ejemplo

    railway station

    1. Kara reckoned it was a walk of two miles, three at most, from the side street where the Association was sited to the railway station and she had a good two hours in which to cover the distance

    2. 'Early morning in a railway station

    3. I disembarked at a small railway station on Salisbury plain and got a lift from a farmer to a spot close to the camp

    4. The battalion moved out and entrained at Salisbury railway station and set off for the crossing destinations the majority of the Battalion would cross for France by way of Folkestone-Boulogne

    5. We lined up in ranks dressing off under the watchful eyes of the Provost Corpsmen our transport had already set off making for the railway station a Rail Transport Officer rode up on his horse

    6. We marched through the town making for the railway station and marshalling yards I had no idea why we did this as trains could pull up right on the quay

    7. We were down at the railway station early the following morning we had breakfast around five and marched down to the station about six and then we spent the next three hours waiting for the train to arrive

    8. The surreptitious idling around the Chester railway station or

    9. I greeted him with a salute and a hearty handshake and asked him to convey my heartfelt thanks to the others and headed towards the railway station

    10. There were thousands of people at the main railway station in Moscow, men, women, children and old people, many with large packages

    11. From the NKWD headquarters, we went straight to the main railway station where I bought first-class tickets to Moscow for everyone

    12. Coming down from Milngavie Railway Station, he was met with a map of the town and a small green arrow that pointed towards the West Highland Way

    13. The entire city centre had been re-fashioned over the 20 years he had been away, but the important parts – railway station, old churches, place-names – maintained their familiarity and tugged at the memory

    14. Elizabeth held her hands over her ears for most of their ride from the railway station to their hotel

    15. That place near the railway station

    16. It was not until the morning of the second day after leaving Warsaw that they reached the main railway station on the eastern edge of Kracow

    17. When he checked with the travel office at the railway station, he was told that a train was not scheduled until the following morning

    18. He either slept in his seat on the train, or when it was necessary to lay over, stretched out on a bench in the railway station

    19. He took a taxi from the Munich airport to the railway station

    20. Sector0 railway station north of Sectors 4 and 5

    21. She went to the railway station to take the evening train to her daughter’s house in Bangalore but returned home by dinner time

    22. He saw her and the family off at the railway station

    23. short bus ride took him to the railway station, where he bought a ticket with only the minimum of linguistic difficulty, and boarded the train

    24. His hotel was near the railway station, and what a mess! He took a day tour in

    25. Then there had been the letter telling him that she had bought a yard, he was to meet her at a railway station at a certain time if he wanted to get away

    26. From the railway station you could look clean across the rubble all the way to Altona, but in spite of the depressing devastation we decided to visit one of those few places which had miraculously survived the raids until now; the notoriously sinful, wonderful, boisterous, immense, fully packed night-club just off the Reeperbahn, the Jungmühle

    27. When I turned up at the village Railway Station, however, the line had been closed

    28. Fortunately, I was spared that discovery and arrived just on nightfall in Inverness, made straight for the railway station and collapsed in front of a cup of tea and sandwiches in the cafeteria, unable to do anything except shake uncontrollably

    29. So tired I slept on the concrete platform of the railway station all night waiting for the London train

    30. She arrived at the railway station on a Friday afternoon

    31. They all stood in a huddled group on the path some stepping on to the road as if to follow, waving and crying as he walked away towards the green in the direction of the town and the railway station

    32. They were all tired but managed to struggle with their baggage to the railway station at the port to await the train on their next leg of the journey

    33. When they arrived they passed the railway station that he had departed from and walked to the park through the short cut he knew so well

    34. He had taken up a position known as a cost clerk in another company situated near the railway station close to the town centre

    35. “I could swear I saw a tear in your mothers eye” Ivan said to Matthew, teasingly as they headed towards Slough railway station, to connect with the coastal train in London

    36. The police station was about a two hundred meter walk from the railway station

    37. He felt an uneasy solitude on the bus that took him to the railway station that he would set off for London from

    38. “I walked around the remains of this once splendid town and found sanctuary in the Central Railway Station that was now out of commission after a night raid by the RAF who had found their target many times over and the station was in ruins

    39. From time to time Sam found himself in similar situations where his mind wandered back to that day near Dunkirk, then he would allow his mind back to the dark days in Tobruk where they fought the Germans hand to hand, then in his mind he was sitting in the railway station in Dortmund and once more he saw young Beck’s face on the poster

    40. "Who knows? Something happened at the railway station in Leningrad

    41. They never told me the details, just that something happened at the railway station in Petrograd

    42. Even then, no one spoke the truth about the Petrograd railway station

    43. They walked to the old Canadian Pacific Railway station and took the SeaBus across the harbour to North Vancouver

    44. Pulling to a stop five minutes later at what appears a noisy railway station Grailem pushes the panel out to allow him to slide out of the train

    45. Deciding to head back to the spaceport Grailem retraces his steps to the railway station

    46. He had been assigned the task of interviewing the railway station staff about the incident

    47. I touched his face, which was hard and cold, and I thought that might be the first time I’d touched him since he came up the stairs at Doncaster railway station at the end of the war

    48. When he left for the railway station, Zarek passed by the small

    49. Near the railway station there was another image of the Zubr: a

    50. It was coming from somewhere near the square of the railway station

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